


Izuku stood up as he had moved into a new apartment with his sisters, who still wanted to be heroes even though each of them had more than TEN of their brothers offspring in them. "Status" He said out loud as the stat board showed

Name Izuku Midoriya

Race - Hybrid

Occupation - None

Skill points: 0

Level: 24

Exp: 15472/24570

Health: 1000/1000 (150 being average civilian) 2x boosts because of oni

Energy (Ki, Chakra ect): 7500/7500 (0 Being average civilian) Awakened because of Saiyan race, 5x boosts because of Senju clan, +1500 because of Saiyan race.

Stamina: 1600/1600 (200 being average civilian) 4x boosts because of Senju bloodline

Strength: 275 (1 being average civilian) Boost x10 because of Saiyan race 3x because of Oni race and 0.5 because of shadow kin 15x in total.

Durability: 160 (1 being average civilian) Boost x40 because of Lunarian race

Endurance: 40 (5 being average civilian) Boost x2 because of Saiyan

Intellect: 80 (10 being average civilian) Boost 2x because of gamer quirk 2x boost because of Shadow kin

Dexterity: 75 (10 being average civilian) Boost 0.5x because of Oni race. 5x because of Shadow Kin

Speed: 50 (10 being average civilian) Boosts 0

Evasion: 5% (0 being average civilian) 5% + Because of shadow kin

Critical damage: 240% (20% being average civilian) Boosts 30% because of Saiyan Boost 100% because of Shadow kin

Critical Chance: 20% (1% being average civilian) Boosts 2x because of Lunarian Boost 5% because of Shadow kin

Fortitude: 35 (5 being average civilian) Boosts x7 Because of Oni race

Luck: 10 (1 being average civilian) boosts x10 because of being the main character

Izuku looked at his skills as he thought he might be able to clear one of the dungeons his quirk came with. "Store" the white haired hybrid said as the shop system came up.

You have 5100 Gold

Basic Exp potion - 10 gold

Uncommon Exp potion 50 gold

Rare Exp Potion 250 gold

Epic Exp Potion 1000 gold

Legendary Exp Potion 10000 Gold

E Class Dungeon Key 100 Gold

D Class Dungeon Key 500 Gold

C Class Dungeon Key 2500 Gold

B Class Dungeon Key 30000 Gold

A Class Dungeon Key 100000 Gold

S Class Dungeon Key 250000 Gold

"Buy One D Class Dungeon Key" Izuku said as his gold went down by 500 and the key went in his inventory, "Buy 10 Uncommon Exp Potions" He said again as the gold was subtracted from his in-quirk bank account. "Inventory" Izuku said as the inventory screen opened, He took out the key and gripped it tightly as he thought 'todays the day' and put it in his pocket. Leaving a note Izuku left with a backpack with food, water and a basic shelter (don't ask why he has that).

The ten foot tall black 17 year old went deep into the forest as he thrust the key into the air and a dimension rift opened as he did, after a bit of mental prep talk Izuku decided to walk directly in.

Spawning directly in the middle of a forest with blue trees that have pink leaves and grass as pink as those leaves, Izuku began to carefully walk inside of a church made out of the same blue wood. Izuku ducked down in order to enter the empty church, "Hmm looks like there are no mobs here" he said but was proven wrong when four goblins flew at him with the intention to slice his head off. And one of them would have succeeded if it wasn't thanks to his high durability stat, 'Damn, they do 350 damage on a normal attack' "Analyze" Izuku said and a stat sheet of the goblin came up

Name - Red group goblins

Health - 300/300

Strength: 510 (1 being average civilian)

Durability: 40 (1 being average civilian)

Endurance: 5 (5 being average civilian)

Intellect: 2 (10 being average civilian)

Dexterity: 150 (10 being average civilian)

Speed: 75 (10 being average civilian)

'So it's a glass cannon type huh' The white haired male thought as he looked over the stats of the goblins, but this time when one rushed in Izuku parried and struck it in the stomach. As the goblin spit blood out and collapsed only 1 sneeze away from death, one of its brothers charged Izuku with a knife but Izuku saw it coming and side stepped the stupid goblin. The goblin fell down and died by getting pierced by its own knife, Izuku sweatdropped as he saw his exp go up even though he didn't do anything. "Well that was something" He said before going back to fighting the goblin hoard, "Well that gave me around one and a half levels" Izuku said as he took some of the items from the goblins. "So I got seven goblins' teeth and 30 gold from that" The black winged Oni said as he used his wings to fly over the trees. 'I think I'm going to level up a bit before challenging the boss, so finding something a bit harder than goblins would be appreciated'. Izuku thought before an arrow flew past his face. "I guess i could use them to level up my abilities" Izuku said as he put his hand out and with a lot of effort crushed one of the goblins. "When i get out of here, i'm going to be able to do that with a single twitch of my finger" He said while rushing the goblin group with no plan at all. "Not doing that again" Izuku said as he checked his HP and 56/1000, Buuut 50 gold, eight goblins' tooth

And a rare drop goblin dagger. "Inventory" Izuku said as he equipped the goblin dagger +50 strength (325) and +25 dexterity (100), "Nice, now I can oneshot those stupid goblins" Izuku said.

Meanwhile at home with the sisters: The three green haired girls woke up as their alarm went off, "Good Morning" Tatsumaki said as the girls repeated her. "Where is Oni-chan?" Fubuki, being the one that noticed it, first asked her question, "He's properly out running again." Tatsumaki waved her concerns while applying baby oil to her already developing belly.

"Look" Jihibiki said as she began reading out the note that Izuku had placed out to them, "Hello my beautiful sisters, i'm sorry that i could not make it to breakfast but i'm out doing some pretty important things" Jihibiki read out loud "Hey girls" Fubuki said as she got their attention "Why don't we clean the whole apartment, and cook food for him as he comes home". She proposed as all the ladies in the room stared at her and began to make a plan for when Izuku would come home. "So when he comes home we're going to give him a bath, then we sexually stimulate him in order to get even more pregnant. Then we cook for him and then we let him relax while maybe banging one last time". Fubuki said as she went over the plan while pointing her marker at the whiteboard, the girls just nodded as they pitched ideas for how they could treat their man.

Back with Izuku -

Blood and guts spilled everywhere, limbs were ripped off, bones were broken, "And I gained 13 levels" Izuku screamed to the heavens as he did a little victory dance. "Stats" Izuku said as the stat board opened "I'm going to put four points in strength, eight in speed, and one in evasion.

Name Izuku Midoriya

Race - Hybrid

Occupation - None

Skill points: 13

Level: 37

Exp: 2893/52410

Health: 250/1000 (150 being average civilian) 2x boosts because of oni

Energy (Ki, Chakra ect): 4500/7500 (0 Being average civilian) Awakened because of Saiyan race, Boosts 5x because of Senju clan, +1500 because of Saiyan race.

Stamina: 450/1600 (200 being average civilian) 4x boosts because of Senju bloodline

Strength: 360 (1 being average civilian) Boost x10 because of Saiyan race 3x because of Oni race and 0.5 because of shadow kin 15x in total.

Durability: 160 (1 being average civilian) Boost x40 because of Lunarian race

Endurance: 40 (5 being average civilian) Boost x2 because of Saiyan

Intellect: 80 (10 being average civilian) Boost 2x because of gamer quirk 2x boost because of Shadow kin

Dexterity: 75 (10 being average civilian) Boost 0.5x because of Oni race. 5x because of Shadow Kin

Speed: 130 (10 being average civilian) Boosts 0

Evasion: 5% (0 being average civilian) 5% + Because of shadow kin

Critical damage: 240% (20% being average civilian) Boosts 30% because of Saiyan Boost 100% because of Shadow kin

Critical Chance: 20% (1% being average civilian) Boosts 2x because of Lunarian Boost 5% because of Shadow kin

Fortitude: 35 (5 being average civilian) Boosts x7 Because of Oni race

Luck: 10 (1 being average civilian) boosts x10 because of being the main character


Izuku panted as he was fed up with the millions of goblins that there was in this massive fucking forest, so he decided to fly over to the other side of the purple and blue dungeon.

"Lets see what this part of the forest has to offer" He said as… one 'million' goblins charged him "oh mother fucker" He screamed as he readied both his goblin daggers and waited for them to charge. "One goblin, two goblins, three little goblins, four goblins, five goblins, six little goblins". Izuku sang as he one shot each and every one of them, until there were no more left. "ARE THERE NOT OTHER MOBS IN THE CURSED FOREST"

He shut the fuck up when a glob of acid missed him and burned 5 inch's into the ground. Looking over to the

Mob that spit the acid Izuku looked at the massive anaconda And said "Analyze"

Name - Green Scaled Anaconda.

Health - 700/700

Strength: 550 (1 being average civilian)

Durability: 200 (1 being average civilian)

Endurance: 5 (5 being average civilian)

Intellect: 2 (10 being average civilian)

Dexterity: 170 (10 being average civilian)

Speed: 40 (10 being average civilian)

"Wow you're a chonker" Izuku said as he launched a couple KI blasts on it, it didn't do a lot he saw as the snake's health only dropped 30. "Limitless activate" Izuku said as he felt his durability jump with 300 points (460) and then he just straight up tackled the 40 foot monster "YEAH HOW YOU LIKE THAT" Izuku said as he continued to stab the thing until it died. "You leveled up" The screen said as Izuku looked behind him to see a hoard of yellow glowing eyes "COME AT ME" He shouted as a wall of acid came at him "OH SHIT".

A couple hours later -

Izuku was running, the adrenaline in his body making him forget that he has wings, he was at around 50 HP and there were seven goblins and 5 snakes after him.

His only way out of here is by breaking their ankles, so he swerved in between trees and rocks until he found a tunnel leading down. 'Bingo' He thought as he hid behind the walls of the tunnel and watched the idiots of mobs run directly past him. "Phew" The 10 foot tall hybrid said as he sat down and sat up his tent in order to get some sleep.

"Wake Up" Izuku heard the screen say as he groggily woke up to find a goblin hoard directly in his face, "AHHH" He screamed before launching a dozen or two Ki blasts at them. "What a way to wake up" The white haired brown person said as he checked his stats and levels. 'I'm gonna put three into durability and three into health' Izuku thought.

Name Izuku Midoriya

Race - Hybrid

Occupation - None

Skill points: 6

Level: 43

Exp: 49256/59350

Health: 1900/1900 (150 being average civilian) 2x boosts because of oni

Energy (Ki, Chakra ect): 2640/7500 (0 Being average civilian) Awakened because of Saiyan race, Boosts 5x because of Senju clan, +1500 because of Saiyan race.

Stamina: 1600/1600 (200 being average civilian) 4x boosts because of Senju bloodline

Strength: 360 (1 being average civilian) Boost x10 because of Saiyan race 3x because of Oni race and 0.5 because of shadow kin 15x in total.

Durability: 280 (1 being average civilian) Boost x40 because of Lunarian race

Endurance: 40 (5 being average civilian) Boost x2 because of Saiyan

Intellect: 80 (10 being average civilian) Boost 2x because of gamer quirk 2x boost because of Shadow kin

Dexterity: 75 (10 being average civilian) Boost 0.5x because of Oni race. 5x because of Shadow Kin

Speed: 130 (10 being average civilian) Boosts 0

Evasion: 5% (0 being average civilian) 5% + Because of shadow kin

Critical damage: 240% (20% being average civilian) Boosts 30% because of Saiyan Boost 100% because of Shadow kin

Critical Chance: 20% (1% being average civilian) Boosts 2x because of Lunarian Boost 5% because of Shadow kin

Fortitude: 35 (5 being average civilian) Boosts x7 Because of Oni race

Luck: 10 (1 being average civilian) boosts x10 because of being the main character


"Also Limitless Off" Izuku said as the shield he had around his body turned off and he felt his energy begin to replenish. "Now i think i can destroy the boss and get the fuck out of here" Izuku said and began to head longer into the tunnel. "It's actually kind of peaceful in here" Izuku said as he yawned with his hands behind his head, "Inventory" Izuku said before checking all of the items he got form the goblins and snakes, 'I've a new item called snakes venom' Izuku thought as he began to inspect the snake venom. 'Snake venom, can be combined with a weapon to give it poison 1 for 2 hours' "Ooh that sounds cool" The soon to be father said as he decided to dab his daggers in there.

Whistling to himself Izuku walked into a massive room that held a hyper big snake with an armored goblin on top of it. "Sp this is the boss eh" Izuku thought he used the analyze skill on it.

Name - Serf And Oton

Health - 55000/55000

Strength: 1200 (1 being average civilian)

Durability: 300 (1 being average civilian)

Endurance: 50 (5 being average civilian)

Intellect: 10 (10 being average civilian)

Dexterity: 50 (10 being average civilian)

Speed: 70 (10 being average civilian)

"DAMN" Izuku said but realized too late that it woke up the boss "Quest: kill Serf and Oton has begone, not in doing so will result in death", Letting out a massive roar the snake lunged at Izuku but missed as the blue eyed hybrid dodged the attack and Izuku tried to dig his daggers into the skin but wasn't successful as the skin was too tough. 'Okay so its scales are too tough to be pierced' Izuku thought and jumped on top of the snake before he narrowly dodged an arrow. "That was close" Izuku said before he began to stab the snake in the same place again and again and again but nothing happened. "I guess I don't have enough attack stat" Izuku said as he felt a giant shockwave launched him off the snake and onto the floor. He saw the goliath goblin behind him, normally the goblins were around 3 feet but this one was around 15 feet tall and had more muscles than all might. It was clad head to toe in armor except for its face, and was swinging around a massive broadsword. "I guess i have to kill you first" Izuku said as he grinned at the goblin who was much stronger than him, he rushed Serf… or Oton he didn't know. Izuku ducted as the massive ton of steel flew right over him, two daggers weren't gonna do a lot to a goblin with more armor than a royal knight, so fists it was. Izuku began to punch the goblin but again nothing happen as he just need to dodge the fat piece of shit

"Limitless on" he shouted and his defense was upped by 300. "Well I guess I should have gone for the head" Izuku said as he jumped up and equipped his daggers again before falling down with insane speed and momentum. "DIE" He shouted as he pierced the skull of the giant goblin, "Critical hit 2x" Health 53032/55000

Poison 1 has been applied to Oton and Serf draining 5 HP every 1 second.

"Sweet! The poison is really gonna help with this" Izuku said before jumping away from the cleave attack that was about to rip him in half and then from a giant snake tail that made it feel like a magnitude 8 earthquake. After the earth stopped shaking Izuku found his balance again and for the second time jumped onto the massive snake, where he tried to again stab the thing to death. "WHY DOES IT NOT WORK?" Izuku shouted in frustration and threw one of his dagger at the massive snake's head, the dagger flew and went into the mouth of the snake.

Health 52572/55000

"Ahh so i'm not supposed to pierce the scales" Izuku said as he hit his fist on his open palm in a moment of stupidity, before taking off the ground with his wings and landing in the maw of the creature. Grabbing the dagger that was stuck Izuku forced himself to hang on as he took his other dagger out and stabbed it in the other side of its mouth. "Here we go" He said and began to cleave through the mouth and went down the gullet with his daggers still making slashes inside the snake. Until "Quest kill Serf and Oton, 50% complete.

Health 23845/55000

'Wait It's dead?' Izuku thought before shrugging "Now how the fuck am i going to get-" Izuku was cut off by a massive broad sword going through the hide of the snake. The goblin was back but this time he had no armor, a red aura around him and anger was pulsing off him, "Analyze" Izuku said as he was shown the stats of the enraged goblin

Name - Serf And Oton

Health - 23565/55000

Strength: 1500 (1 being average civilian)

Durability: 150 (1 being average civilian)

Endurance: 100 (5 being average civilian)

Intellect: 10 (10 being average civilian)

Dexterity: 50 (10 being average civilian)

Speed: 140 (10 being average civilian)

"Ahh shit" Izuku said before the goblin charged him at inhuman speeds, slashing wildly with his massive broadsword. Izuku tried to dodge but found himself being stabbed in his left shoulder, Health 860/1900.

Izuku screamed out in pain but didn't have time as he needed to dodge the armorless goblin. Izuku flew back and fired a whole lot of KI blasts at the goblin who couldn't tank them this time. But then Izuku got an idea "Get over here!" He shouted as the giant goblin charged in a blind rage. Izuku jumped back as the goblin swung the massive ton of steel, and at the climax of the swing Izuku used his telekinesis in order for the sword to fly out of its hands. The 15 foot monster stared in shock at his sword as it flew out of his hands and embedded itself deep into the flesh of the dead snake. Izuku grinned as his plan worked and the goblin was made armorless and weaponless, but the grin fell as he was tackled to the ground by the very goblin. Health 400/1900. But Izuku got up quickly and summoned his daggers to him, coming behind the goblin's back Izuku dug his daggers deep into it 'Critical damage 2x'. Izuku did it again and again and again until the goblin threw him off and tried to tackle him again, but he tripped and fell. 'Health 19280/55000'. The massive goblin got up again and punched Izuku directly in the stomach 'Health: 50/1900'. 'Damn he punches hard' Izuku thought as he threw up blood, 'is this how I'm going to die? Is this it' Izuku thought as the goblin walked over to him slowly, 'No!' He thought 'I'm going to be a father, I can't leave them!' Izuku stated in his mind as he thought about Tatsumaki, Fubuki and Jihibiki. Plv 50 Super Saiyan unlocked

The goblin was blown back by a sudden energy emitted by Izuku. It stared in confusion as the human it had defeated suddenly began to power up. Izuku's hair flashed blonde and his eyes flashed turquoise, 'Super Saiyan On, every stat 2x'.

Izuku flew over to the goblin in rage and began to combo the fucker, kick to the ribs, punch to the liver, bash to the skull, knee to the stomach. Izuku didn't stop, he continued to hit the goblin until it was hit into the wall then he continued even when it was dead he still continued to destroy its body. Only when his stamina was completely out and the Super Saiyan transformation stopped.

"Quest: Kill Serf and Oton Completed want to collect the rewards?" A screen said as Izuku just muttered yes and was transported back to the forest were he walked over to the closest sidewalk and then fell back unconscious.

"Hey mister wake up" He heard a young sounding voice say as they shook him, Izuku sat up in a flash but instantly regretted it as the migraine in his head hit like a truck. After getting the headache to calm down Izuku looked at the two women who looked seventeen and 23 years old in front of him. "Who are you?" He asked the two, to which the seventeen year old replied "My name is Tenten and this is my older sister Chun-li". Tenten said as she smiled at Izuku. "What time is it?" Izuku asked as he stood up and began stretching, "It is 10:17" Chun-li said and Izuku widened his eyes. "Shit i was supposed to be home yesterday" He said as he quickly took his phone out and began to call his siblings. "Ring… Ring… Ring… WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!" He heard Tatsumaki's voice shout as he winced, "Im sorry but i passed out after being done, I just woke up" Izuku said "I DONT GIVE A FUCK" She screamed "You worried me…" Tatsumaki said with a shy voice. "I'm sorry" He said back, "But i'll be home soon" Izuku stated as he could feel the happiness of Tatsumaki. "Was that your Girlfriend?" Chun-li asked, "Well kinda" He answered "What do you mean kinda?" she asked again, perplexed about how one could maybe be a girlfriend. "Well… she's my sister but we're in love along with my other siblings" Izuku explained as Chun-li gave him a weird look and began speaking "So incest?" She asked, "Well yes" Izuku answered as he scratched the back of his head. The three talked a couple minutes before Izuku said goodbye to the twins and he went back home to his siblings.

On the way home Izuku remembered that he didn't know what the rewards from killing the boss was, "Inventory" Izuku said as he checked what he had in his inventory. '48 goblins tooth, 17 snakes venom oh here these are new' Izuku thought as he looked at the full set of armor, the broadsword and the rare version of the snake's venom. 'Berserker's armor (Durability + 500, Dexterity - 100.) Berserker's Broadsword (Strength + 350, Dexterity - 50) Serf's Poison (Gives any blade poison 2 and paralysis 1 forever). "Hell yeah" Izuku said as he equipped the items and put the venom onto the broadsword. Now Izuku stood there with a full set of knight armor and with so little dexterity that he could not move, "Status" Izuku said as he was in the middle of the street. Up came his stats and he instantly put 5 into dexterity, "Whew that was better" Izuku said as he began to test move around, 'I'll put 6 into health and the rest into a combination of crit chance, strength and durability' Izuku thought.

Name Izuku Midoriya

Race - Hybrid

Occupation - None

Skill points: 0

Level: 61

Exp: 49256/59350

Health: 3700/3700 (150 being average civilian) 2x boosts because of oni

Energy (Ki, Chakra ect): 2640/7500 (0 Being average civilian) Awakened because of Saiyan race, Boosts 5x because of Senju clan, +1500 because of Saiyan race.

Stamina: 1600/1600 (200 being average civilian) 4x boosts because of Senju bloodline

Strength: 390 (740 + weapon) (1 being average civilian) Boost x10 because of Saiyan race 3x because of Oni race and 0.5 because of shadow kin 15x in total.

Durability: 360 (860 + armor) (1 being average civilian) Boost x40 because of Lunarian race

Endurance: 40 (5 being average civilian) Boost x2 because of Saiyan

Intellect: 80 (10 being average civilian) Boost 2x because of gamer quirk 2x boost because of Shadow kin

Dexterity: 75 (10 being average civilian) Boost 0.5x because of Oni race. 5x because of Shadow Kin

Speed: 130 (10 being average civilian) Boosts 0

Evasion: 5% (0 being average civilian) 5% + Because of shadow kin

Critical damage: 240% (20% being average civilian) Boosts 30% because of Saiyan Boost 100% because of Shadow kin

Critical Chance: 26% (1% being average civilian) Boosts 2x because of Lunarian Boost 5% because of Shadow kin

Fortitude: 35 (5 being average civilian) Boosts x7 Because of Oni race

Luck: 10 (1 being average civilian) boosts x10 because of being the main character.

Izuku began walking again, but stopped again because of the stupid ass armor making noise everywhere he walked, "Stupid armor that makes stupid noise" Izuku mumbled. "Wait, let me try this, Hide Armor" Izuku said as his armor disappeared but his stats stayed the same, Izuku sighed as he felt the weight and noise faded away.

"Im home" Izuku said as he entered the apartment and walked into the living room, "Oniichan!" Izuku hears Jihibikis voice as he looks over to the three women who were laying on the sofa in their living room. "Hello" He says as he walks over to the ladies, "Don't Hello Me" Tatsumaki answers as she looks away from him. "Oh come on Tatsu-chan" Izuku says before he lays down at the long area of the sofa and invites the siblings underneath the blanket, which they all at some point went under. Izuku smiled as he saw his siblings go under the blanket and he soon fell fast asleep.