
Deity's Fragments

In the year 2050, where humanity has advanced to the point of colonizing planets in their solar system. However, a mysterious voice announces the end of their protection protocols and triggers a series of catastrophic events, causing the planets to collide and merge with Earth. This event, known as "The Awakening," causes plants and animals to mutate and evolve rapidly, resulting in new species and creatures that threaten humanity. But with the help of a group of aliens, humanity rises from the ashes and begins a new era of travel, power, and adventure in a chaotic ¿Space of gods? --------------------------- Todos los créditos al propietario de la portada.

BSMM · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
42 Chs


(Author: Today's chapters were published late due to minor setbacks)...

Brandon and the cricket were facing each other, waiting for the first attack from the other. With a great leap, the cricket jumped towards Brandon. Its size was exceptionally large, the size of an adult's leg.

If he were hit by this cricket, he would suffer serious injuries. Brandon focused on the cricket's jump. He turned his body to the left, dodging the cricket, and at the same time launched an attack which failed to connect.

This insect was quite fast and agile, but it was not something he couldn't handle without using his powers. This battle would be great for honing his combat skills against monsters.

His hands trembled when he launched his previous attack, which made him slow to strike.

The cricket reached another tree and jumped back towards Brandon. This time, however, Brandon did not dodge.

Quickly getting into a fighting position and using the balance of his body, he extended his right hand from behind to front, making a crescent-shaped cut.

The sword struck the cricket, causing a great recoil to Brandon's hand, making it numb a little. The cricket fell to the ground, spitting out green blood. "Criiii"

It jumped to one tree, then another, and began moving faster as it jumped to different trees. When it reached a speed fast enough to leave a mirage of itself, it attacked.

When he reached a fast enough speed to leave a mirage of himself, he attacked. Brandon couldn't see where the hit came from, so he took it head-on.

The blow caused him to roll a few meters, but he quickly regained his composure, using the momentum from his roll to propel himself into the air and do a spin before landing on his feet, still moving backwards and leaving footprints on the ground.

Brandon activated his eye ability and waited for the cricket's next attack. The cricket had to slow down to create a new movement pattern in the area where Brandon had fallen. Brandon was surprised by the intelligence of this monster, as they weren't known for having any battle training.

The cricket had marked its area, so it decided to attack from Brandon's left side. When it attacked, Brandon turned his gaze and saw the cricket coming towards him. He ran electricity through his arm towards his sword while taking a step back, to make a stabbing attack.

The electricity flowed through the sword, making it seem like it was dancing on the blade. With a small twist of his hand, Brandon stabbed the cricket.

"Bzzz" Electric sound

"Criiiii" The cricket fluttered on the ground while being electrocuted. Brandon wasted no time and attacked the cricket's head with his sword. The cricket's head detached as green blood oozed out of its limbs.

[You have killed a level 1 medium giant cricket]

(Note: AI uses "[* *]" and the system's voice uses "[ ]")

Brandon sat down for a moment as his body trembled. He couldn't deny that he was scared, it was his first battle and he could even die, but he couldn't let fear win the battle before the cricket did.

His mentality from this moment on would become stronger as he fights. Until recently, he played video games on his computer and rarely trained because it wouldn't serve him without a skill.

Brandon lightly slapped his cheeks and composed himself. He walked towards the corpse and used one of his swords to open it and took an object in the shape of a core that was still moving.

It was covered in green blood, so all he could do was clean it before eating it.

Brandon finished cleaning the core, but still looked at it with disgust. He swallowed his saliva and closed his eyes as he put the core in his mouth and swallowed it.

To his surprise, it didn't taste bad. He even felt like he could become addicted to the flavor.

[Consumed level 1 medium giant cricket core]

[1 to 10 attributes will be obtained]


Brandon was surprised. No wonder he had taken up hunting to fight the cricket, it was of medium level.

But what surprised Brandon the most was the power of lightning. He had only used 50 energy points in that attack and had paralyzed the cricket. Moreover, he felt like he had only used less than 1% of the lightning's capacity. This was a powerful ability, but he didn't have enough power to use it to its full capacity.

The beasts in the hunting area are divided into: (Low, medium, high, and elite). In the first area, you will find level 1 and level 2 beasts. Currently, Brandon has fought a level 1 medium beast.

"I have 68 assigned points and 10 unassigned attributes. To ascend to the level 2 hunting dimension, I need 600 points. This is going to take a while before I can move forward," he said to himself.

"I've got some powerful skills, and I think I can keep hunting with the ability I have now. My biggest problem is the level of consumption these skills have. I'll assign 5 attribute points to Resistance and 5 to Control to have better management and lower consumption of the ability."

[5 attribute points assigned to Resistance]

[5 attribute points assigned to Control]

"Can you do this too?" asked Brandon, surprised.

[I can save master a lot of work, but I can only do it when master is willing to do it. I can't do it on my own will.]

Brandon nodded and opened his data panel.

════════Data Panel════════

Name: Brandon Sanchez

Race: Human

Lower Class

Awakening: Digitized (29%) [...] Thunder (0.6%)


Health: 5 (250)

Strength: 5

Agility: 5

Resistance: 10

Energy: 13 (260)

Control: 30

Attitude: 78


Cold Mind Level 1 (0.8%)

Lightning Manifestation Level 0 (3%)

Brandon looked to the side and sighed. When he was hit and rolled on the ground, his backpack had opened and his provisions were scattered on the ground.

He walked over to the backpack and picked it up. He only had a few scratches, but it wasn't unusable; it had just opened.

He started picking up his provisions and packing them. He ate some food so it wouldn't go to waste since it couldn't be stored again.

He started gathering his provisions and packing them up. He ate some meals so they wouldn't go to waste since they couldn't be stored again.

When he finished, he looked at the cricket's body for a moment, then closed his eyes, breathed, and started moving again among the trees.

He ran for about 30 minutes and then started walking. Although he had awakened an ability, he still didn't have enough strength to run for hours without getting tired.

As he walked, he suddenly stopped behind a tree and lowered his backpack. There were five blue crickets ahead.

These were surely low-level crickets, he couldn't be so unlucky as to come across 5 high-level crickets together, which was almost impossible in this area.

He unsheathed his sword and after waiting a few minutes, found the moment to attack.

One of the crickets had moved away from the others and was on a branch of a tree near Brandon. He used electricity to give himself a boost and jumped onto the lower branch of the tree, spiraling his sword attack.

[You have killed a level 1 low-grade giant cricket]

Brandon had cut the cricket next to the branch he was on, but this made noise, which allowed the other four crickets to become aware.

This time, he wasn't scared, he realized they were low-grade crickets. If he was in trouble, he could just dash out of there, it was impossible for these crickets to stop him.

"I like this adrenaline rushing through my veins," he thought, smiling as he moved and attacked.