
Deimos's Redemption

In a world where magic intertwines with kingdoms and dragons, the unlikely bond between Ilaria, a scarred maiden with violet eyes, and Deimos, the ruthless king of Eldham Empire, takes center stage. Despite their differences, an unforeseen attraction sparks when Ilaria is sent to serve the enigmatic king, leading them down a perilous path destined to test their very souls. As their connection deepens, the looming shadow of a curse that has plagued Deimos' lineage threatens to unravel everything they hold dear. Complicating matters further, Deimos' alter ego as the dragon prince lays claim to Ilaria, adding a new layer of complexity to their relationship. Amidst the backdrop of rival empires, buried secrets, and the relentless curse, they must confront their deepest fears. Will their love stand strong enough to defy the curse, or will their passions bring about the downfall of their kingdoms? Embark on a mesmerizing journey of love, redemption, and magic in this enthralling paranormal dark romance. Join Ilaria and Deimos as they navigate the treacherous path ahead, where every decision carries the weight of their fates and the destiny of their intertwined realms.

Wenxi_Wu · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

My baby.


"Where on this planet is that thief?!!!"

The angry voice of Lady Gina bounced off the walls of the Tirion manor. Lady Gina who was meant to be Iliana's adoptive sister ended up being her step mother. She had made Iliana do things tat were unethical. After all, Iliana was now known as the daughter of the late witch.

Lady Gina held her green lace gown as she stormed to the servant's quarters which was a floor above the dungeon.

"Lady Gina! Please, be careful!" her handmaiden cautioned her worriedly earning a sharp glare from her.

"You dare tell me what to do?" Gina yelled as she raised her hand to smack her.

The handmaiden whose name is Miko fell on all fours. "I'm sorry, Mi lady. I didn't mean it that way. I only said so because I was worried about your child." Miko explained with shaky voice.

"Oh…" Gina drawled as her hand subconsciously went to her baby bump. "I see you have a point."

Still with her head low, Miko spoke softly. "Besides, if anything should have to the child, I'm afraid you will fall out of grace with my master."

"Preposterous!" Gina exclaimed as she stomped her feet angrily. "Are you threatening me?" she furiously grabbed Miko by her neck. "Huh?"

Miko struggled to breath. She could only shake her head in response before Gina released her. "I'm sorry Mi Lady." She coughed as she held her aching neck.

"Not another word." Gina bellowed before making her way to Iliana's room.

Miko gulped before following her mistress into Iliana's room.

As soon as they got in, Gina yelled, "You bitch! Where is my prized jewel?!!"

Iliana who was having her night bath was ignorant of what was going on in the room. She sat in the wooden bath bowl as her hand traced the scar on her chest.

She had slept off while bathing and it wasn't a pleasant dream.


"Mom! You said you would come back for me!" four years old Iliana sulked while pouting. Her mother's face which was pale could barely hold up her smile. Her beautiful green eyes looked lifeless under the scorching afternoon sun.

"Baby, I know I said that. I will come back. Just sit here and don't make a noise." Morana whispered to Iliana who still refused to listen.

Bang! The sound of a metal door opening got their attention. A frown marred Morana's face.

"Honey, can you do me a favor?" she asked with shaky voice.


A stray tear escaped Morana's eyes which she quickly wiped away. "Let's play hide and seek. You hide here, while I seek. Okay?"

Iliana looked at her with raised brow. "Isn't supposed to-"

"Check that area! They haven't gone far!" The sound of an angry man echoed in the dark empty passage. Following the voice were the sound of foot stomping against the floor.

Morana turned to face her daughter. "Iliana, do as I say and don't move." As soon as she said that, she turned to leave.

Iliana crouched as she patiently waited for her mother. Seconds passed and she didn't return. Worried, she walked out of her hiding spot. Right after she stepped out, she felt cold water drench her.

"Iliana, you bitch!!! Wake up!!!"

Gina had ordered her hand maiden to empty a bucket of cold water on her which caused her to immediately jump out.

Though she was standing, her mind was still hazy.

"What do you want?" she asked as she hugged her body which was now shivering.


Iliana fell to the floor as she held her burning cheeks. Gina had slapped her! Well, thanks to the slap, Iliana woke up fully. She tried to stand but was shoved away by Miko.

"You have the nerves huh? How dare you!!" Gina yelled as she slapped Iliana again on her right cheek.

Still trying to recover from the slap, Iliana lowered her head. "I'm sorry, Mi Lady."

"Don't tell me that! Return my necklace to me this instant!!!" Gina spat.

"W- what necklace?" Iliana stuttered as she avoided eye contact with her.

Gina scoffed as she placed her hands on her hips. "The necklace that my husband gave me of course!"

"I- I didn't take it." Iliana defended but was silenced by Gina.

"You didn't take it? Yet it disappeared? You don't expect me to believe that, do you?" Gina asked with a scoff. "Listen up," she crouched and grabbed Iliana's face roughly. "If you don't hand it over, I will make your life more terrible!!!"

Iliana shivered due to the fact that her cold and naked body was still exposed. "I said I didn't take it!" she spoke through gritted teeth as she tightened her fist.

Gina scoffed as she looked away. "Like mother like daughter…" she mumbled. She nodded at Miko who soon left the duo alone. Moments later, she returned with three burly guards. "Search this peasant's room!" she ordered them.

"Yes, Mi lady." Immediately, they began to wreck the room.

Iliana who was still naked managed to grab her cleaning uniform and wore it without anyone noticing.

After they had searched, they shook their head. "Mi Lady, we couldn't find it."

Gina's left brow twitched before turning to face Iliana who fidgeted. "You witch! Where is my necklace? Surely, you didn't use witchcraft like your slutty mother to hide it, did you?" she asked angrily.

Hearing her late mother being referred to as a slut, rage consumed Iliana She sped towards her and attacked her. "My mother is not a slut!! Have respect for the dead!!!" she yelled as she sends heavy punches to Gina who screamed for help as she protected her tummy.

The guards saw this and took action. They hurriedly grabbed her and tossed her to the other side of the room while Miko and another guard helped her up.

Right after they helped her, she let out a pained scream. The jaws of everyone in the room dropped on seeing blood trickle down Gina's legs.

"My baby!!!!"

"Whack! Whack!!"

The sound of rods pounding against flesh coupled with muffled screams echoed under the sunny day.

"Did you intentionally hurt my son?!" Oziel's angry voice thundered while his guards continued to hit the feminine figure who was sprawled on a stone bench. Her back was torn as blood oozed from the injury. He got no response from the person which angered him.

"Are you deaf? Iliana! Answer me!!!" he thundered as he angrily stood up from the chair that was placed for him.

Iliana who was being flogged by four men with whips winced and kept silent. Her silence irked Oziel the more. "Continue to lash her till she confesses!" he ordered the men who nodded.

"Yes, Mi Lord!"

"Mi Lord…" A man called out to Oziel who had turned to leave. He stopped in his tracks before turning to face the person that had called him.

"What?" his face was red.

The servant who had called him cleared his throat, "What if the whip breaks?" he asked worriedly.

"If it breaks, get another one!" Oziel snapped at him before angrily turning to leave. "You know what?" he paused before fixing his gaze on Iliana. "I'll stay here."

Oziel walked back to his seat and sat down. "Since you won't speak up, you'll have to watch me as I empty your mother's Ash into the pond! Scoop by scoop!!" He threatened her with his low voice.

Iliana who had heard his threat felt a huge lump form in her throat. As soon as the whips came in harsh uniform contact with her already bruised skin, she let out a loud shriek earning a chuckle from Oziel.

"Will you speak now or will you wait till I get your mother's ash?" he asked with a devilish smirk on his face. Seeing Iliana's unwavering composure, his smirk faltered. "Bring the ash!" he yelled.

Right before he could blink, he heard a pained voice. "I- I- I didn't me- mean to h- hurt your son!"

Iliana had spoken up. Oziel glanced at her smugly. "You didn't mean to but you did it!"

"She accused me of stealing from her when I didn't!!!" she yelled in defense before a whip came in contact with her head. The edge of the whip clung to her chin like its life depended on it.

The man who had lashed her was about to pull it out angrily but stopped when he sighted Oziel's cold gaze.

"It's not an excuse!! You have always hated her!" Oziel snapped at her.

Iliana scoffed inwardly. The tingly sensation on her back made her wince. "I hate you so much! Much more than I hate the devil himself!!" she wanted to yell but she knew better. Calming herself and trying to ignore the pain, she spoke. "She insulted my late mother." Her voice barely came out as a whisper.

"Not like she didn't deserve it!" Oziel remarked earning a low growl from her. "She deserves to be insulted even in her grave!! Not only did she give birth to a witch, she also gave birth to a thief!!!"

Right before he could continue, a guard walked in and whispered to him. His brows furrowed. Lazily, he stood up and turned to leave.

Iliana scoffed, "It has been found huh?" the edge of the whip was still embedded in her cheek.

Oziel glared at her before speaking. "Flog her till my wife wakes up."

"She is not your wife!!! She is a monster!!!!" Iliana yelled as the men continued to hit her without mercy. Fresh wounds coupled with her existing scars opened. Her once muffled sobs became loud shrieks. "She insulted my mother…" she sobbed still under the torture of the men.




Hola cuties! Sorry for the cliffhanger. Hehe. Anyways, what do you think will happen to Iliana and Gina's baby? Drop your thoughts in the comments' section!!