
Deepwoken : Reincarnated as a Adret

Very first novel

DemonRyuki · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Chapter 1:Death

During a normal night with many stars shining bright a young man was walking down the streets, his eyes fixed onto the screen of his phone.

"Damnit!! I lost all my equipment again, now I have to start over"

He sighed, turned of his phone and placed it into his pocket and continued to walk down the streets.

"I always seem to die at the most intense part of [Deepwoken]" the man said in a stressed voice.

As he complained he realized that the people behind him were looking at him, scratching his head he laughed awkwardly and continued to walk down after walking for a while he realized that an old woman in a wheelchair was trying to get across the street so he asked in a friendly tone.

"Do you need some help?" He asked while wearing a smile on his face.

Hearing a young voice the elderly woman turned around and smiled at the young man and asked "could you repeat that young man?"

The young man was a bit annoyed by her not hearing him the first time so he asked again but with a more annoyed tone "I asked if you want some help getting across the street?"

The old woman nodded and said "it would be much appreciated"

As the young man held the handle of the wheel chair the sound of a speeding truck could be heard. Turing to the side the only thing he could see were two bright head lamps drawing ever closer .

"SHIT, the old fart and I are gonna die ?!"

Gathering enough strength he shoved the wheelchair forward, but for him it was too late "at least I saved that old lady, my life was shit anyway" he cursed in a low voice but was happy that he had done something good in his life.

Something goo-

Bam!! skiiiiiirt

A lifeless body lay on the ground but next to it was a cracked phone suddenly a bright shown from it then the screen dimed.