
Deeper: Far from surface

"She was like a perfect paradise, tearing at its seam." To everyone, Chimdi Gentry lived the perfect life with her Celebrity mom, godmother and her modeling career. When behind the fame, glitz and glamour was a girl actually between the devil and the deep blue sea. Coming to Nigeria, TJ Kodiri anticipated nothing but an uncivilized country and trouble. What he didn't anticipate was, finding himself beguiled by the one girl, whose lifeless eyes served as a placebo to hide the real sad truth inside her. One boy One girl Scars... Secrets...and the quest for salvation. They can only sink deeper into the bitter brunts of reality.

Rayne_black_110229 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs


Some people are skies,

Some are oceans.

But you are the horizon,

Where everything

comes together.


"Woah! Nice dunk man!!" TJ nothing but surprised, exclaimed as Elo landed firmly on his feet.

Waiting to have a good laugh, he had stayed back, watching quietly and anticipating Elo's failure. But to his utmost surprise, the boy could dunk like a damn pro.

"Thanks man." Elo wiped perspiration off his temple.

"You've been here for long?" He asked, reaching for another inflated ball.

"Not much. You play so well man, for a guy who is, you know-"

Elo raised a brow

"Short?" Elo cut him short. Again, making a perfect throw.

"That's not really what I meant, but yeah, something like that."

"No shit, I've heard that so many times. I know I lack in the height department." He gave TJ his signature smile, showcasing his perfectly set dentals.

You sure don't lack in the teeth department.

TJ thought, returning his smile.

"You play?" Elo asked dribbling the ball.

"Obvi -yes." Elo rolled his eyes causing TJ to laugh.

"Just that, I'm not really used to the question. Back in NYC, they pass ball and not ask. Especially when you're tall and black. It's like a tradition."

"Yeah, I get you."

"Growing up, it was like a tradition to play foot ball. The game seemed rough shaa and involved so much sand you get?" Elo tried to explain.

Growing up, he was a skinny kid, lacking in height. His friends grew faster and moved faster as well in the fields. He couldn't give a swift pass to save his life and in return, got jeered for not being man enough.

Eight, Nine and Ten year old kids bragged about being men by kicking a ball perfectly well.

Junior secondary school, Elo walked up to the school's basket ball coach, told him he wanted to join the team, but instead he got teased around and loud laughs and not try outs.

When he was done letting out how he truly felt to TJ, which he'd never done before. He felt light, like a weight had been lifted off him.

"Awww man. It must have been hard for you. So you just gave up on basket ball?" TJ slapped the ball out of his hands, dribbling it before sending it to the hoop.

Elo's silence said it all. Nothing killed a willing spirit more than discouragement from those one looked up to. Elo had expected Coach Anya to welcome him with open arms but got an opposite reaction.

It took him months to get over the rejection, focusing on keeping himself happy by drowning himself in the computer library where he indulged in software related activities.

But that didn't stop him from thinking about basket ball. He streamed basket ball related videos online, followed every basket ball related page on twitter and Instagram. And was content with that.

They played in silence before Elo noticed TJ wasn't being himself. Sometimes, he dribbled or bounced a ball way too long or missed at shots.

Elo cussed himself for being too selfish. He promised Tasie to be a friend and a brother to TJ. But he'd let his own past issues take over.

He reached for the ball, tackling TJ's every move till the taller boy groaned in frustration, before giving up.

It took days of observation to know that TJ didn't like being bothered about his problems.

"Thinking is damn exhausting!" TJ blurted out before dropping on the trampoline floor.

"Care to elaborate?" Elo joined him. Doing a little victory dance in his head.

TJ wiped perspiration off his forehead, before catching a towel Elo threw his way.

"Girls are so tiring. I mean, I don't even know what I did wrong and she's gone all cutthroat on me. Fine, I tried to apologise, and she doesn't even want to give me listening ears. I'm tired! I am going straight to Mr Ofese-"

"Ofose." Elo corrected trying to hold his laughter, after finding out where the conversation was heading.

He didn't expect the mini riff to last that long. Everyone knew Chimdi as easy going.

"Whatever!" TJ huffed, annoyed. "Ofose on Monday to tell him I want to change partners since Jiki doesn't want to. Now, the only peeps I talk to are you and Jiki. Nene and Lara be treating me like I killed their damn pets and it's fucking exhausting." He finished, letting out a breath, like he's been holding one in for a long time.

Elo, who was enjoying TJ's rants suddenly felt bad. The boy was indeed tired. He looked tired.

"I knew Nigeria was going to be hectic and hell lot stressful. I just want things to move smoothly so I can return to the states. Is that too much to ask?" He sighed, palming his face in the manliest possible way.

Elo, hearing that he wanted to go back to New York freaked out. Just when he got a breath of fresh air, it was about to be snatched away.

"You sure you didn't do nothing wrong? Cos, Chimdi is forgiving. She doesn't hold grudges that long."

"I just said that in passing. Didn't even think she'll take things that far." TJ argued.

Come to think of it, he realized, she usually takes things too far. He mused as he remembered their first fallout at the school kiosk.

"I don't know, give her time or you can talk to Mr Ofose. You know being in her shoes requires a lot."

TJ nodded, wishing for Monday to arrive as soon as possible.


Soft music flowing from Lara's air pod was all that was heard, serving as a savior to the already pregnant silence.

The room was so quiet that the content of an air pod could be heard. Which was something rare as the three could not handle silence. There was always something to talk about, people to diss and rival celebrities to tongue-lash.

It was obvious that they were bothered and burdened with unsaid words. The unsaid words hung in the air creating tension. It irked Nene more, cos the darker girl was the most outspoken and was one to voice out her opinion, irrespective of person.

Chimdi knew something was up, but was scared she knew what was bothering them.

"Okay fine! Chimdi, you have talk to TJ. It's not like he said anything different from what Jiki said." Nene had enough.

Shutting her laptop, she faced Chimdi who tried to ignore them, but couldn't. At least not for long.

"You are making us ignore him for no just reason." Lara added. " Okay, I know he actually meddled but every other person on that table had an opinion. You shouldn't make him a scapegoat and he is an okay guy. Dude just joined us and you are making him think Nigerian girls are bitches."

They rarely fought, but when they did, it was bound to be disastrous.

"Wait a minute, did you indirectly call me a literal bitch?" That got Chimdi's attention.

Lara was a bit irked, of all things said, being called a bitch was all that got her attention.

She huffed in disbelief. "Well, that's if you want to be. You acted like one by the way."

Disbelief flooded Chimdi's face. "I can't believe y'all took his side, over mine. You two are unbelievable!"

"That guy pushed too far and y'all saw it!" she defended.

"Now hold on babes! Shey you know no one picked sides. We just want you to do what's right. Other people have started partnering up and workimg. But all he does is try to apologise and you don't even give him a chance. I mean who does something that cruel!" Flaring her hands up, Nene went back to her laptop.

"Wow! Just wow. Y'all were there when he made that statement. He was being so judgemental. And it wasn't the first time he'd made such statement. And now I'm the one being cruel? God, I can't believe this!"

"Fine babes, he was judgemental and all that. But at least he wasn't a dick. He is trying to apologise. That alone proves that he is sorry." Lara was getting frustrated by her actions.

Chimdi stared at them in horror. "So, I'm now the one acting like a dick? First it was bitch?"

"No one said you were acting like a bitch or dick. Chimdi stop diverting and accept that you are wrong for once in your life, things can't always go your way!" Nene sighed in frustration.

She couldn't believe, the conversation was turning into a heated argument. And Chimdi wasn't making things easier.

"Wow. The people I call my friends. Y'all are judging too. Why not gang up with him if it'll make you feel better!" She reached for her hoodie, packed her books into her backpack and headed for the door.

"Seriously, girl... you're so stubborn!" Lara tried to call her back, but she was already out.

Nene sighed in frustration.

Chimdi never accepts being at fault.

"Now, she's walking away!" Nene sighed, once the door banged at her wake.

Lara bit her nails, an act of nervousness. "Ooohm, I don't like quarrelling with her. Don't you think we were a lil bit harsh Nens?" She asked Nene.

"Some things are meant to be laid out as they are." The darker girl shrugged, directing her focus back to her laptop.

And leaving Lara a nervous wreck.
