
Deeper: Far from surface

"She was like a perfect paradise, tearing at its seam." To everyone, Chimdi Gentry lived the perfect life with her Celebrity mom, godmother and her modeling career. When behind the fame, glitz and glamour was a girl actually between the devil and the deep blue sea. Coming to Nigeria, TJ Kodiri anticipated nothing but an uncivilized country and trouble. What he didn't anticipate was, finding himself beguiled by the one girl, whose lifeless eyes served as a placebo to hide the real sad truth inside her. One boy One girl Scars... Secrets...and the quest for salvation. They can only sink deeper into the bitter brunts of reality.

Rayne_black_110229 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs


I keep coming back

to that moment,

Where it all fell apart.


"We are here." Chimdi said as the driver glided the car to the agency's parking lot.

She held her breath as she stepped out of the car, perspiration gathering in her palm, memories made at A&A agency weren't the best ones.

She let out a breath before walking towards the captivating complex, where she'd been groomed to make money with just a flip of hair and a killer pose, since she turned twelve.

The driver had long carried their luggage inside.

She turned just in time to catch TJ's eyes glued to the building, mouth agape.

TJ took in the beauty of a building staring at him, thinking that the architectural design was very intricate and way out of this world. He stared at the white complex with pink highlights and different species of flowers, giving it a homely look. The building towered over neighbouring ones and same time, stood out. He was marveled when his eyes caught the agency's logo, a bold A&A sign, written in pink italics with an outline of a feminine face.

A&A? The name sounded familiar to him, except he had a vague recollection of where he heard it. He shook it off when he felt someone tap him on his shoulder.

"If you are done drooling, can we go inside already?" Chimdi said impatiently, leading him inside the building.

"Damn this is cool." TJ whispered when he saw the interior part of the building. If the exterior part was beautiful, the interior left him speechless.

His eyes followed the glowing A&A logo, just at the top of the receptionist's space. Pink cushions with ankara throw pillows, to give the space an African look. A round glass table at the center housed a miniature A&A logo.

At the right was a book cabinet which housed several magazines and picture books.

The walls were painted different colours and the floor was of white marble tile, mirroring ones reflexion as they walked.

There were several live sized pictures of different girls, with their differing shades of skin color, but the pictures to grab TJ's attention were that of Chimdi's.

A live sized picture of her lying down and draped in White fluffy material, her face bare of makeup, as she stared at whoever the photographer was.

She looked harmless, serene and angelic at the same time. He sighted another, just a portrait shot. Her long creamy fingers holding a nude coloured Lipstick. Another of her with other girls, portrait too, each smiling at the camera and he knew he'd never seen such pure beauty before.

His eyes followed the remaining pictures and another grabbed his attention. She was wrapped in a traditional material and several intricately carved beads, a simple but colourful make up on her face as she stared at the camera. The picture didn't sit well with him because, though her features were neutral, her eyes looked so sad.

He shrugged it off and continued his survey of the beautiful pictures in his before, while Chimdi continued to talk to the receptionist.

"My goddaughter has arrived and you didn't inform me Ireti?" TJ's survey was interrupted by a deep husky, feminine voice.

He turned to put a face to the voice and came face to face with a fair beautiful, thick woman, whose attire alone put the pictures surrounding him to shame.

He watched as the woman, all smile went to bring Chimdi in for a hug but got confused as Chimdi stepped back, making the woman hug the air instead. She covered up with a laugh.

"Ireti? Why wasn't I called?" The woman asked the receptionist, still smiling.

The younger lady cowered in fear. "Ma, she just got here." She replied stuttering.

She turned, sighting TJ , a smile on her face as she asked.

"And who is this handsome lard Dee?" Her eyes were filled with humor at the look of mortification on Chimdi's face.

"Don't get your hopes up Aunt, that's my classmate and group partner." Chimdi said, rolling her eyes.

"I'm Antni Anto, you can call me AA." Antni said, walking over to where TJ stood.

"TJ." TJ replied, feeling uncomfortable with the way she gave him a once over.

"Are you one of Chimdi's friends? I've not seen you around."

"Quit questioning him, he's not a friend." Chimdi groaned, coming to stand beside TJ who feigned to be hurt by her word.

Antni ignored Chimdi.

"Are you a model TJ?"

He nodded his no.

"Any friend of Dee is a friend of mine. If you consider modeling, I'm your guy. Hit me up." She said handing him a business card, not before undressing him with her eyes.

TJ cleared his throat before nodding.

Antni took in Chimdi's attire.

"I told you to wear the pink gown Dee, it brings out your legs."

"Well, I don't want to!" She snapped.

With that, they walked in silence, stopping in front of two ladies. One on a fade cut and black googles, while the other was on a neat black, box braid.

"This must be our star girl." The one on braid said, smiling as they neared them

"Chimdi, I'm Amahle Bandile and it's pronounced Ah-MAH-she." She beamed, taking Chimdi's hands for a shake.

"Vogue, South Africa."

"Nice to meet you Ms. Bandile." Chimdi said returning the smile.

"Call me Amahle."

"Adaora Peters." The pretty woman on fade cut said smiling too, taking her hand for a shake.

"Vogue Africa. You should meet the crew..." she turned, looking around her.

"Y'all, gather up. Star girl is here." She joked, while they laughed along, gathering her.

"Well Chimdi, this is our creative crew who are pleased to meet you. That's Vladimir, our Russian photographer," she said proudly, pointing at a white guy in his late twenties, dressed in a blue Tee, denim and sneakers with a camera draped round his neck. He gave her a nod, before assessing her, making her uncomfortable.

"That's Lydia, she's in charge of make up."

"Hi." A slender pretty lady said with a wave.

"And Jumoke, our costume goddess with the rest. We are here to make this shoot a success. We hope you cooperate with us." Adaora said, dismissing them for the real work to commence.

Chimdi internally rolled her eyes.

Like I have a choice.

She'd heard all those words a gazillion time since she turned twelve.

"And who is this?" Adaora said, motioning at TJ who was already busy taking quick shots.

"He's with me."

Few hours later, they were able to set things together, from makeup to costume and background, making way for Vladimir and Chimdi set to work.

The Russian Camera man was a big pain in everyone's ass, would complained about every single thing. From the colour of costume not suiting the background, to the makeup being too dull or bright, all the while frustrating every one including TJ, who found it too hard a task to concentrate on taking shots because of his constant shouting.

"Look baby doll. Jut those cheek bones! Move your damn body!" Vladimir screamed orders at Chimdi, who had perspiration ruining her makeup because of the frustration.

"Now that's better! Where the hell is the damned make up artiste! This would have been the best shot, except the makeup is already washing out! Do your fucking job!!" he screamed orders at the makeup artiste, who for the tenth time, retouched Chimdi's makeup.

Everyone was frustrated and everywhere in disarray. The crew ran around, carrying out Vladimir's orders.

"Who ever thought a foreign photographer was the best option, needs to have a rethink." Amahle said, serving Chimdi a bottled water, while Adaora and Antni made calls.

"The guy is crazy." Chimdi agreed, getting up to use the rest room.

She searched for TJ, to find him snapping away at the reception area, and not in any way flustered or bothered, like the rest of the crew.

She continued her journey to the restroom.


After having easing off and feeling relieved, she made to wash her hand just to bump into someone.

"This is the female bathroom." She snapped glaring at Vladimir, who smirked moving closer.

"I know, I followed you." He whispered, his accent thick accent creeping her out.

"Why the hell are you here?" She moved back, hitting the wall as Vladimir moved closer, eyeing her like a bird of prey.

Chimdi gulped. This wasn't about to happen to her again. She felt her heart thud in her chest. Perspiration gathered in her forehead as she looked up, pleading with her eyes for him to move back.

"If you don't leave. I'll scream, Vladimir." She threatened and at the same time, praying for someone to walk in.

"That door is sound proof." He smirked.

"Teasers don't go free baby doll," he sized her up, licking his lips. Chimdi felt like throwing up.

"Don't call me that!"

What was it with people giving her nicknames.

"Tell me you aren't aware of what you are doing to me babydoll?" He whispered, his breath fanning her ear.

"The teasing look, the body language... I got so hard just with a flick of those lashes." He ran the pad of his thump across her lips, tracing them back to her jaw, she held her breath.

Chimdi gulped. All she heard was her heart beating fast. It was enough to make her deaf. "Look. You got the wrong Idea..."

"Chimdi? Are you done?" Interrupted them with a knock on the door, making Vladimir step back.

It was Amahle's voice.

"Yes. I'll be out in a second." Chimdi said with a grateful sigh.

"Okay. I'll go find Vladimir!"

"Saved by the door." Vladimir smirked, washing his hands.

"We are not done baby doll." With that, he left the restroom.
