
Deep Love (Boy's Love)

Lu Yanjun is an attractive biology professor at KM University. Although he is academically intelligent, he also suffers from a rare disease that caused him to be bound in a wheel-chair. From a young age, he was often judged and misunderstood. Until he met one of his students, Han Yuze, who neither judged him nor misunderstood him. Han Yuze was a talented pianist but was forced to study biology by his father. While he hated the course, he had a strange attraction to Lu Yanjun. To him, Lu Yanjun seemed mysterious in nature, and it piqued his interest. His interest soon grew into something more. Was it obsession or love? The unlikely duo became deeply attracted to each other despite having a rocky start.

CYEL · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Painful Moments

After class was finally over, Yuze got a call from his father. Yanjun was focusing on other student while answering their questions. Yuze went out and met with his father. Moments later, Yanjun needed to go to another department to drop off some things. He wheeled his wheelchair and saw Yuze talking to his father. He didn't want to interrupt them, so he headed the other way.

Suddenly, Yanjun heard some commotion, then he saw Yuze's father hitting his son. Yanjun went to Yuze while there were other students trying to get away from the violence.

"Yuze!" Yanjun called out his name and saved him from another slap that was about to come. Yanjun looked at Yuze's father sternly and replied, "I don't know what happened, but violence is not allowed on campus. If you need to talk to your son, do it at home. Refrain from using violence." Yuze stood beside Yanjun, who was trying to protect his student.

"Thank you, Professor Lu." Yuze replied in a low tone of voice. Yuze's father was pissed off and yelled, "You better get a good mark next time. If not, it's not only your face that will get slapped." Yanjun went in front of Yuze then told his father, "Violence is not acceptable. If your son gets poor grade, you need to find him a tutor who's willing to help him."

"Who are you? And what rights do you have?" He yelled at Yanjun.

"I'm your son's professor. Please lower your voice. There are other students trying to study." Yanjun watched Yuze's father as he walked away feeling disappointed. Yanjun told the other students to walk away and do their own stuff while he asked Yuze to follow him. As they stopped by the nurse's office, Yanjun asked for an ice pack for Yuze.

"Here, this will lower down the swelling." Yanjun handed the ice pack to Yuze then when he was about to leave, Yuze grabbed Yanjun's sleeves. He sighed and looked at Yuze.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Could you stay with me?" Yuze asked as he was about to cry. Yanjun nodded then decided to stay with Yuze for a while. Yuze continued to grasp Yanjun's sleeves without letting go. After fifteen minutes, Yuze started to calm down. "Thank you, Professor Lu. I know you are still warm on the inside." Yanjun cleared his throat and looked at his sleeves. Yuze let it go then apologized, "I'm sorry, Professor Lu. I didn't mean to wrinkle your clothes."

"Are you busy?" Yanjun asked Yuze without looking at him.

"Did you just ask me if I'm busy? Am I dreaming? Professor Lu is actually asking me random questions now?" Yuze happily looked at him and shook his head, "I'm never busy." Yanjun felt Yuze's gaze then he asked Yuze to help him hold some books.

As they headed to the chemistry department, Yanjun saw Professor Chen talking to one of her students. She saw Lu Yanjun and she excused herself.

"Professor Lu, what brought you here?" Chen Mina's eyes brightened up as she saw her crush. Yanjun ignored her eye contact.

"Yuze, return the chemistry books to Professor Li for me. And hand these files to Professor Li as well." Yuze nodded and went into the chemistry department. Yanjun looked at Chen Mina with no expression on his face.

"What is it?" He asked while he turned his wheelchair to the side. Chen Mina looked Yanjun then asked, "Professor Lu, can you go out with me? I don't mind you being in a wheelchair. I can take care of you." Yanjun sighed and replied, "Don't waste your time on me. I'm not interested in you. You deserve someone better."

"Professor Lu, I don't love anyone else but you. Please give me a chance. I promise I will be good to you."

"Professor Chen, we are both adults. Please be understanding. I'm not interested in love or dating. Please find someone else." Yanjun replied without any feelings. Yuze came out of the of the office then over heard the conversation.

"Yuze, I know you're listening. Come to my office." Yuze nodded and helped Yanjun with his wheelchair. Professor Chen looked at them then pouted. She didn't understand why Yanjun rejected her. She was beautiful, and attractive.

While Yuze wheeled Yanjun's wheelchair, the spring breeze was feeling a bit cool. Yanjun coughed a bit then Yuze stopped the wheelchair.

"Are you feeling cold, Professor Lu? Do you need your jacket?" Yanjun slightly nodded and Yuze helped him with it. As they went into the school, Yanjun told Yuze to go back home. Since it was already 4 PM, all classes ended.

"Yuze, I understand you are upset with your father. But you still have to go back, okay? If you have any problems, my phone is on me 24/7." Yuze nodded and he looked very upset but he understood.

"Alright. Thank you, Professor Lu for your help today. See you tomorrow." He waved goodbye to Yanjun as he went out of the building. Yanjun wheeled himself back to his office, and then grabbed his stuff. After turning off the light and locked the door, he turned his wheelchair towards the elevator. After getting back home, he placed his things in their rightful place then prepared some microwaveable frozen food. He adjusted himself then slowly went onto his soft bed. He used his hands to move his legs onto the bed since his legs were very stiff.

He changed his clothes then charged his phone wirelessly. Then he slowly moved from his bed onto his wheelchair so he can get his dinner from the microwave. As he started eating, he remembered some unpleasant memories of the past.

"Look at our son, he's disabled! His medical fee costs too much! We cannot afford the cost, let's send him away to an orphanage. His medical fee will be taken care of."

"We can't! You are his father, you just can't abandon him! We need to think some other ways. I don't agree with orphanage." Yanjun's mother replied.

"Sweetie, just look at him! He can't even walk! He can't run like other kids! He's dumb! He doesn't talk like other kids! People are always judging our family! I can't stand it anymore. If only we had a healthy son...I'm leaving this house. I don't want to take care of him anymore." Yanjun's father divorced his mother at that time.

Yanjun's mother cried and cried, Yanjun wheeled his wheelchair and he tried to comfort his mother.

"Mother, are you leaving me as well?" Little Yanjun asked without crying.

"I love you, my son. But I have to leave you. I can't afford to take care of you. I will call the orphanage and they will take you away from me. Once you go there, listen to them. Daddy and I cannot afford your medical fees, we cannot take care of you any longer. I'm sorry, Yanjun."