
Deck of Lives

A young boy headed to a place he never ventured before. He traversed a maze of roads, dodging battle-hardened warriors with anger etched on their faces to finally arrive at a gate. That gate led him to a world he never expected to see again. What was this gate? What was the world beyond? This is the story of a boy seeking salvation from his life, who wants to escape the invisible prison he was trapped in. Will he find the salvation he seeks so desperately or be bound by the chains someone forced on his neck? ---------------------------------- I don't own the cover. If the owner wants me to remove it, I'll happily remove it.

Lazysam · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

I Am Going To Die

A chilling silence permeated the air followed by a scent of death that strangled Kiba in its claws. His mind raced, but to no avail as fear gripped his heart.

An unusual familiarity crept into him, a feeling akin to deja vu. Suddenly, a thought emerged, from the deep recesses of his mind, connecting a similar encounter.

'He is the same as her,' his mind told him.

It screamed at him to run away. But he stood there, his legs frozen, gazing at the previous normal-looking boy, now a predator.

The grip on his blade weakened. Whispers of confusion started flickering in his eyes.

'Why is he doing this?' he tried to guess the reason, but his mind struggled to find the answer. 'We didn't do any harm to him. Just why? Just because we were simply threatening to him…is that why?' he reasoned in his mind.

His gaze shifted to the crumpled woman beside the wall, sitting on the floor. A sudden flicker of doubt struck him. 'Wait! That girl knew about the woman, from the route she was using to the things she was carrying. Maybe she even knew about him? Then why didn't she tell us?' The seed of doubt spread in his mind before he was hit with a horrifying realization. 'She wanted to kill us.'

The realization like a wave slammed into him, sending chills in his spine. A feeling of dread washed over him. 'After everything we've done for her, She is now throwing us away.' His eyes shook with tremble, his breath hitched in his throat.

However, His jaw clenched as the grip on his blade tightened. 'I am not going to die…not when I decided to change. Fuck the job! Fuck the bitch!' he spoke in his mind. 'I am going to live…I am going to live…I am going to live…' the words echoed in his mind.

Shin stepped forward, a silent symphony of death echoing in the alley. His gaze locked on Kiba, a prey trapped in a cage, ready to be devoured.

With tremendous effort, Kiba mustered energy in his voice as he spoke, "Wait! Wait! Why are you doing this?" he rasped, desperation flickered in his gaze. "Do you want to save that woman?...is that why?" his finger pointed to the woman in the corner as he nervously asked.

Shin turned his neck, his gaze on the fallen woman. Blood profusely came out of her hand, drenching her dress in red. Her eyes shut, her breath, heavy and ragged, showing the critical condition she was in. However, Shin gaze's, cold and unwavering, showed not an ounce of sympathy for the woman, just a chilling indifference.

Taking the opportunity, Kiba surged forward, gripping the blade like a vice as tightly as possible. His steps played a frantic tune against the ground.

With enormous strength, he pushed the blade into Shin's stomach. The blade entered, tearing through his uniform.

A sense of victory washed over him as a smile stretched across his face. However, a frown creased on his brow. He noticed the face of Shin still looking at the woman in the dark. There was no blood, no sound of flesh tearing apart. His smile faltered, turning grim, when his gaze shot down.

The blade, still outside Shin's flesh, met with resistance with a sickening screech. Several sparks erupted as the metal inside met the blade, absorbing the blow. The knife shuddered in Kiba's grip, the surprise evident on his face.

Shin flicked his gaze from the corner of his eyes, his gaze filled with cold death.

A sense of dread engulfed Kiba. His eyes trembled at the view while his mind screamed at him.

'I am going to die…I am going to die…I am going to die…'

Suddenly, a sharp pain flowed through his abdomen to his back. He lurched downwards, a guttural gasp escaping his lips. He looked beneath at the point of impact, a fist connected to it. His face contorted in a grimace as he collapsed to his knees, the pain vibrating in his whole body. Several fluids came out from his mouth as he gasped for air, a testament to the bone-shattering force behind the fist.

*Thud* *Crack* *Crack*

A whirlwind of pain erupted when a blur of metal and feet hit his face. It connected with a deafening sound, echoing through the alley as it cracked several bones on Kiba's face.

Kiba's back smashed on the wall with a sickening thud before crumpling on the ground.

After summoning the last bit of energy, Kiba pushed the ground below as inch by inch, he got up from the floor. Blood dripped from his face as the mix of metal and blood filled his mouth. The stench of the decaying alley filled his nose before the stench of death filled his heart.

Shin, grabbing the fallen blade, charged towards Kiba, causing a gouge in his place. His speed, a blur in Kiba's vision, ripped through the air.

A glint of metal crossed Kiba's eyes. A tip, sharp and deadly, inches away from his eyes. However, an unusual thought flickered in his mind.

'Ah…I need to ask that girl out for a dat–'


The blade plunged into the eye, tearing through his head as it came out from behind, a testament to the deadly force behind the attack. A shower of crimson blood dripped from the blade, staining the rough hand of Shin.

After a moment, Shin's grip tightened as he pulled the blade out. The body of Kiba collapsed on the ground in a grim display of death and blood.

Shin followed towards Nozomu's body. His gaze hardened when he noticed his heavy breath. His eyes closed, blood dripping from his face as he struggled to breathe. Shin bent down, placing the blade on Nozomu's neck. The blade danced on Nozomu's throat before a slicing sound cut through the air.

Suddenly, a piercing feeling struck the back of his mind. He twisted his neck to find a pair of eyes watching him from the corner, terror flickering in the eyes.