

The best prestige is being the best offspring of a great dynasty. Some offspring are luckier than others, some are despised and others conceived for the sole purpose of being the best, but could those rejected become the best offspring and form a new dynasty? Betrayals, secrets and mysteries cover the life of young Mateo, banished from his family and abandoned to his fate due to his homosexuality. Destiny will lead him to meet Ezequiel, together they will discover the secrets and mysteries that surround their families. Ezequiel is strong and dominant and Mateo is eloquent, they will both have to live together. Mateo will have to survive Ezequiel's constant demands, jealousy and fetishes. Will they manage to become the best offspring or will their desires be stronger than power?

carly75 · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Chapter 17: Birthday

I loved Ezequiel's apartment, but we had to go back home. Even though it was only for a few days, I feel very comforted returning to our little home. I go out to the garden to see my fish: Tea and Spots.

The fish, sensing that I am sitting beside them, start swimming near me. I touch them, I love my fish, they are the best gift Ezequiel could have given me, how I wish he would love me as I love him, our relationship is complicated, yet we still live together and share the same bed.

Today I didn't want to go to work, I am alone at home, I need this solitude to think clearly, tomorrow is my birthday and I can't stop feeling sad, I need my mother and my uncles with me. I pick up my phone and start calling my uncle Frederick.

"Hello!" I say happily.

"Little one, how are you feeling? Your birthday is coming soon."

"Are you coming?" My heart races, I want them to be with me.

"I'm sorry, I have a job to do. I'm sorry I can't come, but I will send you your gift," I start crying, "we will see each other soon."

"Okay, I love you," I hang up the call, I can't stop crying.

"Tea and Marches, don't leave me alone" I caress them with my hands. 

I try to dry my tears, Ezequiel must be about to return and I haven't made dinner, at the apartment I didn't worry about having to cook, I only ordered food delivered, now that I'm home I have to cook. I say goodbye to my two fish and go to the kitchen to prepare a delicious lasagna and an apple pie. 

After I finish, I set the table and sit to wait for Ezequiel, he takes a long time and my stomach starts to growl. Where is that idiot? I get up to take a breath in the garden, everything looks so beautiful, I hadn't been out at night. I take off my socks and stand on the grass, feeling the cold on my feet.

I feel like in my childhood, walking to the pond, I start running in circles and I let myself fall to the ground from exhaustion. I start laughing, I haven't had this much fun in a long time.

The stars are beautiful, I try to reach them with my hands, there are so many.

"You shouldn't go out barefoot at night, you could get sick," I lift my gaze and see Ezequiel standing near my head, I didn't feel him approach.

"I'm sorry," I say disheartened, sitting on the grass.

"Sometimes I forget that you're just a clumsy child, come into the house."

I look at the sky to see the dazzling stars one last time and get up, "the stars are very pretty."

Ezequiel looks at the sky and his expression changes to sadness, I hadn't seen him like this, he is very unexpressive, the stars must mean something to him. I give him a hug, I don't like seeing him sad, he returns the hug.

"Let's go home," I follow him. I don't know what the stars mean to him, but he is discouraged. We sit down to eat in silence, he doesn't even look at me.

He finishes his dinner very quickly, "I'm going to bed," he takes the last sip of wine from his glass and leaves me alone . I didn't do anything wrong to him, but I feel like I somehow hurt him, this takes away my appetite.

I get up very sad to wash the dishes. I remember how easy it was to have servants, I didn't have to prepare dinner or clean the dishes. But my reality now is different, although it's more work, I have more freedom than before.

I go to the room, Ezequiel is already asleep, I lie down next to him and place my head on his chest, "I'm sorry if I did something that hurt you," I say quietly before falling asleep.


I wake up somewhat melancholic, this is my birthday, it's what I used to look forward to the most and now it will be my first birthday without my family, that saddens me. Ezequiel is not by my side, I hope he feels better today.

I walk to the bathroom, I do my morning facial routine, I undress and step into the shower. I am seventeen years old now, I'm almost of legal age.

I step out, put on some light-colored pants, a turtleneck shirt, and a vest, tight pants and a lot of perfume. I go downstairs and Ezequiel is waiting for me at the door.

"You take too long to get ready to go out," he says, arms crossed.

"Let's go," I get into Ezequiel's new car, it's a black sports car, "I like your car," it's curious, Ezequiel changes cars often, but at home he only has space for two cars.

"They are my whims" he says very proudly.

"Ezequiel, today is my birthday."

"I know, your mother and uncle will send you their gifts," he says.

"What will you give me?" He doesn't answer, he gets into the car and I do the same. He won't give me anything, he's a selfish idiot and here I am worried about him, but he's the same idiot as always.

"What do you want for your birthday?" he says as he drives.

This excites me, "I don't know, I haven't thought about it yet," I don't know what to ask Ezequiel for.

We arrive. I get out of the car excited, everyone at the company congratulates me on my birthday. I enter my office and Ezequiel goes to his.

Upon entering, I see huge boxes with big ribbons, I start to jump with excitement and rush to open them. One is from mom, I start to cry, the card says: "For the most important person in my life."

There is a teddy bear just like the one I left at home, I hug it, it's so warm. There are also three brand watches.

I see a small box, I take it and inside is a skirt, I always wanted to have one. I take off my pants and put it on, I spin around, it's very pretty. Seeing better in the box, there are some cute knitted high stockings, I put them on, they are so soft and warm, this is the best gift.

I open the other box, it's from my uncles! There are many animal pajamas that I love . I uncover another box, inside is a diamond necklace, it's beautiful, I put it on.

There is a poorly wrapped gift in the box, it must be from my cousin Alberto, I unwrap it and it's a short winter dress, with a note that I take and it says: "Passive." I crumple the small note with anger , he's an idiot, but with good taste, this dress is precise. I'll wear it tonight, it will look nice with these stockings.

I hear a knock on the door, "come in," Andrés comes in with a box, it must be a cake. "Happy seventeenth birthday! The skirt looks really nice on you," he says as he gives me a big hug, I reciprocate, we sit at the table and he uncovers the box revealing a delicious cake, just what I wanted.

"Thank you, the skirt is a gift from mom," I say. Andrés cuts the cake and gives me a slice, I taste it and it's as delicious as it looks.

"What did Ezequiel give you?" He asks as he tries the cake.

"Nothing, he told me to decide my own gift."

"And what did you ask for?" He starts laughing and looks at me, "Are you going to take advantage of him?" He laughs even louder, this makes me blush, although I could.

"I don't..." I fall silent, "Ezequiel has never kissed me, I could ask for a kiss," but what am I saying? Not even for my birthday would he do it.

"This is your chance," he leans back a bit and his expression changes to pain.

"Are you feeling okay?" I ask, concerned.

He shakes his head, "don't worry, I just had a good night with Louis. Whenever he's jealous, he leaves me like this," I blush up to my ears. There's a knock on the door and Louis and Ezequiel come in. I can't look Louis in the face after what Andrés said.

"Happy birthday," Louis gives me a bouquet of blue flowers.

"Thank you," I take it shyly. Louis sits next to Andrés and gives him a piece of cake, which he starts to eat.

Ezequiel sits next to me and takes a piece.

"It's great that we're all here," Andrés looks at me and smiles, "Do you know what Mateo wants as a gift?" I signal him not to say it, I want to disappear at this moment.

"What does he want?" Ezequiel looks at me, confused.

"He wants me to..." I hit the table, interrupting.

"How beautiful the day is, isn't it?" I ask nervously.

"What does he want?" Ezequiel asks, "if you interrupt me, I'll punish you," he points at me.

"A kiss," everyone looks at me and laughs.

"From who?" Ezequiel looks at me threateningly. I point at Ezequiel and lower my gaze.

"Just a kiss? That's fine, although I was thinking of having the apartment we used with your uncle to stay alone all day and night."

My eyes light up, "that's better than a kiss," I say excitedly.

"Let's go," he says as he gets up, "Andrés, you're in charge and no fooling around at work."

I stand up and immediately Ezequiel and Louis look at me and then at each other. It's because of my outfit and the stockings.

"If you want to walk tomorrow, it's a bad idea to go in a skirt," Louis warns.

"I'm going to change," I don't want to lose my virginity on my birthday.

"No," Ezequiel takes my hand and drags me to the door.

"Let go of me!" I shout, "Andrés, help," I plead.

"Ezequiel..." Andrés says timidly.

Ezequiel gives him a murderous look, he just looks at me, "I'm sorry," Andrés says, I'm lost.

We leave the office and everyone sees us, I try to stay calm. Ezequiel had never acted so impulsively in public before.

"Get in the car," he says and I obey.

"What's wrong?" I ask timidly. He just runs his hand down my leg, touches my stockings, and starts to move up. I stop him. He stops, says nothing, and starts to drive. I don't know what will happen to me in that apartment, I don't want to lose my virginity in that way.