

The best prestige is being the best offspring of a great dynasty. Some offspring are luckier than others, some are despised and others conceived for the sole purpose of being the best, but could those rejected become the best offspring and form a new dynasty? Betrayals, secrets and mysteries cover the life of young Mateo, banished from his family and abandoned to his fate due to his homosexuality. Destiny will lead him to meet Ezequiel, together they will discover the secrets and mysteries that surround their families. Ezequiel is strong and dominant and Mateo is eloquent, they will both have to live together. Mateo will have to survive Ezequiel's constant demands, jealousy and fetishes. Will they manage to become the best offspring or will their desires be stronger than power?

carly75 · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Chapter 12: Family reunion

It's incredible this place, Ezequiel has a luxurious apartment at the top of the skyscraper, this is beautiful, what other luxurious properties will he have in Japan? I walk through the apartment and look out the window, this is very high, the sunset has to look beautiful. I would like to live here, everything is modern and very spacious, with a minimalist and futuristic decoration, it's perfect.

 Ezequiel is lying on the couch, looking thoughtful. These days he hasn't touched me, he just looks at me, I don't know how much is happening, but I know something strange is happening. Now I don't know if I can trust Andrés, although he has been kind to me, I can't forget his expression when he left Ezequiel's office, he was a different person. Now I realize that everyone knows about me and I don't know anyone.

 I don't know anything about Ezequiel's family, but I think the woman in the pictures is his mother or sister, she looks young. I approached him by sitting next to him.

"My uncle and his secretary Arnold would be delighted to meet you," I say to break the ice, it's very tense.

"I hope so," he says bitterly.

"Ezequiel, you know about me and I don't know anything about you," I shyly place my hand on his shoulder, "tell me something about yourself."

"If I tell you something, you have to give me something in return," he removes my hand from his shoulder, I think he doesn't want me to touch him.

"What do you want?" I don't know what he wants, but at least I want to know something about the person I live with. He looks at me, leaning back from the couch a little further.

"I want you to eat it," He only asked for that, I feel relieved, I thought he would ask for something else.

 "Eat what?" I look at him enthusiastically.

"Is seriously?" I nod confused, he takes my hand and places it on her crotch, "I'm not talking about cannibalism," he laughs, that makes me blush. "I know you like it, I want you to eat it all," this makes me nervous, I retire my hand from Ezequiel's crotch . I tried his semen, but I have never done what he is asking me. 

"You better not tell me anything," I get up nervous, I don't want to say that I have never done it. I feel a knock on the door, Ezequiel gets up and opens it.

I see my uncle coming in with the luggage, I run into his arms and start to cry, "Uncle!" I say through tears.

"You've grown so much," Arnold approaches and hugs me too, I love this warmth, being surrounded by my family was what I needed.

"He's already started crying," says my cousin Alberto , it's amazing that they brought him, it ruins our moment.

"Why did they bring him?" I point to him in disgust.

"We couldn't leave him alone," Arnold caresses my hair, "he promises to behave, right?" He looks at my cousin, who pouts and goes to look out the window, he's rude.

"Pleasure to meet you, I'm Mr. Chadburn, although you can call me Ezequiel," I had forgotten to introduce him. Ezequiel extends his hand.

"Pleased to meet you, Ezequiel, I hope you're taking good care of my little nephew," my uncle takes Ezequiel's hand and they stay looking at each other for a while, I touch Arnold's arm to see if he intervenes.

"Hello Ezequiel, I'm Arnold, Frederick's secretary," this eases the tension, what a relief. Arnol extends his hand and they shake hands.

"Uncle, Ezequiel has taken care of me all these months, he's very good to me."

"Keep taking care of my nephew. Albert!" He calls my cousin, who walks towards him, "this is my only son."

"Hello," says my cousin reluctantly.

"Pleased to meet you," says Ezequiel before going to talk to my uncle. I'm curious, but I stay with Arnold and Albert on the sofa.

"This is a very nice place, although it's not the address you sent originally."

"No, actually, I live in another house with Ezequiel," he didn't want them to come to our house, I had to send another address. He gets up and brings a suitcase, he surely brought me a gift, how exciting!

"Thank you," the drone is state-of-the-art and personalized with my name and lots of little bears, "I love it!" I give him a hug.

"I also brought you a lot of treats that you like," this day couldn't be better.

"What did you bring me?" asks my cousin with his arms crossed. Arnold starts to hesitate.

"Some cookies and treats. Here, take them," he takes them somewhat angrily, he's spoiled and we're only three years apart, we're very different. I take my treats and put them on the sofa, I don't intend to share with him.

"Mateo, you have long hair, I like it," he starts touching it, "you have very nice curls."

"Yes, I let it grow, although I don't know what hairstyles to do, I've never had long hair," Arnold gets excited and brings a small bag.

"I always wanted a daughter so I could style her hair," he takes out a brush and many other products, and starts styling my hair. This is very relaxing, "could you stay with me?" I rest my head on his leg, it would be great to be pampered, "yes," I reply, taking my drone to have a better look at it.

"Dad, I'm your son, not him," he stands up and sits next to Arnold.

"Get away! They're styling my hair," I try to push him away, but he clings on, "go away."

"Please, share, please," he tries to separate us.

"He's my dad, I don't want to live with you," he pushes me away from Arnold. I get angry, I put my drone on the floor and throw some treats at him from the table.

"Frederick, control the kids," shouts Arnold asking for help. I take the opportunity to throw a chocolate bar at him, he catches it and starts eating my chocolate.

"That's mine, give it back," I try to run, but they grab my arm. It's my uncle, I look at him with tears in my eyes. "Uncle, my chocolate," I point.

"He threw it to me, so it's mine," my uncle looks at me.

"But he pushed me," he eats the chocolate faster, he's shameless, "Uncle!" I shout.

"How old are they? They seem like crybabies," says Ezequiel, "it's just a stupid chocolate, I can buy you the whole factory if you want." My eyes light up, yet my cousin continues to enjoy my chocolate.

"Still, that's my chocolate," I keep shouting, I don't like it when people take what's mine.

My uncle takes me by the arm and sits me down, he goes to my cousin and sits him down on the other sofa, he takes the chocolate and chops it in half, he gives me a piece and another piece for my cousin Alberto. I start to eat it, it's very delicious, " Now both of you behave, I don't want Arnold to call me for another fight, understood?" We nod.

"And you wanted to have more children," he says before leaving with Ezequiel to Arnold.

Arnold sits next to me and starts braiding my hair, I love being surrounded by them. With my uncle, we were a normal family with love, discussions, and agreements. At home, there were only punishments, orders, and demands to be the best, and many boring parties.

Many times I just wanted a normal family. I asked dad once and he just said it was the price to pay for being the best dynasty.

"I'm done," I snap out of my thoughts and touch my braids.

"Thank you," I look in the mirror, he put two little bows, "it's very pretty."

"Mateo, let's go upstairs," says Arnold winking at me and extending his hand, he wants to ask me something. I get up and take his hand, Albert gets up.

"Not you, baby, you stay here," I stick closer to Arnold, smiling, finally we can be alone.

"Uncle Arnold, could you tell Alberto not to touch my things?" I look at him pleadingly.

"Don't touch anything, understood? Otherwise, I'll tell your dad." Alberto shoots me a murderous look, he's angry, he deserves it for eating my chocolate.

We go upstairs and enter a room, it's very spacious and beautiful. He sits on the bed and gestures for me to sit, so I do.

"You're grown up now and living with another man," he takes my hand, "and it's normal to have intimacy, you're still young for relationships."

"I haven't done anything with Ezequiel," I interrupt, I'm embarrassed that he's talking about this, "I'm a virgin," I say timidly.

"I'm sorry, I thought..." He starts laughing, this makes me blush, "you don't have to be embarrassed, it's normal if you have any questions about being with another man, I can help you." He's gay, so he must know, I have so many questions. He starts intertwining my fingers because of the nervousness.

"Du ... it hurts to do it?" I cover my face in shame, Arnold places his hand on my leg.

"The first time, if the body is not used to it, but then the pain turns into pleasure," he subtly removes my hands from my face. "But if your partner is understanding, he will move around at your own pace, so that you are comfortable and whenever you want, no one can force you, do you understand?"

"Yes," I remain silent, remembering Ezequiel's proposal. "And… And…" I can't get the right words.

Arnold sighs like an understanding mother, "there are many things you want to know, like what is better lubricant or saliva?"

"Not me..." I blush to my ears, it's my first time talking about this. I hear his laughter.

"At your age, I would have liked someone to advise me, although I learned by myself at fifteen," it surprises me, at such a young age, he was already experiencing. "Go take a shower and come down for dinner, Frederick also wants to spend time with you," before leaving the room, I give him a hug.

"Arnold, I want you to know that you're not just my uncle's secretary, you're more than that and you've always treated me like a son, you mean a lot to me," my hug is reciprocated.

He was always there for me as far as my father allowed him, finally I can be with the people who love me. My life begins to change, there are many secrets, but I feel that they will all come to light.