
The Photoshoot

As Auri walked out of the dressing room, the fabric shifted around her legs and her right leg peaked in and out of the fabric. she smiled down at herself. She looked beautiful. She loved the amendments that had been done to the dress. Everything looked better now that it was not held by pins but by actual stitches.

It wasn't just the dress either. A makeup artist had added touches to her face that made her look mystical. Then there were the accessories from the wardrobe crew. The delicate silver chain around her necklace with a single diamond at the end was a nice touch. And so was the silver chain around her ankle with charms. The photographer had asked her to remain barefooted. She liked it. With the dress, she felt that she looked like a goddess. Or a temptress of the night.

"You look beautiful," Sharon said as she walked over to meet Auri.

She matched the background with her white slacks and an open button-down shirt over a tank top.

Auri blushed and smiled, "Thank you."

"Are you ready?" the photographer asked as he inspected his camera.

"Yes," Auri replied and went to stand in position.

"Turn on the light," the man said and his assistant flicked on a light.

Auri was blinded by the intensity of the light. She shielded her eyes with one hand.

"I'm sorry," the assistant said as she decreased the intensity of the light to something more bearable.

"It's okay," Auri responded as she lowered her hand and struck a pose.

The photographer lifted his camera and then lowered it.

"Can you lean back a little?" he asked her.

Auri complied.

"Good," the photographer said as he lifted his camera to his face.

He snapped a few pictures and then said, "Turn your head upward and keep your gaze on me."

Auri tilted her chin up.

"Perfect!" he said as he took a picture.

An hour passed with him telling her to move this way and that way without rest. Her muscles felt stiff from holding poses for long stretches of time but she did not complain. She held the poses and facial expressions the cameraman wanted from her. This was her job for now. She had never been a halfway type of person. And in addition to building a name for herself, she needed to stay on Nicolas' good side.

"That's it we are done," the cameraman said as he lowered his camera.

"Thank you," Auri said as she relaxed.

She moved away from the station and Sharon rushed to her with a bottle of water cradled in her hands.

"You did good," Sharon told her and she grinned.

"Do you think I can get a peek at the pictures?" Auri asked.

"I'll ask," Sharon said, "You go change."

Auri nodded and went to the dressing room. She quickly changed back into a pair of jeans and a simple white tee shirt. She rushed out of the room and went to find Sharon. Sharon was standing behind the photographer who was sitting at a desk, all his attention on the laptop in front of him.

Auri beelined to the pair. Sharon, as if sensing her lifted looked over her shoulder and her gaze met Auri's. She smiled at her and waved her over. Auri stopped next to Sharon and looked at the computer. She was shocked. Was that her? She looked so beautiful.

She felt a warm presence behind her and she looked over her shoulder. Her eyes landed on a very familiar figure and her breath caught in her lungs. Nicolas was behind her looking at the images on the laptop screen. He was so close. She could lean back half an inch and she would be on him. He did not seem to see her. He was completely focused on the laptop. There was a pleased smile on his face. He suddenly turned his gaze to her and his smile widened.

"You did good," he whispered to her.

Auri smiled back at him, "Thank you."

Sharon turned her head to see who Auri was talking to and her eyes widened.

"Mr Leroux!" she breathed and the photographer tensed he looked over his shoulder and his eyes widened too.

"I'm just here to see how the Photoshop went," he said with a rueful smile.

"Good job as always Paul," he said to the photographer who stammered out a thanks.

It was rare for the big boss himself to come here. His models used him but Paul had seen the man a few times that too from a distance. Paul turned back to the pictures on his laptop and wondered why Leroux had come here. Was it the dress which was a modified version of one of his designs or was it the model? Paul looked at the reflection of Leroux on his screen and noted how closely the man stood to Auri. She was his new exclusive model. The other three had not gotten the attention she was getting. Who was she to the fashion tycoon?

Paul the photographer was not the only one speculating. His assistant, the makeup artist, and the stylist were all doing it. Office gossip said that the model had been given a tour of the building by Nicolas himself. That was a first. It was also said that she lived in the building next to his apartment. She was the only one other than him to live on that floor. Who was she? Was Nicolas Leroux dating her?

Nicolas was unaware of the attention his actions brought upon him by his proximity to his new model. He watched the photographer run through all the images he had taken. Auri could feel his heat on her back. There was a pulse at the base of her neck fluttering like the wings of a hummingbird. It took everything she had not to turn her head again. He had inclined in and she felt that if she turned her head, her occiput would just about rub on him. As much as she wanted to lean into him, she dared not move. A quick tumble was not memorable enough to capture his heart. She would play the long game. She wanted his heart to ache for her. She wanted him to think of only her when his body wanted to be pleased. So, she controlled her urges. She pretended to be as oblivious as he was to the tension building between them.

They saw the last image and Nicolas stepped back. Auri took this as an opportunity to put some distance between them. Sharon kept fawning over the quality of the images.

"It's easy to produce such lovely pictures with a model like Ms Engel," Peter said with an eye on Nicolas' reflection on the screen.

Auri blushed.

"Everyone did a good job," she said as she ducked her head.

Nicolas' phone vibrated and he pulled it out of his pocket. He drew it out, glanced at the screen and mumbled something distractedly as he left the room.

"Thank you again for the lovely work you put in," Sharon said as she grasped Auri's elbow.

Auri glanced at her questioningly but Sharon's face gave away nothing.

"It wasn't a problem," Paul said and looked at Auri, "It was good working with you."

"I had a great experience with you too," Auri said with a smile.

"I'm sorry," Sharon let the words out with a polite smile, "I have another appointment I need to get to. Auri, walk with me."

"Thank you again," Auri managed to tell Paul as Sharon pulled her away with a punishing grip on her elbow.

She let Sharon drag her out of the room before she complained.

"That hurts," she told Sharon with a wince.

"Sorry," Sharon said as she loosened her grip, "Follow me."

Auri nodded and followed Sharon all the way outside the building and to her car. Sharon unlocked her car, opened the driver's door, and looked at Auri.

"I want to talk to you," she told Auri, "Get in."

Auri frowned in confusion but she did as she was told. She slid into the passenger seat and closed the door.

Sharon got into the car, turned on the engine and turned on the air conditioner to combat the heat.

"I know that you are old enough to handle your relationships," Sharon said, "But I think you are smart enough to know not to risk your career."

Auri said nothing. She had an idea of what Sharon was getting at. She was going to let her. She knew that this conversation would come sooner or later.

"You can date anyone you want," Sharon said, "But it is not wise to get into anything with Nicolas Leroux. He is a good designer but he is not good for you as a woman or good for your career."

Auri felt a pang in her heart. Sharon seemed to really care for her. Maybe she was just protecting Auri as her agent but she seemed to actually care. She could not be faking that look of sisterly love in her eyes. No one could fake the kind of concern there. Auri felt her eyes itch and a vice formed in her throat.

"I understand what you are saying," Auri said, "Don't worry, nothing is happening between me and Mr Leroux."

Nothing yet anyway.

Every author loves feedback, so please spare me a moment of your time and drop a review.

Power stones and golden tickets would do the job if you're not up to typing. This girl is not allergic to gifts.

Thank you in advance!

AnotidaMandemwacreators' thoughts