
Debt Collector System

Lumiere is a twenty-year-old male who somehow met a system telling him that he died. Not knowing how it happened, Lumiere realized that he couldn't remember much about his life. However, upon learning that he has to jump through different worlds to collect a 'fate-debt' in each world, he found out that the reward for completing the whole world-hopping mission is him going back to his own world. Feeling a strong sense of wanting to live as if he'd regret it if he failed to do so, he accepted the missions given by the system. What he didn't expect is that a certain soul is adamant on following him in every world and in each of those worlds, even Lumiere couldn't help allowing 'it' to top him over and over again.

Kiss_Mu_Ku_Pa · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

ARC 1: The Abandoned Lover’s Salvation (1) Chapter 1: Welcome, Esteemed Host!

It was very sudden, Lumiere hadn't had the time to process things before he was thrown into a black space with green strands of data. In front of him is a little person, no, it's more like a mini robot with a square face, glowing green eye-like dots and a line to serve as its mouth. However, Lumiere doesn't feel panicked at all. In spite of being unfamiliar, he rather felt comfortable. Not because of the atmosphere, rather, it's because of the floating mini robot trying to act all cute in front of him without speaking, as if testing its facial expressions.

Lumiere cannot help but to let out a soft laugh. When the mini robot got a response, its eyes went large and actually formed a blush showing its embarrassment and awe.

"Hello." Lumiere greeted first.

[Hello.] The mini robot repeated Lumiere's greeting with its tone a bit lacking of feelings. Just then it continued, [Welcome, dear host. I am called a Debt Collector System. In the host's world, the host's body already died. However, the host's lingering regret and will to live on is strong, that's why this system chose you to be my host.]

Lumiere paused for a second. He died? For real? He doesn't even know. But now the he thinks about it, other than his name, he actually cannot remember most things but his beliefs and experiences from the life he's lived before is still fresh. He looked at the system with suspecting eyes and asked him what it wants from him.

[This system wants the host to live the lives of people in their stead and change their bad ends to good ends. No worries, these people should have good lives but they all met a calamity star, snatching their destinies. That is why they needed the host's help, who's an outsider, to give them the ending they deserve.]

As Lumiere listens, he somehow felt it was all good if that's the case, since he wasn't helping bad people. Still he asked, "But what will they get after that? After I change their destinies, what will happen?"

The system then confidently answered, [This system will record the host's behaviors, mental capacity, emotions, memories and performance and directly implant it to the real owner of the body before the host leaves the world. All that's left for them to do is to live their life while the host goes to another world to do other missions.]

Lumiere can't help but feel a bit sad. It's like he's doing good deeds but only the other can claim recognition. The system seemed to notice its host's disapproving look so it continued, [If the host finished all of his missions, he can choose to go back to his original world or to other worlds he's been as a completion reward.]

Upon hearing those words, even if Lumiere couldn't remember his life at all, he felt his whole body screaming that he wants to go back. That if he let go of this chance, he'll regret it forever. He was already convinced but he still needs to know if he's going to be safe in doing these missions. So after asking the system about his worries, the system answered in a very gentle tone that it could do.

[There are rules that the host has to follow: First, never go out of character unless the situation and level of naïveté of the character is applicable for change. If by chance, the host forces a change, points will be deducted depending to the changed level;]

That means that unless something in the plot happens that can affect the person Lumiere is possessing to change drastically, it is plausible to act differently without a penalty. If he had no choice but to change his actions and attitude abruptly, he had to pay the penalty fee.

[Second, the system will provide a target for the host to raise the favorability level. If the target's favorability level reached a 100%, then the host can leave the body if the fifth rule is also fulfilled. If the host failed to reach the target percentage, he will be thrown to a penalty world.]

When Lumiere inquired the use of the targets, the system answered that they were the people that's considered as the luck clover of the body the host is going to occupy, thus, will assist the host in his missions. This gave Lumiere a sense of relief since he won't be alone if he can rely on someone else. That is, if he can turn them into an ally.

[Third, if the host decided to give up a world, the host will have to enter the cold room to endure 30 years of punishment before going to the next mission.]

The system also emphasized the time difference in the real world. In other words, inside the system space is frozen, Lumiere won't grow old at all.

[Fourth, points can be earned after each world's completion. Depending on the host's performance and the world's level, the points earned can also decrease or increase.]

Lumiere finds that agreeable, especially because he found out that he'd have 500 points as a starting pack. And he can buy props and other unique things the more he earns points.

[Lastly, make sure that the calamity star can never implicate the real owner's life by enacting the owner's revenge without going out of character. There will be misfortune level to count. If it reaches 100%, only then can the mission be truly deemed complete. If the host failed to reach the target percentage, he will be thrown to a penalty world.]

"How do I know that I fail the mission then?" Lumiere wondered.

[It is when the affection level of the luck clover towards the calamity star reaches 100% before the host fill the luck clover's favorability level and the calamity star's misfortune level.]

"Wait! I have to fill in 200% while the other only has to fill in 100%? Isn't this a bit too difficult?" Lumiere complained but was once again swayed by the system when it told him that it will guide him and they will start with a very easy F-Class world.

In the end, Lumiere can only sigh and agree with a heavy heart. It's not like he will actually say no when his whole being is forcing him to go back to his own world. After the contract is signed by both him and the system, Lumiere felt sick and nauseous, however, he couldn't vomit anything even if he wants to.

[World transfer successful. Wishing the host a good fortune!]

Now that Lumiere has heard the system, he noticed that he was sitting on a cold floor, looking down on his shaking legs, as if he couldn't stand up no matter how hard he tried. There is also wetness in his eyes but no tears are falling down. When he tried to look up, a cold water was thrown onto his face, so he had no choice but to close his eyes and look down once again, feeling annoyed.

Then he heard a voice, "Stop acting like a spoiled child and go back! I've told you many times that this is only business! You overthink too much it's actually fucking suffocating!"

Lumiere carefully looked up and saw a brown haired-man also dripping with water on his head, hiding behind the black-haired person, who's holding an empty glass. Clearly the one who poured him the water. Lumiere wiped his face. Since he doesn't know the whole situation, he only stood up and left, trying to look as pitiful and disappointed as possible.

After hiding in a corner outside the building, he sighed and called for the system in his mind, "System, show me this world's information."

A screen popped up in front of his eyes and as he reads the words, his face distorted, he even bit his lower lip in annoyance, "This is what you call a 'very easy' world?!"

This world, he plays the character of Eclaire Dolea, a naïve and child-like person. He is actually very pure and positive. He grew up in a wealthy and loving family that is why he is never exposed to the ugliness of the world. His parents had him at a very old age that is why he is very treasured and spoiled rotten. Many people fell for his charm and many pursue him – both men and women. Because he is an obedient son, he actually listened to his parents and decided not to marry, staying with them forever! Then, a man managed to persuade his parents to be his lover without using any underhanded methods. When Eclaire heard of this, he actually cried, thinking he would be abandoned but after a long explanation, he also accepted the man and after only a few months, he finally fell in love.

A year and a half passed and his parents died when he reached the age of nineteen. His lover promised to take care of him and protect him for life. And he did. They lived without any quarrels and because Eclaire is very obedient and lovable, both of them are satisfied with their lives. That is, until he met the calamity star.

He then lost the trust of his lover and was stolen by the other, he was exposed to the dirt of the world and without knowing what to do he was easily toppled down. In the end, he was driven mad and while having hallucinations of his lover calling him, he ran through the balcony of his room on the fifth floor and fell into the pool and died.

The worst thing for Lumiere is that the so-called calamity star and the so-called luck clover are both the people he just met earlier. Looking at the screen, the calamity star is the brown-haired green-eyed man called Jen and his luck clover, the black-haired golden-eyed man, which is also his lover, Augustine.

His confidence shattered when he saw the affection level progress compared to the favorability level progress.




He just had to be transmigrated to the part where Eclaire was brainwashed by his nanny, the head maid, to go to Augustine's company to cause a ruckus because of the 'he's introducing Jen as his lover to his people'. Based on Eclaire's trust on his nanny and his naïveté, he actually rushed and ran wild, even pouring water on Jen.

Augustine is trying to get an international partnership, all they are really talking about is purely business. As for Jen, he is there because he is working under Augustine. In this incident, not only did he pour water on Jen, but actually hit one of the other party's side on the face when he tried to stop him, thus, the partnership business failed.

As Lumiere laments on this fact, he heard a 'ding!' sound three times. Upon looking at the screen, his face distorted even more.

AFFECTION LEVEL: 50% --> 55%



"System, come out… I really just want to talk…" Lumiere can only mutter with a bleeding heart.