
Why Wasn’t It Me?

"I am," Evian called to his visitor as he pulled Karenssa's hand off his chest and walked past her to pull open the bedroom door.

"Hey," Carleine said, cheeks red with uncertainty, "I wanted to talk to you,"

"Okay," Evian said as he stepped aside to allow her in while giving the Baroness a pointed look.

"Oh," Carleine said, taken aback by the presence of the sultry woman in Evian's bedroom, and as she looked from Karenssa's scanty and accentuating outfit to Evian's slightly open Bathrobe, her mind reeled with the possibilities, 

"I didn't know you had company."

"The Baroness was just leaving," Evian said and then raised a brow at Karenssa, "Right?"

The Baroness smiled lightly and then walked to the door, paused to place a hand on Evian's chest and stare into his eyes, leaving behind a confident promise before she left, "We'll continue this later."