
The city built on Death

The city of St.Peters was built on top of an ancient ruin, supposedly haunted by the demon of death, named Amaranth and the angel of death named Seraphiel. The two are rivals, feeding on different aspects of humanity. The demon feeds on the sins of the living, while the angel feeds on the virtues. At night, the demon and angel come out to hunt for souls to bring to their respective destinations. The residents of the city are unaware of the presence of the two rival beings, but they have been known to cause mysterious disappearances and untimely deaths.As the demon and angel continued their nightly hunts, the brutality of their kills increased. The residents of the city were scared, wondering who or what was behind these deaths, and why they seemed to occur at random. Many began to avoid going out at night, afraid of the demons and angels. Some even believed that the demon and angel were working together, using the city as a playground for their twisted games. The residents prayed for protection, but the demon and angel remained active, each determined to outwit the other in their twisted game.John was a resident of the city. One night, as he was walking home, he crossed paths with the demon, Amaranth. The demon was hungry, and John was a convenient target. John tried to resist, to fight off the demon, but he was no match for it. The demon tore into John, killing him quickly and brutally. His body was found the next morning, torn apart and drained of all life. News of John's death spread through the city, leaving residents terrified and wondering what else the demon might do.As the days went on, reports of more and more brutal killings began to spread. The demon was still hungry, and it was not picky about who it chose as its next victim. The residents of the city became fearful and paranoid, avoiding going out at night or even alone. They began to doubt the angel's protection and the protection of the gods. The demon continued to hunt, and the residents prayed for their protection, hoping that the next victim would not be them.The human residents of the city were also worried about the angel of death, Seraphiel. The two beings were rivals, and their feud had spilled over into the human realm. Seraphiel was not interested in protecting the humans, and was also responsible for brutal killings. The humans were caught in the middle, scared of both beings. It seemed as if there was no way to escape their rivalry.One day a group of archeologist explore a cave in the depths of the ruin The archeologists were shocked by what they had discovered. This scripture explained that the rivalry between the demon and angel had been brought about by Lucifer and God in order to balance the arrival of souls in both realms. The script also warned that the demon and angel could only be defeated if humans could learn to work together and find a way to balance their own lives between the sin and virtue. The humans needed to choose to do good, to choose to rise above the demon and angel, or else their lives and souls would be subject to their will.After the archeologists had decoded the scripture, they were surprised to find that it was not a warning, as they had expected, but rather a deception. The real scripture said that the humans could not defeat the demon and angel, but they could prevent them from killing someone by stopping their emotions from showing. This meant that any emotions or responses that the humans showed would be like fuel for the demon and angel, and they would continue to kill and feed off of them.The archeologists shared their findings with the citizens of the city. This new information caused the humans to be even more fearful and paranoid. They tried harder than ever to suppress their emotions and avoid showing any response to the terrifying situation. However, this was easier said than done, and many still fell victim to the demon and angel's brutal killings. The humans realized that they needed a more permanent solution to their problem if they wanted to survive.As the citizens of the city learned of the rivalry between the angel and demon, they began to summon other demons and angels in order to help them fight against the two beings. The demons and angels they summoned were not allied with the demon and angel, but they were still powerful and dangerous beings who could potentially make the situation worse. In their desperation, the citizens had summoned the devil they knew, not knowing that they were playing with fire by inviting chaos into their lives.The citizens summoned Leviathan, a prince of sin who represented envy. Leviathan was not an ally of Amaranth, the demon of death, but was instead a rival and enemy. Leviathan was proud and powerful, and it was not inclined to help the citizens of the city. It was more likely to cause destruction and chaos in the city, rather than bring balance to the demon and angel's rivalry. The citizens had opened a door that they could not close.