
Deathless humanity (bl, qt)

When Snow, a system, gets an update out of nowhere, Shu XinYi who has been trapped as a connon fodder was finally free. Well he still had to play cannon fodder but this time he could actually do what he wanted. Slap some faces? Sure. Become better then the protagonist? Sure? Make love to that CEO? SURE. Bring salvation to all humans trapped inside these virtual worlds? Well he can try. Shu XinYi was not alone on his journey, a being that was "Unidentifiable" accompanied him in all these worlds trying to combat multiple bosses together. Why these worlds existed? Who was that unidentifiable being? What were the circumstances of his existences? Shu XinYi could only figure out through time. This novel is a work of fiction. Warnings are given at all necessary points. Support me on: patreon.com/Snowblade_08 World or Level 1 Deathless humanity 1. Basketball career is all about sponsorship, love and jealousy. 2. Women can be dangerous, business women can be even more dangerous. 3. A painter can't murder they can only love their camera guy, trust me twin bro. Level 2 Interstellar ruins 4. Pheonix eyes are properties of not just the pheonix, well that too. 5. Being killed by a rabbit is not that bad, will they step on me too? Or they can be my wife. 6. Twin brother again? I won't give you my lab's professional bunny. Level 3 Power ascension 7. Master only uses the sword of his 2nd disciple, maybe Master really has favorites. 8. A university student can become the most wanted man, Oh, what have the young generation come to. 9. Hello, I am God. Hello, Mister God, I am hacker. Level 4 Mythic doom 10. Today the stars read, a mine manager will become a mine owner, nepotism. 11. The dancing prince becomes a waterwide sensation. 12. Being a mage doesn't nearly pay enough Memory stones: the past of ruins 1.Humans are pathetic 2.I must get along with humans 3.I don't like involving with humans 4.I like this human 5. Humans deserve peace 6. Humanity remains deathless

Snowblade_08 · LGBTQ+
Classificações insuficientes
416 Chs

3.14 One good news

There were still 5 days untill the trial, and as discussed, Xiang Li would play "Missing" So he hadn't shown up to work. Neither did he go outside for long without a mask. He was even living with Shu XinYi. Nor was he using his car.

That very evening, Xiang Li arranged a private broker and they went around the city to review the area. Shu XinYi didn't care about the location as much. He only wanted more utilization space.

Shu XinYi had already paid back the sum he owed to Bai Jiao. So as of now he didn't have any debt over his head. Nor did he want any. Debts never end well in a growing economy so he didn't want to buy the shop on debt nor lease.

Which would be a bit difficult. Right now, apart from the house which was under his name, Lan Xiao didn't have a lot of assets. Although Mrs.Lan had been very generous in giving them pocket money and Shu XinYi had also started earning from his channel, Shu XinYi would only be able to buy a shop if he was lucky.

The broker showed him 10 locations within 3 hours. The price ranges and the space and locations were different for all of them. Shu XinYi asked for 2 days time to finalize.

Back home he discussed with Xiang Li about it.

"The one in district c is the most feasible. I think." Shu XinYi said, looking at his credit report. Seems like he would have to take a laon or debt after all.

"But it is small isn't it. Also it is in such a remote area, it's not safe." Xiang Li worriedly said.

Shu XinYi selected this because it was the most affordable out of the 10. For this too he might have to make some negotiations.

Xiang Li saw his dilemma and suggested "XiaoXiao, If it is money you are worried about then please don't be too worried. Just select the best location for yourself. I want to help you out."

Shu XinYi looked at the hesitant Xiang Li, ah, how does he know me so well?

"Really?" Shu XinYi said.

Xiang Li became a little more confident with his approach saying "Yes, Anything you want, If I am capable, I want to bring it to you."

"Then tell me which shop should I get. You know my budget and you know yours so decide wisely." Shu XinYi subtly agreed.

"To be honest out of all, I only found one to be good. It was the one beside the central town. The location is safe and easily accessible. The space is also comparatively large."

Obviously he selects the most expensive one, Shu XinYi thought.

Xiang Li quickly said "Don't worry, please. As your partner aren't I allowed to help you with such stuff? I don't mean to be disrespectful. If you don't want to then I won't interfere."

Shu XinYi was impressed at Xiang Li's persuasive skills.

"Haa.. If you don't mind then ok. In the future if you want help with stuff like this then you can ask from me too."

"Yes and you can too. I love you and I know you love me so I don't care about other things at all." Xiang Li said.

"Then I won't care about other things as well." Shu XinYi said carefreely.

"Should I call the broker?"

"No, I'll do tomorrow."

The next day and the day after that, both of them were buzy trying to get the ownership of the shop. The work didn't stop after this joined venture and they had to immediately start working on the shop interior. For the days until the trial Shu XinYi and Xiang Li worked non stop. From editing and recording videos to the making an interior design plan.

When the trial day arrived, the shop was no where near complete but they had to put the work on hold for the day.

Shu XinYi left for the court before Xiang Li. During the car ride he could already tell that Song XingChen had come to the court. Since the media gathered outside, had increased.

Snow told him that XingChen announced to the public that his reason for coming here today was because his sculpture was involved or something.

Shu XinYi sat inside the court and the trial finally began.

The first thing inquired was about Xiang Li. Since the judge required some evidence from him.

A man who worked with Xiang Li offered a report saying that Xiang Li hasn't been to work in the last week.

The report had the recording of the original interview with Xin Su except for the "Ghost" part. Next, there was evidence about a fake sculpture being present. There was also evidence about why the sculpture they had as evidence was the real one. The judge asked someone to check and there really was a a palm print seal and a signature on the sculpture, which was obviously difficult to replicate.

Xin Su was called forward once again to make the confession again. Xin Su was really nervous as he said "I killed Bai Jiao. I killed him. I really did kill him your honor please trust me. Pleas-"

"Silence." The judge said. It was all becoming more complicated.

At this moment the doors of the court opened and two people walked in. One was Xiang Li, the other was a masked man.

"Your honor, I am sorry for being late." Xiang Li said. Xin Su showed a suprised and horrified face saying " You.. How are you alive. No you can't do anything to young master. Your honor I already said I killed Bai Jiao. Don't do anything to young master please Your honor."

"Calm down. Who is this young master you speak of?" Xiang Li asked.

Xin Su widened his eyes like he just realised his mistakes saying "Oh no, no one. I. its no one."

Shu XinYi wasn't disappointed with the acting. For Xin An to train Xin Su for this in a week, was really a tough skill.

The judge was getting a headache at this point.

"Allow me to explain the events that took place this week Your honor." Xiang Li said.

The judge nodded at him and Xiang Li passed him a file and a USB. He then came forward.

"Your honor, 7 days ago I was kidnapped by some people. I could only use a broken recorder to record some evidence but I am sure it won't be needed anyway. Your Honor I would like your permission to question Mr.Song."

Song XingChen, was trying to calm his nerves all this while. Xin An had already affirmed him that Xiang Li was dealt with so why this now?

The judge "Mr.Song, please come forward."

Song XingChen was really regretting his decision to come here today. The audience gasped as he stood up and walked in the questioning stand.

"Mr.Song, where were you on the night that the murder took place?" Xiang Li questioned.

Song XingChen answered as confidently as he could "I was with my friends in a private bar." XingChen calmly answered.

"Do you have anyone that can affirm this for you?"

"Yes, Bai Meng."

Xiang Li looked at Bai Meng and got affirmation from him.

"Mr.Song, are you familiar with the name R.A.Z.O.R.?" Xiang Li asked.

Song XingChen closed his eyes taking a breath then said "No."

"Intresting, Your honor, Razor is the alias used by the person who called Mr.Xue via blackmail, to the murder location. Mr.Feng can you confirm this?" Xiang Li said.

"Yes your honor. This is the alias that person used as you can see."

Xiang Li then continued "Song XingChen you do know that even a private connection could be traced back to your original iP, right?"

The judge asked "What are you claiming, Xiang Li?"

"Your honor, as I said, this Ip was traced back to Song XingChen's Ip. Which leads me to believe that Song XingChen is the one who called Mr.Xue there that day."

Xiang Li then walked away from Song XingChen and said "Your honor, the people who kidnapped me kept saying "young master" and Mr.Song's name but that is not something I am providing as evidence. When I heard Mr.Song's name I just remembered Mr.Lan, who said that Mr.Song was the only one who saw the completed sculpture. Didn't you Mr.Song?"

Song XingChen "Yes I did, but so what? I am not an artist. Nor did Mr.Lan allow me to take any pictures, so how would I even make a fake? Moreover even if I made a fake, why would I break the real one? It's illogical."

Xiang Li "Exactly, as you heard from Mr.Song Your honor. I believe what he says to be true. He is no artist, nor can any artist make something like that in a short amount of time. But Mr.Song, you did take a picture."

Song XingChen again closed his eyes saying "Yes I did okay, so what? Taking picture is a crime now?"

"No, but well murdering someone is. Xin Su, you said that you murdered Bai Jiao right? Then tell me where did you prick him with the needle? Think carefully." Xiang Li said walking back to Xin Su.

Xin Su hurriedly said "On his right arm, yes I definitely did it on his right arm. I killed him your honor. I really did. Young master is innocent. He .. I"

"Enough, Your honor, this boy is clearly not in his senses. In the interview he said that he poisoned Bai Jiao's neck, now he says right arm. I require the court to investigate more upon the relationship between Song XingChen and this young man."

The judge called for people to take a very scared Xin Su away, then Xiang Li continued.

"Your honor, To simplify about the sculpture situation. I tried to find the traces of the fake sculpture but I found none. From street artist to professional. I inquired everywhere. I also reviewed the footage several times to find anyone taking the statue but I found none. In the footage the sculpture just vanished like the sculpture walked away on it's own."

The judge "Please evaluate more."

"Surely your honor. What I said before, leads me to believe that there is no actual fake sculpture but Mr.Song himself was the sculpture that day."

The judge too could make the connection but he still needed more evidence so Xiang Li continued "Your honor, this man here with me is a body makeup artist. Not very well known but he is actually amazing. Here are some of his works."

The Xiang Li presented some of his recent works.

The judge reviewed it all, hearing Xiang Li say "This is one of his recent works from about 2 months ago. Mr.Fei Can you show it."

Mr Fei was the name of the makeup artist. After Song XingChen had recognized the man, he had already started to come up with better lies. Things were getting a bit out of hand for him. This man was the one who had helped him transition into a sculpture through makeup and prosthetics.

Song XingChen hadn't bothered to make the man stay quiet about this, since it wasn't necessary. The matter of the statue shouldn't even come into play but, Since Xin Feng made a mistake of dumping the statue, it all became a mess. Along with how Xin Su behaved previously, it was clear in what direction the case was going. Song XingChen was slowly losing his balance of reality.

For 4 years slowly, he had planned to take down all the people involved in his father's suicide. He was lucky to have the Xin's by his side. Although he knew that the Xin parents were killed of by his own father for a little sum of money, Song XingChen still used them and kept them oblivious.

The judge saw pictures and videos of Song XingChen transitioning into a sculpture similar to the one Mr.Lan made. Everyone in court saw it too.

Xiang Li questioned "Mr.Song, you aren't going to deny that this is you right?"

Song XingChen took some deep breaths and said his final argument "This doesn't prove anything. How come no one noticed I was a living human and not a sculpture, that day I was inspired by what Mr.Lan made and wanted to become his art. It was nothing more then an artistic feat. I don't have any reason to kill Bai Jiao nor is it possible for a busy man like me to execute something like this."

Xiang Li handed a different file to the judge saying "Oh but you do have a reason Mr.Song. Your Honor, this is the case file of Mr.Song's father. His post mortem report suggesting that it was a suicide. Your honor the background of this case runs deep and it need a thorough investigation. The case isn't about Mr.Xue. It is about Mr.Song. I hope that the court takes Mr.Song into custody and runs a new investigation for the case."

Along with all the evidence and track records, Mr.Xue was led off from the case but he still wasn't allowed to leave the city. Song XingChen was taken into custody which raised a huge uproar in media. For the next 3 days there was a ruckus in the country.

Somehow the events of the court got leaked, which was obviously under the scope of Shu XinYi's planning. Xiang Li was very buzy for the next whole week, taking confessions and tracking down evidence. He had also allied with other detectives for the investigation.

Slowly, the story of Song XingChen came to light about what really happened in his past. At some point Song XingChen had given up trying to defend himself. He didn't even hire a proper lawyer.

Young Yu entertainments stayed out of these events and ended the contract with Song XingChen as per the contract guidelines.

Shu XinYi on the other hand, very swiftly leaked the tax evasion reports, Human trafficking channel and some other stuff that Xue Fan had made himself capable of doing.

In the Xue family house, 13 days after Mr.Xue was led off from the trials, "Boss, the Cecilia Bar has been raided by the narcotics department today. They have closed down the vicinity. The construction of Aero heights, has been stopped and the creditors have pulled their funds back."

Xue Fan was sitting on the table rubbing his temples with his fingers. He sighed saying "What about the xx supply this month? Why are they so late?"

"Boss, the supplier has seen the news and he says he wants to break off contract with us. At this rate we won't have much funds left by the end of the year."

"CRASH!" Xue Fan threw the ash tray to where the man reporting to him was standing, "One good news, Just one. Who the fu*k even is this Song XingChen?"

The manager had started to collect the pieces of broken glass from the ground as he said "Boss, I don't know if you remember about the LianShen project from 5 years ago. Song XingChen is the only son of Mr.Zhou. Who also went missing at that time. The LianShen project was erased form all the books and the profit was merged with other profits. Mr.Zhou had to face the rough end of the project consequences, not only did he lose all his fundings but his credit had also drastically went up. Mr.Zhou killed himself a few weeks after that."

Xue Fan looked through his memory and remembered "Ah, But why the fu*k did his child come after me? I didn't kill his father. That weak minded bit*h killed himself."

At this moment the manager got a call, he answered it after affirmation from Xue Fan. After the call ended he said "Boss, the Starlight casino is-"

"Stop, stop I get it. Arrange for a flight to Chicago for me and my family. Until this mess settles I will stay out of sight."

"Boss, the court still has you on probation. "

"Who the fuck cares, Hasn't that Song bastard already confessed. The case is over. At this rate I can't stay in the city. For now close off all transactions and only allow the legal foundations to run. Keep in contact with me." Xiang Li said pacing around the room.

"Boss, Young master Yao has run away from home, he won't go with you to Chicago or anywhere else. So it is no use trying to run away from here. If you do, then it would be Young master Yao, facing the consequences of your actions." the manager said calmly.

Xue Fan punched the wall beside him twice, although he maybe the worst human that could exist, he was still a father. It was true that if he left in this mess, Xue Yao would be the one who would have to face the consequences as the only one present from the Xue family.