
Where is Nulian?

Back at Rean and Roan's side, Rean finally arrived in the brothel that Roan talked about. Fortunately, he didn't need to know where it was. All he needed was to follow the connection he had with Roan.

"I lost quite some time with Qia's parents, so we better hurry up."

Roan nodded.

"It won't take long. Let's go."

[I still don't understand. There are a lot more people here than in the other places Nulian frequents. Wouldn't it be a lot harder to avoid everyone's Spiritual Senses here?]

Roan shook his head.

"Just watch."

Rean quickly activated his Light and Spiritual Sense bending skills while Roan did his job on the shadows. Soon after, they entered the brothel the same way they did back with Tissan.