
Death... and me

Read the first chapter. Maybe you will like it. ;)

Suiyan · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3084 Chs

Surprise Attack

The Angel in charge was called Lisfiel. He used his Heavenly Energy to grab Rean's Badge to check. After sending his DIvine Sense inside, he confirmed that Badge was legit, which puzzled him. "Alright, the image and the Badge are okay. It still doesn't explain your arrival in this place. Why did you come here a day ahead of schedule? Where are the rest that should have come with you?"

Rean nodded before explaining. "Unfortunately, I can't tell you. All I can say is that I'm under the orders of Lay Lara and need to leave straight away."

The guy narrowed his eyes. Yet, he knew that Lara was the commanding officer of the Angels on the other side of the Temporal Connection Gap. "Alright, but I will need to confirm it with her. You wouldn't mind waiting just a moment as I send someone to the other side, right? The Transfer only takes a few minutes anyway."