
Not the Best Arrival

*Gaps, gaps, gaps...*

Rean stood on the top of a hill on one of the Floating Islands while he looked at the quite injured Kentucky and Lily-Yu. "T-That's what... *gasp...* you get by overestimating yourselves."

Kentucky and Lily's Domains were neutralized, so they lost quite some advantage. When Rean went all out, he was able to just JUST barely come out on top.

Kentucky and Lily were lying on the ground, slashes all over their bodies, while many of their feathers and scales were nowhere to be seen. If they didn't look ugly before, they definitely did now. Well, looking at Rean, they were at least satisfied they made him suffer almost as much as themselves. "That was your fault. How dare you say we look like each other? Who does look like that thing?"