
Death with benefits

Death is a universal phenomenon that has fascinated and perplexed humans throughout history, it is the cessation of life and the irreversible end of an individual's biological functions. Or at least it's supposed to be. Join Samsara Yu on his transcendence journey, surpassing ordinary limits and even supernatural entities as he pushes beyond the physical boundaries of life and achieves a higher state of being and consciousness. Explore the mysteries of existence, mortality, and the potential for a greater reality beyond our earthly existence. +++++++ Support me: paypal.me/Jxddy

DreamingSAGE · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
62 Chs

Destroying The Lair (2)

After walking for several minutes, we stumbled upon a gate that felt distinct from the others we had encountered. It gave the impression of leading somewhere other than the endless white corridors and chambers we had been navigating. Kelia quickly suggested that this gate might be the exit to the maze we were in.

I assumed that Chloe and the others had already found their way out. Lorn speculated that they might have discovered the exit before us or that the enemy had purposely led them there. I frowned, thinking that the former option was unlikely. It seemed more plausible that the enemy had intentionally led them to the gate.

I couldn't help but wonder why the enemy would do that, but I didn't dwell on the thought for long. I figured that the answer would become apparent once we rejoined Chloe and the others. With that in mind, we entered the gate.

Inside, we found ourselves in what looked like the entrance to a grand mansion. Lorn was impressed by the wards placed all around, likening it to a "huge mouse trap." I asked him what he meant while remaining vigilant of our surroundings. He explained that the mage who designed this place was probably incredibly skilled and had settup wards everywhere to ensnare anyone who entered.

I attempted to use my power to spy on the mansion, but unfortunately, the wards prevented me from doing so. I frowned and intensified my scan, but the glyphs covering every inch of the house flashed, causing excruciating pain to surge through my senses. I groaned and crouched down, feeling like my mind had been lashed.

Kelia advised me not to bother, explaining that there was an anti-spying system in place. She watched me writhe in pain, unsurprised by what was happening. After the pain subsided, I stood back up and rubbed my forehead.

"I would have appreciated a warning beforehand," I said, smiling wryly.

"Your power is untraceable. If I knew you were testing the wards, I would have said something," Kelia replied, rolling her eyes.

Snap. Kelia and I both looked up at the ceiling.

Our lighthearted exchange was interrupted by a crashing noise. It sounded like the groan of wooden planks under pressure. We glanced at each other before hurrying toward the first floor. We relied on Lorn's expertise to avoid the traps and raced down the stairs as quickly as possible until we reached the end of the staircase. We found ourselves in a long hallway, where corpses were scattered across the floor. A quick glance revealed that they belonged to our adversaries.

Chloe, the twins, Arum, and the Fae prince had most likely gone on a rampage. There were holes and scorch marks on the walls, and the wooden floor was in complete disarray. The battle must have been fierce.

"The noise didn't come from here; the corpses are half an hour old," Kelia said slowly.

I nodded, noticing the dried blood stains.


A deafening roar reverberated through the walls, and I knew immediately that it belonged to Arum. Without hesitation, we rushed towards the source of the sound. After navigating through several twists and turns, we arrived at a vast chamber where we found Arum surrounded by mages clad in white robes and vampires dressed in darker attire. The chill in the air confirmed their identity.

Arum was bound by strange chains, rendering him powerless against the vicious attacks of the vampires. They pounced on him with their sharp, elongated nails, and the mages watched on, seemingly pleased with their handiwork.

"He's restrained with magic-inhibiting chains," Lorn explained urgently. "We must free him."

"Agreed," I replied, eyeing the foes. "But first, let's get rid of these pests." I gestured towards the vampires and mages. Kelia nodded in response and directed a sanguine bolt towards a vampire, hitting them right between the eyes. The vampire shrunk and crumbled to the ground like a lifeless husk.

Impressed, I charged towards a mage, who sensed my presence and turned around just in time to see me landing a swift and powerful strike on his back. He was sent flying, slamming into the wall with a resounding thud.

Lorn unsheathed his sword from the void, the weapon gleaming with a deadly edge. With each strike, he took down his enemies with brutal efficiency, cutting through limbs and lives alike. We quickly dispatched the majority of their forces, leaving only three mages struggling to maintain their grasp on Arum and defend themselves.

As we closed in on the remaining foes, one of them threw a chain to his comrades, who nodded in agreement and conjured up magical shields. The determined mage muttered a spell, clapped his hands together, and suddenly burst into flames. Panic seized me as Lorn barked a warning.

"Protect yourselves! He's about to blow! Arum's chained up and defenseless, Samsara." He didn't need to elaborate. I got what he was trying to say.

Honestly, I was the only one who could save Arum and not end up in a world of hurt. That spell put the mage on a whole other level. He had released all his energy, life, and potential at once. If Kelia or Lorn tried to jump in and save Arum, they'd probably end up in pretty bad shape or worse, six feet under. But for me, death was a mild inconvenience.

I cursed under my breath, calling upon my willpower and racing towards Arum. The suicidal mage narrowed his eyes, drawing closer and closer to our captive, flames licking at his skin.

The heat radiating from the sacrificial flames was overwhelming, causing every hair on my body to curl up in response. Despite my best efforts, I couldn't completely block out the intense heat.

Just as I was mere inches away from Arum, the unwavering mage suddenly flashed a sinister grin. I could sense something was off, and without hesitation, I directed my willpower toward protecting Arum, casting a net-like shield around him. But in doing so, I left myself vulnerable to the mage's final move.

The suicidal mage burst into blinding white flames, the explosion filling the entire room and burning everything in its path, including me. But before I was reduced to ash, I caught a glimpse of Lorn and Kelia, holding Lorn's sword in front of them, its runes glowing with an ethereal light.

The sword created a powerful protective field around them, shielding them from the flames. Arum, meanwhile, was protected by my willpower and would likely make it through unscathed. Sighing with relief, I succumbed to the inferno, my body reduced to nothing but ash.