
Death Visions

Have you ever been stabbed? As I receiver of a shank to the heart, I feel like I qualify to tell you the feeling. But to be honest my mind blacked out. I know outrageous! I get stabbed! Live to tell the tale! But I'll hopefully never know the pain! Cause I didn't feel anything! Sorry, my parents said I shouldn't ramble. Not like there's anyone here to understand me anyway. Yep, transported to a magical forest in another world. Hopefully, this bear trap wasn't made for me, Ohh, never mind I gotta go. See ya after I run from these goblins.

Byleth_Eisner · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Dying isn’t nice

August 27, 2018, Earth, Movie Theater

Today's was a normal day for me, Felix. Okay, I little better than normal, today's my 12 birthday. I know big stuff, it doesn't bother me that my birthday is near the middle of summer when most of my friends are on summer vacation(Yes, I do have friends) because I like spending time with my parents. They're both police with is awesome, the don't let me go when they bust the bad guys but they do tell me stories. You could say I developed a hero complex, you wouldn't be wrong.

Anywho we just finished watching one of the best movies to come out, Revengers Unlimited War. I did shed some tears when tell killed my all-time favorite character Bird-Man. I really hope they bring him back in the next movie. A man can dream. I heard something clatter as it hit the ground to my right as we were walking to our car. I turned to look down the alley. It was dark trash littered it and some even managed to achieve lift-off thanks to the wind.

The man was wearing all black I didn't know if he was a man since his back turned to us. I bent down to pick up something, I couldn't make it out from this far. I tugged my dad's shirt then pointed at the man. My dad quickly took out the gun from its holster on his waist. Why did he bring a gun to the theaters? Police superstition I guess? He slowly approached the man while my mom was holding my hand tighter than usual.

She picked up her phone if only I was a few inched taller. My dad was 5' 11" while my mom was 5' 3". While I stood at a measly 4' 2". At 12 years old! My dad quickly finished his approach and started talking to the man, I saw a glimmer of silver. No way, he couldn't have a knife. I was about to warn my dad when my voice died in the mouth.

Because the criminal ran at my dad stabbing him in the chest a few times. I saw blood slowly pooling up on his shirt as he collapsed on the floor. I looked up at my mom, she was terrified, her hand was over her mouth, her eyes were twitching in random directions. I wasn't faring much better my tan skin turned a few shades brighter, and I could feel my heart rate quickening. She quickly got a hold of herself and pulled out her gun. Her hands still shaking she pointed at the criminal.

"Hands-on your head!" The criminal ignored her and tried picking out the gun, my mom quickly shot him in the leg. Or at least tried to. To say the least, she missed. The criminal finished wiping the blood off the gun and pointed it at my mom. He fired the gun 5 times at me. My mom managed to shield me in time. the last thing she did was cough up blood. She collapsed as well. My breathing started escalating fast.

Come on Felix think. How many rounds does a revolver have? Was it five, let's hope it's five. I picked up my mom's gun my hand was shaking uncontrollably as I quickly emptied the bullets in it. The criminal was walking towards while maniacally laughing. Whatever the joke was, I didn't get It. I was tempted to run away but my legs wouldn't move. Why? Why did it have to end like this? I looked at the knife, it was a kitchen knife. The criminal quickly stabbed me through the heart, I barely felt the pain.


August 27, 2018, Earth, Local Hospital

Felix's mom had actually dialed the police, they quickly dealt with the criminal seeing as he killed three people. The doctors examined Felix Harris's body to find that he didn't die from the stab, he died of shock. There was a weight lifted off their shoulder knowing that Felix had a painless death.


??? ???, ???,???, ???

I woke up without any achs in my chest. Did I dream that? No, I wasn't in my bed, I could feel grass pricking the back of my neck. I opened my eyes and saw a canopy of trees above my head. I looked around a saw a forest of trees surrounding me. Where am I? I was about to stand up when I realized something sitting on my chest. I picked it up and examined it. It was a double-edged knife made of an obsidian looking substance. Its handle was wood.

This couldn't be the one the criminal used to kill me I had a clear view, it was a kitchen knife. Maybe it transformed when I was transported here. No, what about my hair, I quickly ruffled through my hair, it was the same. I grabbed part of my hair and brought it down to my face it was black but it could just be the dark forest, it was a thick canopy.

I looked down at my shirt, It was the black t-shirt, not the buttoned shirt I wore this morning. Over it, there was a piece of leather that covered my front and back breast area. I looked at my pants, they were black not like the jeans I wore this morning. The fact that someone changed me is the most disturbing part. I put the dagger on my belt, holster, and stood up.

I looked around, I couldn't see a glimmer of sunlight, must be night. I should climb to look if there's a civilization. I walked towards the nearest tree and saw there was an apple at the bottom of it. I bent down and picked up the apple, well I tried. A bear trap clamped down on my arm, it was extremely painful. I let out a shriek. I was about to move my arm out of the trap but I realized that it the bear trap was bolted down, it would probably rip my arm off.

I looked around to see who put this trap here. I saw 4 figures emerging from the shadows. Great, goblins, or at least I thought they were. They didn't look like a traditional goblin. They were 4' 3". They had human colored skin, they didn't have long noses but flat ones, some of them had ponytails at the back of their head. They weren't wearing any shirts, they did have loincloths at least. This is bad I can't go down like this.

I unsheathed my dagger with my remaining right hand. They quickly surrounded me, and I caught a glimpse of their weapons they were thick curved blades. I tried fending of the goblins to no avail. I locked eyes with one that was about to cleave my head off. Then something clicked. I saw a vision


Death Vision, Goblin

I lifted my arm and it got ripped off, I lowered my head under the arc of the blade, I ran at the goblin and my blade stabbed through its heart.


??? ???,???, ???, ???

I quickly snapped back into reality, I followed the movement of my vision but stabbed the goblin in the stomach. Even if it was evil I was going to kill someone. A bit of blood splattered at my face. The goblins were surprised, seems like I got their boss. They quickly ran away. I looked at what was left of my arm, It was ripped off a little higher than the risk. No hope of climbing when it could get infected.

I cut off part of my shirt and knotted it around the stump, it quickly turned crimson red. I could see that the goblin was now waking up, I used its blade to pin it down. Seeing how he was moving I let out a sigh of relief.

"Glad I didn't kill you, mind telling me why you're here?" It seemed more than confused. Right, probably speaks goblin. It was struggling to pull the sword out.

"I wouldn't do that, you would probably die from blood loss." Their eyes widened, and it stopped. I decided I wasn't getting anywhere. I started climbing up the tree, It took me a while but I managed to get to the top. I looked around and saw what looked like a city, It had a wall that seemed to cover the most building, I saw a few roofs, the only building I could see clearly looked like a castle, It was made of stone, and consisted of a main spire and a few smaller ones near it.

Great, I really taught it was one of those light novels where the main characters stays in the wild and gets ridiculously O.P. without consequences for there clearly ignorant actions. I climbed down and saw that the goblin didn't leave.

"Sorry, I got to go I'm sure your friends will come back to get you, see you around." I quickly ran towards the city. It took me a few minutes to get tired, guess losing my arm wore me out. I looked at my hand again, I wonder why I'm not totally freaked out like I was last time. I climbed up another tree and the gravity of the situation sunk in.

What happens when I get to the city? What am I going to do without an arm? Will I see my parents again? Hot tears started streaming down my face. I quickly passed out.


Verdant 28, 7638, Godsland, Lerus Royal Palace

"King Lerus, I need to inform you of something." The king has silver hair and purple eyes. At his age, his military physique was quite surprising. Especially since he refused to wear any royal clothing, restricting himself to and fully armored silver suit. These things together with his height of 6' 6" made the king very intimidating. The king wasn't pleased, the nobles had gathered to celebrate the reopening of the great academies in a few days. He was about to strangle him for ruining the event but the look in the servant's eyes seemed to believe what he had to say was urgent.

The servent was wearing a black butler suit, which contrasted well with his white vest over it, and his white gloves. He was black hair and eyes, He had a sturdy pose even with his slender physique. He was 6' 4" but he slender physique made him seem taller than the king.

"You may speak." The King dropped his chin in his hands.

"Some monster hunters discovered the remains of a goblin trap. Th-"

"How is that not like any other day," The king laughed, clearly amused.

"Several reasons, There was the body of a goblin bleeding out, tried to remove a blade, but that's beside the point, the solitary goblin means that the goblins who made the trap ran away if they did win the fight they wouldn't hesitate to honor the dead. Next, There were the remains of someone's arm at the trap, They must've yanked It out to get away, which means we have someone on the loose."

"I'd love to say that doesn't happen often Berthold but it does, Must've been a runaway orphan with a knife, if it really bothers you I'll send some trackers." The servant let out a sigh of relief, he didn't care much for a runaway, but his wife ran the orphanage and she would kill him if he did nothing about it. He left the room in a hurry. And the party festivities quickly went back to normal.


??? ???, ???, ???, ???

I woke up with a throbbing pain in my left arm, or what's left of it anyway. I woke up to the sound of footsteps. I was tempted to jump down and introduce myself to the newcomers, but I realized that the footsteps weren't marching steps, I play it safe. I tilted my head to look down at 8 goblins walking through the forest.

One of the goblins was bigger than the others, at least twice their height 8' 6" and more muscle than fat. He had two fangs sticking out from his underbite. The mega goblin slammed another normal goblin into my tree, I would've fell if I weren't holding on for my dear life.

"We've been walking for hours, you said there was a human. Wh-" His nose expanded as if he just caught the smell of something. He looked up at my tree.

"I smell blood!"