
Death Valley Hazel and Olivia

Theater_queen · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Chapter one: Something Isn't Right

The story begins in a far away land Known as the land off happiness. A young girl appears as if she is the age of 15, her long glowing brown hair waving in the wind, wearing a light purple cropped turtleneck sweater that puffs out at the sleeves. complemented with flowing white overalls and a pair of yellow converse with little white daises. she was very curious and wondered about many mysteries of the world. She cared about animals more than anyone she knew. She walks down a yellow brick road, with her small rabbit hopping beside her. She entered a light green field surrounded by trees with a beautiful array of color. She lays down gazing at the sky, her rabbit cuddled up on her stomach. She looks at the clouds and sighs, exhausted from the long school day. She lays there until the sun begins to lower in the sky. As the darkness begins to unfold she climes into a lone tree in the field and looks at the landscape and the nature she is surrounded in. Feeling peace within her soul she listens to the quiet sons of nature. Once it's fully dark she begins her walk home.

As she walks she sees some kind of strange figure in the shadows, "Hello! who's out there." there's no answer. She calls out again "Hello is anyone there" again there is no answer. As she feels an unsettling chill flow through the cold air she starts to feel nervous, picking up her rabbit protectively. She looks back in the shadows, but the mysterious figure had suddenly vanished. She shrugs it off thinking it is just her mind playing tricks on her and continues walking home; but deep down she knows something is not right. upon arriving home she is surprised to see the lights on,"Olivia Clarabel Johnsen!" she hears a loud voice yell. Assuming it is her mom she yells back "Ya mom." "Your late." "I know" she walks up a flight of stairs, down a hallway, and into her bedroom. Flopping down on the bed she sighs, "When did life get so tiring. It seems everything takes way mote effort than it did before" She mumbles to herself before changing into her bright pink silky pajamas and curling up in her bed. Trying hard to fall asleep, Olivia starts to contemplate her inner thoughts.

The following morning she barley wakes up on time. Stressed she quickly gets ready for school and rushes to the bus stop leaving her rabbit at home. The day passes slowly and eventually Olivia finds herself walking back to the bus stop. She feels as if she is being followed, as she reaches the bus stop, she sees the tall black figure standing in front of the bus. Although the figure was easy to see, it was if she was the only one who could see it, no one else noticed it at all. even though she was intrigued she boards the bus as she normally would. The bus started moving forward, she watched as it passed through the tall figure. As she felt shivers rush down her body, she looked back and saw the figure fly away into the clouds. When she finely makes it home she walks into her room. When she opened the door she saw a puff of smoke exit the window. She called for her rabbit but he did not show, she searched her entire house, but her precious rabbit was no where to be found. She walked up to her window, looked out and saw the shadowy figure drifting away from her house. She looked closer at the figure only to realize that it was holding her beloved rabbit.