
Death Tone: Revenge of the strongest race

Constantly entangled in a never-ending cycle of reincarnation, Finn Adrian is determined to make it in a world that has been forged to go against his progress. Finn believes no one can be trusted. Dying a thousand times has impacted him strongly. A strong, cold-hearted, hateful at the same time calculated villain he turns out to be. Now blessed by the gods with a system that at first turns out to be a nightmare, *[You will now be reminded of your roots. Memories will be played while the host is asleep] “What?! Memories?" Finn stutters as the only memories he had and knew about were of him dying not once, not twice but a thousand times!!...* Eventually, things begin to look up for him. The system would become the only one he shared a connection with that didn't involve his dubious plans. *[Blood/Flesh ratio equilibrium has shifted beyond marked point] [Blood/Flesh > 70:30] [Consume flesh to maintain equilibrium!!] Now with the various powers that come with the system, Finn is determined to change his Fate by any means necessary. But along the way, he will meet obstacles that would pose an existential threat to him. What happens when the prey becomes the hunter? Because his main target isn't a target at all. His target is all!!! Check out my other work if it turns out you like this one. MY DEMON SYSTEM: IMMORTAL WARS A/N:- .The chapters are being updated continuously. I would appreciate your input so I could better the novel. ........... Note:- For mass release and bonus chapters:- 15 Golden Tickets= 1 bonus chapter. 150 power stones= 1 bonus chapter. 1 Magic Castle= 3 bonus chapters. Other than that, any gifts to the novel will have bonus releases to them. ... February (Valentines) Event:- Events are going on!!! So join the dicord and help the novel as much as possible with your contributions to earn the rewards I have set up for you all. The top 3 fans would be rewarded with coins while there will also be specially commissioned chapters and some spicy bonus chapters for all of you. More info on discord, so don't forget to join the discord community. Also, don't forget to vote for the novel with power stones and Golden tickets as this would increase your chances of winning by a lot. Have fun ;) Discord Channel Link:- https://discord.gg/yA7EV7cT Art cover : DC max

Dark_knight234 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
97 Chs


Zefra and Lola both walked back to where their pack resided. Their very own turf was spaced out to a great extent from the other packs around.

Often packs would clash, but the alphas in the midst of the territoriality were wise enough to understand that two packs fighting themselves would only lead to both sides suffering damage.

And while they put their efforts into trust building, it was mostly for the end goal of building a strong pack. A lone werewolf was strong and powerful on its own, but a pack with each member backing the other was a different story.

In the clusters of log cabins that constituted each pack base, the cottages weren't all for shelter functions. Several of them had unique functions of their own.

A large cottage much like the alpha's own that usually stood in the center of each pack base was sited about fifteen cottages from the alpha. While the alpha's cottage stood tall and magnificent, this one was simply large with a flat top that was thatched.

What this building lacked in height, it made up for in an abundance of long extended middle room sections that was all for a specific purpose, School.

Being a werewolf to them came by birth. But surviving as a werewolf was something they were taught, experienced or sometimes realized on their own.

To avoid the fatal mistake of their offspring "Realizing" how their life worked on their own, they were taught basic things that they needed for survival. Basic things as such were going on in a particular class in the large building.

Kids looking to be around the age of five or a year above were gathered in some kind of formation. A boy with black hair stood in front of all these kids and they all stared in one direction where a much older man stood.

The man wore black cotton short pants but other than that, there was nothing else on him. He had his large muscular arms crossed behind his back and his attention fixed on the group of kids. This was one of the classes in the red pack school.

Each pack had an established school like this one where the young ones were constantly being taught all about being a werewolf.

"Your greatest strength lies in the pack you command. Today, Harland will be acting as the pack's alpha. I am your prey. Bring me down, together as a pack" the older man said to the young kids. This was Gregor, the class instructor for this class.

Straight away at Gregor's command, Harland let out a roar. Already these were sounds that they were used to by now. And on hearing this, the other kids behind him sprung into action as they spread out all while rushing towards Gregor their instructor.

The class they were in wasn't exactly one with chairs or tables. It was a wide area barricaded by logs of wood that acted as walls and the floor was soft sand that made the kids' feet sink in as they ran towards Gregor.

"Solka, take left! "

"Emie, go from behind! The rest of you, follow me and cause as much distraction as you can. I'll finish this!!"Harland who was playing alpha for the day's lesson barked out orders.

Straight away, Solka, who was a boy also with ebony skin diverted and took the left wing. With Emily on the move as well, she sprinted forward running at the regular speed of a five-year-old. Right now, they were all kids running towards Gregor.

But on short notice, Harland Roared one more time. And immediately all twenty-five kids that were running towards Gregor slowly began to transform as they ran.

First were their legs which curved backwards and their small toes replaced by paws which grew claws. Then their bodies began to bend forward almost like their spine had been contorted at an odd uncomfortable angle.

But they were all fine. They all mostly wore the same outfit which was made from some type of grass that wrapped around their waist. In due course, these clothing items were let loose as their forms changed drastically.

Their arms became short limbs housing sharp protruded claws. Their face soon contorted as well. Their skin twisted in order to give rise to their long snout.

Now the difference was drawn. They weren't at all regular kids. All twenty fives kids had transformed into wolves.

Solka who was a brown wolf leapt from the left angle at Gregor with a mouth wide open that was house to rows of flesh dismembering teeth.

In one quick movement, Gregor slid his left foot back a bit and kicked the floor raising sand in the air. This caused some confusion for the charging pack at the front.

But for Solka who came from his left, this posed no problem as he was inches away from biting down on Gregor's neck. But Gregor saw this all along and sidestepped Solka making him miss and was about to land on the ground only to be grabbed by his tail.

Gregor caught Solka's tail and with it, he swung the young wolf at the incoming pack taking out a number of them as they tumbled on the ground.

While Gregor was distracted with Solka, Emmie a female black wolf had made a complete circle and was right behind him.

As she got close with her paws wide open and her body lifted in the air ready to slash, she was grabbed by the same paw and once again flung into her practice pack members.

Harland managed to avoid the wolf projectiles that his pack members were made into and constantly being flung his way.

He ran forward and while at that, he was digging his paws into the ground and chucking up a lot of sand.


A menacing sound escaped Harland's mouth filled with razor-sharp teeth. He jumped at Gregor and succeeded in tackling him down. Without wasting time, Harland opened his wide mouth and closed hard around Gregor's neck.

At the moment he did that, a whimpering sound escaped his mouth and he immediately got off Gregor's body. His teeth had failed to even leave a scratch on Gregor's body. Instead of Gregor getting hurt, Harland had hurt himself.

But the training wasn't over as Gregor got back to his feet and grabbed the young wolf by the neck lifting him up and effortless smashing Harland to the ground.

As this happened, Harland immediately reverted to his more human form. Doing this caused a chain reaction as the other wolves reverted to their human form as well.

He was the alpha for the day and by changing back, he had conceded defeat in the training.

"You know Harland, shouting out your strategy to your enemy's hearing basically makes the whole plan thrown out of the window. And you not only endanger yourself, but the entire pack" Gregor admonished.

"It's really hard to do much in my wolf form. You are already plenty strong and you don't even have to transform" Harland spoke up.

"That's because you still haven't learnt how to control which area of your body you want to pass your werewolf trait to. It's a skill that requires time to master. For now, all you should be concerned about is fine-tuning your pack bond, " Gregor answered.

By now the rest of the kids had gathered around him as he picked out their weaknesses.

"You lead some of the hunts, right?"Solka asked.

"Yes, how has that got to do with any of you?" Gregor replied with a question of his.

"I think what he is trying to say is since you advise it's not wise to yell out our plans while on the run, how then do you communicate with the pack you lead on hunts?" Emmie, who had now transformed back to her human form said. She had a bit of sand in her black hair that was packed into a piggy tail. This made her look a little awkward as she asked their instructor some questions.

Looking at them now, they appeared young but were ahead of their human counterparts in terms of understanding and quick maturity.

"Adults like us have developed a unique bond that helps each member know what the other plans to do in a hunt. It's a skill called the UNIMIND".

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