
Death Objects

What happens when you find out you can talk to objects not people. Will you use your ability to help the people you dispise...or you use it to erradicate them...it's my choice not yours.

King_Bala · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Talking objects

"Who said that" he says it with a cold gaze in his eyes. He stands up from his bed removes the mask and other stuffs attached to his body.

Slowly moves towards the table facing his bed, with his eyes fixed on the sealed bottle water..

[bottle water; The nurse farted when she entered the room]

In shock landon moves back slowly...he's eyes wide open in shock..he could not belive his eyes.

"You...you just spoke...'

"This isn't real right...."

[ fan; The doctor had sex with the nurse]

"Ahhhhhhh what's going on here am i going sane.."

[book; she forgot to follow instructions that why kelvin died]

[cup; The doctor charged him high and he couldn't pay so he died in this room]

[window cover;yh he died .,,.,,.....,,,]

[oxygen mask; dhhvhsjhivkdvdc]



"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh stop stop ahhhhhh make it stop"

The nurses rush into landon's room upon hearing his scream in the room.

"[nurse; what's wrong....hey what's wrong''

"make it stop pls ahhhhhhhhhhh" landon screams holding his head

"ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" he suddenly passes out


"What happened to him doctor" a wiping voice can be heard faintly in landon's head

His eyes could faintly see what was happening in his background.

[Doctor; let's head outside.....

They leave the room...landon slowly stands up, but still having an headache from what happened, he holds his head in relieve has the headache slowly goes away..

Just has he's about to get over what happened he hears a voice that sounds weak but at the same time loud and clear...

[bottle water; Are you okay...]

Landon looks at the bottle water with dis believe he says back

"You can talk" with a saddastic tone.

[bottle; you can understand us...]

looking confused and tired he had to accept the fact that a bottle water was talking to him.

"This is stupid" The room is suddenly quite....."aren't you gonna say something Mr.....bo..ttle water i guess...

[bottle; They didn't give you any pain killers because they are out of pain killers..]

Landon was confused but before he could ask another question the doctor and his mother walked in.

[Doctor; okay Mr landon you will be discharged in the morning]

Landan takes a glace at his mother only to see a disappointed look on her face...landan immdiately knew it was the bill that was disturbing his mom.

She noticed he was looking at her so she quickly smiles at him..

Landan wasn't happy, he looks at the doctor with dispise. The doctor was about to leave the room when landan took the courage and said

"Hope the pain killers you claim to have given me isn't part of the bill."

The doctor was in shock..he slowly turned his back looking at landan with shock in his eyes. The doctor started sweating, his speech wasn't stable anymore, has if he had lost he's confidence.

observing all these landan became confident that he really didn't recieve pain killers.