
Death Monarch

Another cliche fanfic about reincarnation. This fanfic was written by me, a newbie author so don't expect much from it.

True_Noblesse · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

2 years

Another bright day has come, with the sun shining upon in the sky. In a certain house, in a room, the sunlight shined onto a boy. With an otherworldly face and silver-white hair, the boy slowly opened his closed eyes, showing an ice blue colored eyes.

"Yawn*" He yawned and stretched his arms wide, then with a smile adorned on his face he looked outside the window of his room.

'So 2 years passed by quickly, 2 weeks from now we will go to Beacon. But I wonder if I should go there as a student, they haven't really got anything that they can teach me though? Maybe as a teacher? Well, I'll just think about it later' Leo thought before going off the bed, and arranging it.

After that, he did his morning hygiene and changed his clothes before going down. After a few seconds of walking, he arrived at the dining table where he saw Yang, Ruby, and Tai who was preparing breakfast.

"Oh? Leo, you're up!" Yang exclaimed with a smile, Leo smiled back to her making her blush a bit. He already fully unlocked his bloodline and it has some powerful effects.

"Aahh...I'm so jealous of you two, you can go to Beacon in 2 weeks. And we cant see each other often then, for 2 years." Ruby complained while looking sad.

"Come on Sis, cheer up!" Yang patted Ruby on the back.

"Yeah, don't worry Ruby" 'Since you will attend Beacon 2 years early' Leo thought since he knew the 'plot' or the future of this world. But he also changed some since he meddled with some things to satisfy his boredom.

"Okay okay, stop! Let's eat now" Tai said

And so, the four of them had a great breakfast. They talked about some things too, such as Beacon and stuff. And for Leo he is still deciding on whether to go to Beacon as a student or teacher.


After breakfast, Leo quickly left and went to the forest near their house. In there he directly transformed into his adult form and randomly thought of a place he wants to go.

By now, his travelling to random places is a hobby of him. Once a week or more, he will go to a random place to stroll around.

Things happened in the past 2 years, one of which is he fully unlocked his bloodline as mentioned earlier. There are some various effects it brought him.

One of them being, his appearance was upgraded once more. Another which is, woman are naturally attracted to him or if not always has a good impression of him.

It's like a passive attraction, but of course if he attack them they will naturally fight back. And also his physical/body strength became much stronger along with his magic power.

And the creator also fully sent him the full information of his bloodline, since previously he just knew the basic information. As a side note, he is now totally not human, he is now a Primordial.

His bloodline is that of a Primordial so his race naturally changed too. And from the information he got, he is different from those Primordials mentioned in novels he read previously like, the Primordial Azure Dragon God in ATG.

His bloodline is the strongest in the whole omniverse except the 'Creator' since he (creator) is above the omniverse and only observing it.


Well, back to Leo, he took out Yamato and created a portal then entered it. When he came out of the portal, he was in a forest.

"Hmm..." He hummed before flying using magic. Since he didn't think of a specific location, he was in a random place now.

"Let's see...{Search}" He muttered and used detection magic to scan where he is. His range is very wide, and he can even survey the whole world due to his immense magic power. But he limited his range just for the 100 km.

"Hmm? Interesting, so it's 'that' time huh?" Leo smirked before looking into a specific direction. There he sensed 4 people fighting or more like two people were restraining a young woman he knew, Amber.

"So this where the time, Cinder steals Amber's maiden powers? Hmm?" He also detected Qrow running towards the direction of Amber. He suddenly thought of something, "Wait, maybe I could use this chance to...." he mumbled something.

"Yosh! Let's save her" With a grin on his face he directly teleported near the location of where Amber was ambushed to make it like he just coincidentally ran into them.


Amber was being restrained by Mercury and Emerald as Cinder was stealing her maiden powers. But then suddenly an otherworldly looking young man appeared, with silver-white hair and ice blue eyes.

He was wearing just simple adventurer clothes. He held two guns in his hands, the appearance of the young man surprised them.

Bang! Bang!

But before they can react, the young man already shoot his guns. With precision he hit the hands of the two people holding Amber, then with swift speed he appeared near Cinder and kicked her before he went to grab Amber and jumped back away from the attackers.

"Thank you, Alex" Amber said, that's what Leo used to introduce himself as his brother, and he also used that fake name in Menagerie.

"Your welcome, but we need to get out of here now" Leo said before shooting his gun again. It easily pierced through the aura of the enemies as he used adamantium as the tip of his bullets.

Bang! Bang!

When Cinder and others noticed their aura was easily pierced by Leo's bullets they tried dodged the remaining ones he shot.

Although they did dodged some, the didn't dodged all of theem as some hit them in their arms. Leo deliberately didn't kill them, for reasons.

"Damn, we need to get out of here now. Anyway I already stole half of her powers, come on!" Cinder said to her two subordinates.

Leo just let them leave and waited for a bit. And as expected, Qrow already arrived the next second. He checked Amber first before turning to Leo.

"Thank you for saving her, Alex" Qrow said while Leo or as they know Alex just waved his hand.

"No, I was coincidentally near here since I was travelling when I heard some sounds of fighting, so I checked and the rest is history."

Just then the two heard a 'thud!' sound and they saw Amber was unconscious. Qrow swiftly check her condition.

"Damn, I need to get her to Ozpin. Sorry Alex but I need to go now!" Qrow urgently said.

"Alright, then but you can contact me through Leo if you needs my help"


After that Qrow left and Leo too left to stroll in a random place once again.