
Party 2

I watched the scene unfold in front of me like some kind of drama. Honestly I wish I had popcorn. The Murim kid was about to do some face slapping of a young lord. Truth be told I had no idea who he was, I was calling him young lord only because its the cliche thing. Which was weird since we were in Terra's version of Greece. I paused, shrugged and jumped up and down watching the scene play out.

The Young Lord shouted and made a fuss, "I don't believe the words of some peasant! Now leave before you dirty the more noble of us."

Murim for his part laughed, "Who do you consider noble? If you are on the list I feel sorry for everyone else lumped in."

The young lord balled up his fist. To my surprise the little Coppermancer Valeria put a hand on Murim's shoulder. "He isn't worth it Mu!" Cute nickname, they seemed close.

This only made the young lord anger as looking at his eyes they had a hint of lust in them. It seemed he wanted Valeria. "Valeria! How can you even entertain a bastard like this! He doesn't even have parents."

I smiled as I watched my Uncle walk over, this was the face slap moment right?... Right? My smile went upside down as my uncle did nothing and just watched. Murim for his part pointed at the young lord. "Jason, you aren't even from Aegen, and yet you dare look into the clouds?"

Oh the kids name was Jason, I could now figure out who the kid was. He was visiting from the Tartarugas, which I think was Terra's version of the Americas. I had no real clue though I didn't care for geography. 

To the crowd's shock, Jason, punched Murim. However My Uncle and Murim's care taker caught it. This in turn made me choke that turned into a snort. Unfortunately this made Uncle Ajax look at me with a raised eyebrow.

I looked away and he turned back to the kids. "Jason Velds!, if you wish to throw a punch you might as well challenge Murim to a duel. If you dare to put your honor on the line. After all Murim may be an Orphan, but he is twice the man you are currently."

Jason scoffed, and Uncle Ajax looked around, "Besides parent's like hers are worse than dead parents, am I right Dionysus?"

I frowned, why was he bring me into this. Did he want to get stabbed or something? I gave a light shrug in response and a look similar to curiosity shined in his eyes. It seemed my attendance of a party when the old Dionysus would never, peeked his interest.

To be honest a half dozen people gave the same look. The only difference now was we were related. Everyone turned to Jason as he yelled. "Don't think you are some protagonist because you have someone backing you up."

He walked past Murim spitting on the ground and walking out of the crowd. I however ended up locked on his words. I had said something similar once to Providence, in a time when he was still just called Calvin.

I scanned both Jason and Murim's status. I frowned, Jason had a simple skill, much like like my own. On Murim's was the skill Enna told me about, but it was much like Providences. I let all emotion drain from me just in case I showed any anger. The Tower knew how to play games doesn't it?

Jason's skill read as Halcyon, it could connect a person with a mental image. Simply put it made tutorials. It was simple, but the usage was complex and had minor details that defined it. For Murim's skill it was called the Martial path. A true growth skill, much like Providence's adaptation skill. 

The question was, is this coincidence or actually some kind of disturbing set created by the tower. After all Murim was a child of the tower, someone born in the tower. Providence was one as well, but his parents actually lived and made it out. As you climbed the dungeon's rules changed more and more. Which begged the question was this coincidence?

I watched Murim even more closely out of the corner of my eyes. Watching how he talked, I decided. It was sadly coincidence, I knew I was just trying to connected something. Make a story I could throw my spite into. 

I turned away and went to find Enna to go home. I got the money, so now I just had to use it to ruin my family. From their I could be freed from the summon contract that was attached to my soul. While I do that I would prepare the ingredients for a new life. Perhaps one day I will go back to Earth and kill Providence.

I smiled, thankfully avoiding the self-manipulation. "Dionysus! Mind if I talk to you?"

I turned and saw Uncle Ajax. I sighed, "What?"

He smiled, "No need to be snippy, I just want to ask. Could you enter a dungeon with Murim? He needs someone to enter with him, but the dungeon he will enter is blocked for 6th tier and up. So I can't look out for him."

Ah, the tier system of the association. It was how the managed dungeons. As if the dungeon is too dangerous or, in this case too weak. I gave a half-hearted shrug. This might be a good chance to get the kid in my grasp. I may be bound to my current body. However I was still a spirit or whatever. If I play my cards right I can acquire that Martial path skill.

"Sure, but I expect payment."

Uncle Ajax smiled and nodded, "Thanks Dionysus, you are the best niece a Uncle could ask for."

I assumed he had same kind of motives behind asking me. I could always figure them out later from the kid. With that, I turned and this time left the party for real.