
Death in Konoha

We all know that Minato and Kushina dies sealing Kurama into Naruto, well what if Death and his Mistress decides to let them keep their lives if they do them a favor?

Ashmulee_Mulee · Anime e quadrinhos
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1 Chs


(This will give you a little insight on kinda how this fanfiction will go. I know it will sound a little confusing now but in the next chapter you will understand why she's doing this.)

Minato panted as he finished doing the 'Eight Trigrams Sealing' on his son as he saw the Shinigami appear in front of him.

'Looks like I'm about to die huh? Kushina take care of Naruto' He thought to himself as he welcomed death open arms. 'What?' He thought as he saw another person appear beside the Shinigami it was a short 5'5 woman with raven black hair and the brightest Emerald green eyes that looks like they could see through his soul as she stared at him, before turning towards the Shinigami and speaking "He will not die this time, release his soul my old friend"

Minato furrowed his brows 'Old friend?'

The Shinigami turned towards her as he says in a gravely hollow voice "Hello Mistress. Back from dealing with the reapers?" She nods as Minato stares in shock as the words the Shinigami says wash over him but neither of them paid attention to him as they continued their conversation. "Let him live My friend, partner and companion even though he made the deal and even though he is afraid he still accepted that he will die." She looks at Minato "Plus, if he isn't alive this village will betray, hurt, torture, and tear apart his son for being a Jinchuriki."

Shinigami nods knowing why his Mistress asked him so as he releases Minato from his hold but before he disappears he says one last thing to Minato "You will owe us one favor." . The woman walked up to Minato and laid a hand on his cheek as she whispers "You will live, so will your wife. We will meet again Minato Namikaze hopefully next time it will be pleasant." As he felt his body grow heavy with sleep and his eyes closes with one final thought 'Favor?'


She watches as Minatos body slumps to the ground. She turns her head to see a tiny blonde haired blue eyes baby as she smiles sorrowfully. 'I did what I can so far Luna...or should I call you Naruto now? For even though you are her reincarnation you are not my little sister...my little moon. But I will come back soon.. '