
Death Guns In Another World

Check out my new novel: My Seven Beautiful Sins! °°°°° Alexander Kael Touch, a self-made young billionaire, found his meteoric rise tragically cut short on a school trip. But fate had other plans, whisking him and his classmates away to a realm of swords and magic – a world where power manifested as unique: ''Gifts." While friends awoke to magnificent Gifts, Alex's Gift yielded only two enigmatic guns: one gleaming silver, the other shrouded in black. Worse, he couldn't use magic like his peers, drawing scorn and derision. Yet, fueled by an unyielding spirit and a burning dream, Alex refused to falter. In this new world, he craved not wealth, but the strength to forge his own destiny. One goal burned bright: to rise once more, not to the peaks of financial power, but to the pinnacle of strength and control. This is the chronicle of Alexander Kael Touch, the boy with two guns in a world of wonders. A tale of relentless struggle, forged in the crucible of mockery and doubt. A journey to the apex, where the scorned student will become the ultimate warrior. Whispers of the "Death Guns Master" stir, echoes of a legend rising from slumber. The world may have forgotten them, but they are coming back. †††††††††††† Nickaido's here with D-Guns, do not expect the smartest MC because he was once a billionaire, is still young, he has his flaws, he will learn and grow, so will the other characters. At the beginning other characters are stronger but worry not everything will change starting from around chapter 80 onward. Also sorry in advance because some of the female characters have strong backgrounds but it's for the sake of the future story, this book is just the start, I'm still improving. Sorry in advance, English is not my first language, so they may be grammatical errors and misspelled words. Please bear with me. I'm trying to improve to provide a better story. Starting from chapter 200th, I have started using Grammarly premium to help me with the English, so I think it's become better. As for the earliest chapters, I have started to re-edit them slowly; I will do more as I get more time. Maybe hire a professional editor when I can. Once again, this is not some sophisticated story; it has many flaws, which I'm trying to learn from; however, this doesn't make the story less enjoyable. Would you please give it a try? Discord Server: https://discord.gg/7MRsHg33tv

Nickaido · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1724 Chs

Chapter 11: Visiting a Blacksmith Store

Leaving the Moonlight Inn, Alex ventured in the opposite direction, his path dictated by chance rather than intention. Suddenly, a tantalizing aroma of roasted meat snagged his attention. Though satiated from a prior meal, Alex found himself drawn ineluctably towards the source of this irresistible fragrance.

His nose leading the way, he soon discovered the culprit: skewers of meat sizzling under a shop's awning. Without hesitation, he exchanged two copper coins for one of these enticing morsels. In high spirits, he strolled away, the savory treat nestled in his hand.

The skewer resembled a kebab, the meat bearing an ambiguous identity – stewed or roasted, it was difficult to discern. The encasing, reminiscent of a thick crepe, cradled the meat snugly. Taking a tentative bite, Alex savored the burst of juicy flavor. While the seasoning erred on the side of simplicity, the combination of succulent meat and earthy wheat satisfied his palate. Curiosity, however, gnawed at him. The meat possessed a vaguely avian quality, though pork wasn't out of the question. He mentally resolved to inquire about its origin from the vendor later.

As he devoured the skewer, Alex's feet continued their journey, eventually depositing him before a shop bustling with the rhythmic clang of hammering. Pushing open the door, he stepped inside.

The store's interior brimmed with an array of weaponry adorning the walls – swords, spears, imposing axes, and daggers hung in silent display. Drawn towards the reception desk, Alex found himself face-to-face with a friendly face.

"Welcome to Smith's Store! Are you a potential customer, perhaps seeking the perfect weapon for your needs? We have a vast selection to suit any adventurer," chirped the receptionist, Sera. With a slight bow, she introduced herself, revealing a warm smile that accentuated her auburn hair and kind brown eyes.

Alex, captivated by her welcoming demeanor, returned the smile before launching into his reason for visiting. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Sera. My name is Alexander Touch. While I don't intend to purchase a weapon today, I have come to inquire about..."

The booming voice resonated through the shop, silencing any doubts Alex might have harbored. A burly figure emerged from the hammering's symphony, his silhouette framed by the workshop's warm glow. Towering over two meters, the man exuded an aura of quiet power, his muscles hinting at countless hours spent wielding hammer and forge. A bushy brown beard framed his weathered face, and his eyes, like embers reflecting the furnace's heat, held both warmth and keen observation.

"State your desire, young man," He rumbled, his voice a low, gravelly counterpoint to Sera's lilting chime.

"This Smith does not indulge in idle inquiries."

Undeterred by the gruff demeanor, Alex met the Smith's gaze with a steady resolve.

"My name is Alexander Touch, and I have come seeking your expertise," he replied, his voice firm and respectful.

"I require a custom-made knife, built to precise specifications."

Reaching into his item box, Alex produced two sheets of parchment. One bore a meticulously drawn image of the desired blade, its lines crisp and confident. The other contained a list of detailed specifications, each word carefully chosen to convey his vision.

The Smith took the papers, his brow furrowed in concentration as he examined the drawing. A flicker of appreciation softened his gaze.

"Impressive sketch," He finally conceded, his voice gruff but not unkind.

"I can forge your vision into steel."

"Excellent," Alex smiled, relieved by the Smith's approval.

"The blade should be..." He proceeded to explain the desired dimensions, emphasizing its need for lightness, sharpness, and exceptional durability.

The Smith listened intently, occasionally interjecting a clarifying question or a thoughtful suggestion. He proposed incorporating rare Mithril into the blade, further enhancing its strength and sharpness. Alex readily agreed, intrigued by the prospect of this exotic metal.

"Now, for the scabbard and handle," the Smith rumbled, "I would prefer to use materials of my own choosing. They will complement the blade and ensure its longevity."

Alex, trusting the Smith's expertise, readily assented. "Of course, I value your judgment."

He then produced another document, outlining his desire for custom-made throwing knives, modeled after the renowned "Expendables Kunai."

The Smith scanned the details, a hint of amusement sparking in his eyes.

"Ah, a man of discerning taste," Smith chuckled, a rare sound that rumbled like distant thunder.

"Leave it to me, young Touch. You shall have blades worthy of you."

"So, young Touch," Smith rumbled, his voice gravelly yet not unkind, "How many of these throwing knives do you desire?"

Alex, heartened by the Smith's willingness to take on his project, promptly replied,

"I envision a set of five, each honed to razor-sharp perfection."

The Smith nodded, his gruff demeanor masking a spark of intrigue.

"Five it is, then. Return in two days, and they shall be ready."

A flicker of apprehension crossed Alex's mind.

Two days? With his urgent desire to begin taking guild requests, the wait felt interminable. He cleared his throat and ventured,

"And the cost of this formidable set, including the custom knife?"

Before the Smith could respond, Sera, her voice lilting like wind chimes, interjected,

"Thirty gold coins, sir. This price includes all future maintenance for both blade and throwing knives."

Alex, ever the adept negotiator, countered without missing a beat. "Twenty-five gold, and I guarantee all my future weapon commissions will find their way to your esteemed forge."

A playful glint lit up the Smith's eyes. He chuckled, a sound like boulders tumbling down a mountainside.

"A fair offer, young man. And who am I to deny a talented customer like yourself?"

Sera, though hesitant, conceded with a graceful nod.

"As you wish, sir. Twenty-five gold coins it is."

Alex retrieved the hefty sum from his spatial storage, his mind abuzz with the possibilities these weapons held. As he placed the coins in Sera's hand, a thought struck him.

"Forgive me," He interjected, "but I envision a custom black sheath for my throwing knives. One equipped with a boot clip and leg strap for easy access."

Smith, his eyes gleaming with the same childlike fervor Alex had glimpsed earlier, boomed,

"Leave it to me, young Touch! Your blades will be as sleek and deadly as the night itself."

He then vanished into the workshop, leaving Alex and Sera in a comfortable silence. As they exchanged pleasantries, a sense of anticipation grew within Alex. All the pieces were falling into place: his honed skills, his customized arsenal, and the guild waiting for his arrival. He left the shop, excitement thrumming through his veins, eager to return and claim his instruments of destiny.


Nickaidocreators' thoughts