
Death Gods Wish

He didn’t mean to. He lost control. He wants to go back, but he can’t. He must now learn to live again in a new Reality; he will become the protector once more. TheStoryHungryDemon's profile on Fanfiction. Check out this website about it! https://www.fanfiction.net/~thestoryhungrydemon Go check out my Patreon at patreon.com/TheStoryHungryDemon

TeStoryHungryDemon · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

Before The Wish



Everything was burning.

All around Ichigo was chaos, The flames of destruction reigned supreme today, as today the finale battle took place between him and Yhwach, the son of the Soul King and the emperor of the Quincy's.


Ichigo could barely see through his tears, but he knew that the final battle had begun. He had no time to grief for all of the fallen Soul Reaper's around him.

At first, when they'd met before, Yhwach had been able to easily overwhelm Ichigo with his superior strength. But this time was different. This time, even though Ichigo had only ever trained a few months with Ichibei at the soul king palace, Yhwach would not be able to best him. No matter what happened, despite how much pain it caused him, he would have to fight.

Yhwach would die here today. And it might very well be by Ichigo's hand.

He was so close now that he could feel the heat from his opponent's body. His eyes locked onto Yhwach's sword, which was held up above his head, ready to strike down upon him. Though he still couldn't see the blade made out of Reishi clearly, he could sense its power. It wasn't just the massive size of it; the way it moved…it was like an extension of Yhwach himself.

There was something about it that seemed almost inhuman. Like it was alive, and not just a tool made of his power.

It didn't matter. He would defeat it.

The two began their duel, swords clashing against one another as they danced around each other. But neither were trying to kill the other. This battle was far more personal than that.

They circled around each other, dodging and weaving side-to-side as they fought. They both knew that if either of them really wanted to end the other's life, it wouldn't take long for him to do so. However, they did not want to lose. They both fought to win.

Neither of them was using any special techniques. Instead, they relied on pure skill alone.

"You are strong," Yhwach said. "But you have nothing compared to me. Your power is insignificant."

Ichigo looked at his opponent. "Oh? I don't think so. You're going to find out soon enough that I'm stronger than you."

Ichigo lunged forward, swinging his sword down at Yhwach's neck. In return he blocked it with his own sword, but the force of the impact knocked him off balance.

Yhwach then easily flipped over Ichigo, landing behind him and putting Ichigo into a choke hold. Ichigo struggled but could not escape the grasp of his opponent.

"See?" Yhwach said, smiling down at Ichigo. "Your power is meaningless. I can crush you within seconds, but I won't."

Ichigo tried to speak, but only managed to get out a muffled sound. He felt Yhwach's hands tighten around his throat, squeezing it tightly.

Yhwach stepped back and pulled his hands away. Ichigo gasped for breath as he fell to his knees. Blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.

"You'll never beat me," Yhwach said. "And when this is all over, I will make sure that you know it."

Ichigo slowly got to his feet, unable to say anything.

Yhwach turned his back to Ichigo and walked away.

"Don't give up yet. Keep fighting!" Yhwach shouted. There was something sinister about the way he spoke. He seemed…evil.

Ichigo looked up, his eyes locking onto Yhwach's back. He took a deep breath, regaining some of his strength.

He would keep fighting.

He would fight until the day he died.

He would never let Yhwach win.


Kurosaki Ichigo had no idea how long the battle went on for. Time seemed to slow down, and he found himself being drawn deeper into the combat, feeling every moment of pain as he swung his sword against Yhwach's.

Even though he knew that there was little chance that he would win, he refused to give up. He would not surrender to Yhwach.

He would keep fighting for his friends.

For his family. For the Soul Society.

For justice.

He had already lost so many people in the past, but he would not let Yhwach win.

He would not allow him to claim victory.

His sword flashed across the air, cutting through Yhwach's. The dark prince reeled from the blow, falling back.

"Die," Ichigo said.

The words came out as a growl. He was beyond anger. He was simply enraged.

Yhwach was laughing at him now, taunting him with his superior power.

But Ichigo couldn't care about that anymore.

All he cared about was winning this fight, and Yhwach was standing in his way.

And finally, Ichigo's sword sliced through Yhwach's body with a getsuga tensho.

"Nooo!" Yhwach screamed, falling to the ground. He looked at Ichigo, his face twisted in agony. "You…you did this!"

Ichigo just stared at him, wondering what he meant.

"This is your fault," Yhwach continued. "If you hadn't come here…"

Yhwach closed his eyes, breathing heavily as Ichigo stood there, confused. Yhwach opened his eyes again, looking at Ichigo and then grinned sinisterly "is what you thought I'd say, oh how foolish of you Ichigo" says Yhwach

Then Yhwach's sliced in half body disappeared into tiny black particles. Ichigo stared down at Yhwach's body, still not understanding what had happened.

"What's going on?" Ichigo asked. "Why did he disappear like that?"

Yhwach's voice sounded distant. "Because I am now the one who rules this world, not you. You are nothing. You have failed."

A chill ran down Ichigo's spine. Did he hear right, with that he turned and there stood Yhwach perfectly fine, Alive but he was different now, he stood there covered in a cloak of darkness that had eyes all around it. "What is that" stuttered out Ichigo shocked that Yhwach is still alive.


As Ichigo was entering despear he could only do the one thing he hasn't used yet.

"BANKAI" screamed Ichigo as he unleashed his true power and began to glow gold in color.

"WHAT IS THIS? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!" Yhwach screams out as he slowly walks towards Ichigo.

But he didn't respond.

"There is no way you can defeat me," Yhwach said. "But if you insist on trying…"

He lifted his hand, ready to bring it down upon Ichigo's head.

Ichigo took a step back and brought his sword up.

Yhwach raised his hand high, preparing to strike down on Ichigo, but before he could hit him, a flash of light enveloped them both.

When it cleared, Yhwach's body was gone, and Ichigo was standing alone on the battlefield.

Ichigo looked around, seeing nobody nearby. The battle was over, and he felt oddly relieved.

But something was missing.

"Where's Yhwach where's his body?" he asked aloud.

He looked down at his hands, but they were still the same.

"Ichigo!" Rukia called out, hurrying towards him.

She stopped when she saw his expression.

"We've got to get back," Ichigo told her. "Now!"

But it was too late Rukia was beheaded in an instant by Yhwach.

"Rukia?!" Ichigo cried out in horror.

"NOOOOOOOOO!" he screamed, and he rushed forward. But as soon as he did, Yhwach's blade slashed down, slicing through the air and cutting Rukia in two.

"No!" Ichigo shouted. "NO!"

He felt the blood drain from his face.

And then he heard her scream.

He didn't know why he did it, but he turned around and looked at Yhwach.

"You killed her," he said, his voice quiet.

Yhwach smiled. "Yes, I did."

Ichigo was sickened. He wanted to kill him.

He wanted to hurt him.

"That wasn't fair," he said. "How could you do that to her?"

Yhwach's smile widened. "Fair? A duel between us is not for the weak! It is a test of will!"

Ichigo took another step back.

"You think I would show mercy?" Yhwach asked.

Ichigo shook his head. "Never."

Yhwach's eyes narrowed. "Then prepare yourself for the most powerful attack of your life!"

With that, Yhwach vanished in a flash of light.

Just as Yhwach was about to make it to Ichigo.

"Never…Again…Rhheeeeeee" Roar's Ichigo Losing control of his already fragile control over the state of his True Bankai only having been able to keep it in balance with his Quincy powers to help him maintain a balance between the duality of his soul, but now that balance has been broken by the death of Rukia and his hollow was fully released, before Ichigo had only one horn and that horn was the Horn of Salvation but now he has a hollow mask and second horn and this horn is the opposite it's the HORN'S OF DAMNATION.

"HOW... HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE I HAVE ALL OF MY POWER BACK None of my soldiers possess any of my power anymore HOW!" Roars Yhwach in anger but also terror because no matter what he threw at the enraged Ichigo, first he tried to shatter Ichigo's sword, didn't work then taking his Quincy powers but guess what that didn't work and finally threw a golden orb of energy at Ichigo which had the power to erase millions of galaxies in an Atto second, but he just shrugged it off like nothing.

It was at the moment Yhwach knew he was died along with… schwing.



Ichigo awoke confused he was fighting Yhwach and then darkness, but he didn't need to wait long for his was Infront of him.

"Aizen! What happen I only lost Consciousness for a second." Screams out Ichigo while he was on his knees towards Aizen who in his chair looking away from him.

"Ah you're awake Ichigo, good I am glad." Smiles Aizen.

Ichigo was about to retort but just as he to, Aizen maneuvered his chair now facing Ichigo, with whatever was left of Aizen as there were holes everywhere and half of body was missing.

"Aizen…What...what happened? Where's everyone?" Screamed out Ichigo horrified and was thinking 'why does he look like that? What the hell Happened'?

Aizen then stood up out of his seat and started walking towards Ichigo.

"Don't worry Ichigo, no one is going to die." Smiles Aizen(anymore). Ichigo then starts to walk towards him.

"What are you talking about Aizen? They are all dead!" Shouted Ichigo.

"They aren't dead Ichigo." Replies Aizen.

Ichigo didn't know how to respond to this, because if they weren't dead, then what the Hell had happened to them?

Aizen stopped in front of Ichigo and slowly reached out his remaining hand.

Ichigo then took his hand and pulled him in.

"Ichigo…you have to close your eyes." Warned Aizen.

"Why?" Asked Ichigo, confused.

Aizen then put his finger against Ichigo's forehead and whispered something into Ichigo's ear.

When he opened his eyes, Ichigo found himself standing in a different room. He looked around and saw he was in a small house. He turned to see Aizen sitting in a chair, his face still deformed.

"Where are we?" asks Ichigo.

Aizen looks up at him and smiles. "We're here inside the Hogyoku "

Ichigo frowns. "In the Hogyoku why what do you...where is everyone else?"

Aizen shakes his head sadly. "They're gone. You killed them."

Ichigo's jaw drops. "What?"

Aizen takes his hand off Ichigo's forehead. "The Soul Reapers, all of them. And the Quincy too. All of Soul Society is destroyed because of you."

Ichigo's mouth hangs open. "How could I do that? How did I kill them? I don't even remember doing it!"

Aizen chuckles darkly." Of course, you don't, you lost control Ichigo your hollow Side took over you lost balance of your own soul, I don't know what the trigger was, but it must have been quite Tragic I wish I could have seen it." Said Aizen smiling.

Ichigo couldn't believe what he was hearing. This wasn't possible, he was actually the one who killed those people.

"How can this be happening?" he yelled. "No way! No way! It's impossible! I'm not a killer! I wouldn't do anything like that!"

Aizen laughed darkly. "Oh yes you would Ichigo, but only when you're in the wrong state of mind.

"But enough of your despair I have not much time as I'm dying as we speak, even after putting so much effort in getting you out of you crazed state the Hogyoku could not keep up, but I managed to break a horn off and here we are alone with you talking with a dying man." Said Aizen sarcastically.

Ichigo was completely shocked by this; he hadn't even thought of Aizen being near death. In fact, he had never once considered Aizen was actually dying since he was still alive, he was supposed to be immortal.

"Aizen, how can you be dying? I mean your immortal right?"

Aizen chuckles. "You think I am an idiot, Ichigo? If I was immortal, I would have killed you already, and I would be whole and I could have done more then take a mere horn off, I can't even imagine what you are going through with all this. But I guess we will find out sooner or later."

"So, what is it that you want from me?"

Aizen stands up. "I want to ask you a question Ichigo."

"What is your desire now that I have told you what has occurred after you lost consciousness." Says Aizen.

Ichigo was stunned by the sudden question.

"Umm...well...I don't really know..."

Aizen smiles. "Hmm, well it doesn't really matter right now as I'm out of time, Now I leave you with one final gift. To you my greatest creation Ichigo."


Everything was burning.

All around Ichigo was chaos, The flames of destruction reigned supreme today, as today the finale battle took place between him and Yhwach, the son of the Soul King and the emperor of the Quincy's and apparently his battle against Aizen, Sōsuke Aizen one of greatest foes. He had disappeared into particles, Dead like everyone else by his own hand.

"Desire…. Why did he ask that." Questioned Ichigo still on his knees until he felt something behind him and there was a pitch-black portal.

"What the?" Muttered Ichigo until he realized it this is his desire and so-called gift, it Was the Hogyoku and it had manifested his greatest desire at the moment, and he had many things he wanted but they weren't possible even with the Hogyoku. He wanted to disappear. And so, he entered the portal and left everything behind to crumble the moment he left.

Never to return.