

Michael was a billionaire who had everything, but upon death, he was reincarnated into the world of Naruto with a system and a zanpakuto. This is a story of a man trying to escape from the cycle of life and death. On his journey he will stumble upon everything, he will travel worlds, he will destroy them and he will conquer them until he reaches his goal. The MC will be a person who would do anything to achieve his goal. He will be a smart and mature person. Also will be really cautious about his every move. WARNING MC IS SELFISH, CRUEL, AND DOESN'T HAVE A HAREM OR ROMANCE .......…... The cover is not owned by me, If the creator wants it to be removed then please comment

Devine_Devil · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs


Akira had no idea about the rebirth of the woman who had caused the events of his death in his previous life. Akira was spending his time training and attending the academy.

Akira also planned to leave this village so that he could finally kill freely and increase his strength as quickly as possible. But if Akira leaves right now then there is a chance that he would be labeled as a missing-nin. Also, there are many strong enemies outside the Leaf village whom Akira can't fight against with his current strength. So, Akira decides to leave the leaf village only after he unlocks his Shikai or at least reaches the Jonin level strength.

The days in the academy were absolutely boring. All the jutsu taught in the academy was already known to Akira. The only reason he still go to the academy was to become a Genin as quickly as possible, because after becoming Genin he would be able to go outside the village to do missions, during these missions he could find an opportunity to kill some people.

Akira doesn't plan to kill inside the leaf village, because the risk of killing a person inside the leaf village is very high. Not only Akira needed to watch out for the crystal technique performed by the third Hokage, but Akira also need to watch out for how to deal with the aftermath. With his cautious personality, Akira would never do something that risky until it was absolutely necessary.

Akira also applied for an early graduation, but the teacher said that Akira need to wait for three months. Then Akira would be able to participate in the graduation ceremony of his seniors and pass with them.

So Akira would attend the classes In the morning and train hard in the evening. This schedule of Akira continued for almost three months...…

On the day of the graduation exam,

Akira was standing in front of three examiners.

"Do a substitution jutsu"

One of the examiners asked. Akira also performed the substitution jutsu without any difficulty. The three of them were satisfied with Akira's performance. Just as expected Akira passed the exam without any difficulty.

But Akira wasn't the only one who had applied for an early graduation. Itachi also applied for early graduation. According to Akira's memory, Itachi was supposed to graduate at the age of six, but due to the influence of Akira, Itachi also graduated at the age of five. Akira knew this was because of the small rivalry formed between Itachi and Akira during the days in the academy. During the sparring match in the academy, Itachi would often challenge Akira, but Akira would beat him every single time, so Itachi started to consider Akira as his rival. But Akira never even consider Itachi as his rival.

The next day,

Akira goes to the academy again. This was the day when students are formed into a group with a Jonin captain. When Akira entered the room all he saw were kids who were 12-13 years old, there was only Itachi who was the same age as Akira. Then Akira found a seat at the back and waited for his sensei to show up.

After some time the Jonins come and called up the name of their team members. Itachi was assigned to team 2, with two other older kids. Finally, it was the turn for Akira. Akira was put in team 6 with two other members. Jonin who was the leader of team six had a painting of a tooth on his face, so Akira thought that he would be from the Inuzuka clan.

"Follow me to the ground behind the academy". The Jonin said this and left. Akira and his other two team members go to the ground which is at the back of the academy.

"Now let us have a brief introduction first. My name is Anzai Inuzuka, and I am a jonin of the leaf village. My dream is to become Hokage one day and I like my dog Hara very much". Anzai said with a bright smile. From the looks of it, Akira realized that Anzai was a very energetic and friendly person.

"My name is Yogi Takumi, My dream is to become strong and protect everyone in the village with my power. I really like to train and become stronger."

Akira almost cringed after hearing Yogi, but Akira still managed his composure. Yogi was a civilian ninja at the age of 12 and also one of the members of Akira's group. From the looks of it, Akira understood that Yogi was one of those naïve fools who would help and save others unconditionally.

"My name…. my name is Onaga Hiroko. My dream is….. is…"

"Onaga stop being shy and say it out already", Yogi said impatiently to Onega who was stuttering from shyness.

"My dream is to become a great medical ninja and I like to learn ", Onega said in a hurry and suddenly sat down. Onaga was a girl with very high social anxiety and also extremely shy, she was a Kunoichi of age 12. She was a medical ninja. She has a really cute face and her shy behavior would make everyone instinctively want to protect her.

But Akira wasn't even affected in the least by this cute girl beside him. Akira was a 28-year-old man in his first life, So there was no way he would be intimidated by a 12-year-old.

"You really need to change that shy behavior of yours, otherwise you will be easily killed on a battlefield. A ninja must have high confidence in every action he takes." Anzai said to Onaga.

"I will try sensei", Onaga replied in a shy tone. Anzai sighed and said to Akira,

"Now your turn"

"My name is Akira Hyuga. My dream is to never die and I like to increase my power." Akira said in complete honesty.


Yogi laughed hard after hearing about Akira's dream. Even Anzai was laughing. Onaga was also giggling with hands covering her face, she was too shy to laugh aloud.

"That really is a dream of a five-year-old kid, Don't worry your big bro Yogi will protect you when you are in danger," Yogi said in semi laughing state.

"cut It off, Yogi"

Anzai said in a scolding tone. Yogi becomes silent and all three of the team 6 started to listen to Anzai.

"Now I need all three of you to come and meet me at the back of the Hokage mountain tomorrow morning. I will be conducting a test to check whether you are qualified to be a genin."

Yogi: "But we just finished an exam just yesterday "

Anzai: "A ninja should never question his superiors and must follow all the orders given by his superiors. Do I make myself clear?". Anzai said with a commanding tone

Yogi: "Yes Sensei"

Onaga: "Yes sensei"

Akira: "Yes"

Both the reply from Yogi and Onaga were filled with determination and respect. But Akira's reply had none of it. But Anzai didn't mind and just left.

The three of them also left after a short while.