

Michael was a billionaire who had everything, but upon death, he was reincarnated into the world of Naruto with a system and a zanpakuto. This is a story of a man trying to escape from the cycle of life and death. On his journey he will stumble upon everything, he will travel worlds, he will destroy them and he will conquer them until he reaches his goal. The MC will be a person who would do anything to achieve his goal. He will be a smart and mature person. Also will be really cautious about his every move. WARNING MC IS SELFISH, CRUEL, AND DOESN'T HAVE A HAREM OR ROMANCE .......…... The cover is not owned by me, If the creator wants it to be removed then please comment

Devine_Devil · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs


The dog Hara was rushing towards Akira. Akira had a very calm expression on his face. Akira then activated his byakugan.

Akira: "Eight divination palms of the hands, Heavenly spin"

After saying this Akira started to spin and a small semi-sphere formed around him. This Jutsu will create a shield of chakra around the user and tossing away any nearby attackers.

The dog doesn't stop its attack and directly jumped on top of the sphere which was covering Akira. But the moment the dog touched the sphere it was directly thrown backward. The dog had gone almost ten meters away from Akira, but the dog doesn't have any intention of stopping its attacks. So the dog again started to rush towards Akira.

Akira: (with a calm tone) "Eight divination signs, sixty-four palms of the hand, variation fire palm"

Akira's hand was now covered with fire. This fire was created by Akira's chakra. Akira's skin was also protected by another thin layer of chakra. Fire palm was taught to Akira by his father. Rather than using the normal gentle fist Akira preferred to use fire palm because this could deal more damage to the chakra meridian of the enemy and could even cripple the enemy. Hirose created fire palm by modifying the twin lion fist. Twin lion fist was the jutsu which was only available for the main family of the Hyuga clan, This was also the same jutsu that was used by Hinata.

Hirose only taught Akira fire palm because of the unrivaled talent shown by Akira. But Hirose warned Akira to only use this technique on dangerous enemies and never use it on any Konoha shinobi; because this was a very brutal technique that would cripple a ninja. But Akira wasn't the type to go easy on his enemy, so he directly used it against the dog rushing towards him.

Akira: "Two palms"

Right before the dog was about to attack Akira, he directly hit two chakra points of the dog with fire palm. The chakra point that he had attacked was already burned, and the painful mourning of the dog was heard.

"So this is the power of a family ninja huh!", Yogi exclaimed from the ground. But Akira had no intention to stop after a single attack,

Akira:" Four palms"

Akira was ready to deal another four attacks on the chakra points, but right when his hand was about to hit the dog, Anzai appeared right in the middle of the dog and Akira using the body flicker technique. Akira still doesn't slow down and continued his attack, but all of his four attacks were easily deflected by Anzai with his bare hands.

Anzai: "The test is already over and you have passed, No need to continue your attacks."

After hearing Anzai, Akira deactivated his Byakugan and fire palm. Yogi and Onaga who were on the ground also got up. But there was no trace of joy on the face of them even after hearing they had passed the test.

Yogi: (with a cold voice) "I think you have some explanation to do, Akira."

Yogi who had just gotten up, asked Akira.

Akira: "I don't need to explain myself to someone who gets his ass beaten up by a stupid dog"

Anzai : (shouting angrily) "THAT'S ENOUGH OF YOUR ARROGANCE AKIRA"

Both Onaga and Yogi were shocked to see the angry tone of their sensei. Anzai walked right before Akira and said,

Anzai: "The plan made by Yogi was really good, If you had stuck to the plan and done your part, then none of your teammates would have been hurt like this. But because of your arrogance and ego, you let your teammates suffer injuries. Teamwork is one of the most crucial things a ninja must have, if you do anything like this ever again then you can say goodbye to being a ninja. Do you understand what I am saying?"

Akira; "Yes sensei, what I did was wrong please forgive me for the mistake."

For a moment Anzai doesn't know what to say, he thought Akira would say some excuse to justify his actions, but Akira straight up admitted the mistake and even asked for forgiveness.

Anzai: "You need to ask forgiveness from your teammates and not from me. They are the ones who got hurt because of you."

Akira then looks at his teammates who were standing right beside him. Before Akira could speak Onaga replied,

Onaga: "No need to ask for forgiveness Akira, I don't mind what you did". Onaga was a girl with a very good heart, she directly forgive Akira before he could ask. After saying this, Onaga go to Yogi and started healing his injuries. But Yogi was eagerly waiting there to hear the apology from Akira.

Akira: "Don't even think you will get an apology from me. The only reason I asked forgiveness from sensei was because he is stronger than me, but you…(Akira paused and looked right into the eyes of Yogi and continued) you are way weaker than me. Why would I need the forgiveness of someone who is obviously weaker than myself."

But to Akira's surprise, Yogi doesn't get angry but had a smile on his face.

Yogi: "Indeed you are way stronger than me. I had been looking down on you because of your age and I will treat these injuries as a punishment for my mistake. But don't expect to stay stronger than me forever, I will train harder and harder until one day I will become stronger than you and make you say sorry"

Yogi said in a cool way. But Akira clearly understood that Yogi was trying to impress Onaga who was healing him. So Akira just sighed and doesn't talk anymore. It would just be a waste of time to continue arguing with this twelve-year-old Yogi.

Anzai: (with his usual smiling face) "Now that it is solved, You guys should try to form a good bond with each other. Onaga after healing Yogi you should also heal my Hara."

Onaga: "Yes sensei"

Anzai : (looking at Akira) "Now while she is healing the both of them let's have a good talk about how you should treat your friends and how to control your arrogance."

Akira almost wanted to hit in the face of this sensei. Akira was getting lectured by his father literally every day when he was at home, but now Akira needed to listen to the lecturing of his sensei too. But Akira doesn't show any of his feelings on his face and calmly listened to his sensei giving a lecture about the power of love and friendship.

This lecture continued for almost an hour. During this time both Yogi and Onaga had already eaten their lunch and had started their own training. Yogi would often look at Akira and laugh at Akira getting lectured. During this time Akira also understood one thing, Anzai was very dedicated to training the three of them and clearly wanted to make all three of them good and capable shinobi.

Anzai: " So do you understand how to treat others and how to take care of your friends?"

Akira: "I understood sensei."

Anzai: "That's good to hear. Now gather around everyone."

After hearing this both Yogi and Onaga stopped training and get near Anzai.

Anzai: "Now you guys can leave. Practice hard once you reach your house, because tomorrow you will be performing your first mission. Meet me at the Hokage building at 9:00 AM tomorrow."

After saying this both Anzai and Hara disappeared with the body flicker technique.

Yogi: "Wanna go to the barbeque restaurant to eat something?"

Yogi asked both Akira and Onaga.

Onaga: "We just ate lunch, but Akira didn't eat anything yet, So let's go."

But Akira didn't reply and used flash steps and disappeared. Akira had wasted a lot of time by fighting a stupid dog and also listening to the useless lecture of his sensei. So Akira doesn't have the time nor the mood to play friends with these children.

Only the surprised Onaga and Yogi were left on the training ground.

Yogi: "This guy also knew body flicker techniques?"

Onaga: "It also looks much faster than what sensei did."

Yogi:" Just forget about that Jerk. Let's go by ourselves."

Onaga nodded and both Yogi and Onaga left the training ground.