

Warning: detected high assimilated mass Warning: diverged entity detected The cube is now on the loose, weapon of mass destruction is free. ...//all hail to your god//...

HGGsuckatwriting · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
45 Chs


"Nathan... NATHAN"

Nathan: "what? what?!"

Me: "put this on" a fake slick hair with yellow color to hide his black hair away. Nathan's new blue hoodie, pants, and boots look better than his old ones.

Nathan: "thank Clare. you look good with that grey hair"

Me: "oh please, I know you are being sarcastic again"

Nathan: "eh you read through me, haha"

we were just putting on new clothes, Kirie is changing Rose's new clothes, she looks better with the new pants and shirt, also the wide hat really covered up the highlighted part on her face, she looks very happy compared with Kirie, hehe. Jame over here just put on the new brown scarf and make his jacket have more red outlines and somehow he looks different with the hat off, his white fluffy, messy hair blowing with the wind. I also put on the white lab coat looking as a request from Jame, gotta say I look more like a scientist.

we're ready after being done with changing and makeup, time to go to the city of sector-07, I heard this place sells some good drinks.

Jame: "Alright guys, since the city will be secured harshly, we should stay silent and be careful, many worker cores and people will be armed or can recognize us. Clare, you check the news on the phone right?"

Me: "Yeah, many cities have attacker cores and armored cores on the watch. good thing we have fake IDs and disguises"

Jame: "right, alright guys, we go in, and have some fun, before we find the director and kill him, ending this long-suffering. but make sure to keep ourselves safe and unnoticed"

Nathan: "alright gang, time to go"

all of us raise our hands up high, we make a quick "YIPPEE" before making our way into the city of sector-07. through the trees row, past the highway, and entered the city without anyone noticing, I and the gang reached the first row of the city and the first thing that slapped our eyes is why this city has soo many food stalls and shops, soo shiny.

Jame: "Jesus Christ..."

Rose and I make a big "WOAH" when we first see this, unlike Kirie lmao.

Nathan: "yea I forgot to tell ya, this city has some kind of investment in the sale of services and drinks. soo security in this city is lesser than in other cities in sector-07. I read about that on the phone"

we all stared at him with a blank faces. welp, we all know what that means.

me and the gang drag each other onto the race of entertainment and services. "wait guys, don't cause too much attention!" Nathan said before getting dragged away by Jame's floating claws.

Me: "wait Jame your tail and the halo"

Jame: "oh yeah..." He makes the halo disappear and the tail slowly turns into small cubes then retracted into his body. "alright let's go!"

we pierced through streets and streets, trying new playful things, and enjoying new foods, Jame eat a whole bucket of spicy noodles and he got a big plushie with a few hundred bucks, Kirie beat all the target shooting in a theme park, and she got a reward but didn't like it, Jame gave her a new hairclip and she really appreciated it, oh what a yandere girl. Rose won a new butterfly knife after she beats everyone in a dart-throwing club, we have to get out of there quickly due to many people suspecting us "Sorry!" we ran outside, happily, enjoying this fun time, mostly Nathan, he got a new music player he always wanted. the laughter on our lips as we slowly make our way into the city, Kirie holding Jame's right arm and carrying Rose on his shoulder, Me and Nathan just being a stupid couple after almost being spotted by some security cores around the city we passed. after that, we continue to play around, messing with other stuff, killing off some attacker cores wandering around because they look annoying, and trying new things to do.

something caught my eye when we were passing an alleyway, there was something like a large bloody axe dragging on the ground and a spike head tentacle-like. at first, I think I imagined stuff, but remembering back what we did at the facility, I know this isn't a human or a core.

Me: "yo guys, remember when Jame released all the subjects in that facility?"

Nathan: "What did you just see?" he asked with a concerned look, the gang all eyed up at me after I said that.

Jame: "don't tell me-"

Me: "yep..."

Kirie make a big sigh, Jame looked really dumb, Nathan and Rose rubbed their face like they being fr fr moment.

Jame: "alright lead the way"

Me: "wait are we gonna kill them?"

Jame: "what? no, just help them. I'm pretty sure they don't killing people... hope soo"

everyone then follows me into the alleyway where I assumed that I saw one of the subjects from the facility. when we slowly descended into the empty alley, we heard a strange noise that sound like a metallic machine slapped into rotten meat. hearing that, we all take out our weapons and aimed forward. the sounds got louder and louder, and there was a left turn ahead, Jame take the lead, and we all sneaked and prepared for the next thing Jame saw.

Jame: "ready?" he whispered to us, we all then nods in reply, he also did that before jumping out to look to the left path of the alley. Jame's eyes glow up like a flashlight to shine what making that noise, his red light shined through the alley, and the first thing we saw is a mechanic skeleton with green eyes who are trying to sew up the open wound from a horror human figure with blades from the bones and flesh tentacles with spike head without an actual normal head, only the spiral bones from the tear off part where the neck supposed to hold the head.

the metal skeleton stopped to look at us, it raised its arms up, the flesh figure lying on the ground bleeding, it looks like it has been attacked. both of them can't speak, only looking at us silently. For us, we didn't know what to do, we paused to see these two.

Jame: "uh..." he spins his head to look back at us, he seems like doesn't know what to do "what are we going to do next..."

we all shrugged, waiting for his response.

Jame put his gun away, he thinks for a quite before raising his right hand at the two subjects. they look afraid of what will happen to them next. Jame's hand, the solver symbol appeared on his palm in front of the red mark. the particle around the symbol formed out mini small black cubes, and they all go at the subjects.

the scared looks were gone as soon they realized that they were getting fixed up, the skeleton formed human skin that probably wasn't normal flesh, to be honest, that one appeared to be a girl with yellow hair, and the clothes then created her, a white dress and shoes. as for the headless one, the bones blades broke out then reattached to became a human bone, the skin and the tentacles were gone and his head was slowly created from many small cubes. a red hair dude with messy spiky hair, he also gets clothes to fit with the girl next to him.

the two looked at the new body they got, and we know they used to be a human, Jame after finishing, he put his hand down, and the two subjects stand up and looked at us, "thank you" they both said in a small voice before going off, hand holding each other.

Jame: "do you think there's more subject in this city?"

Me: "most likely, after all, there's a lot of them. and maybe they were scattered everywhere, hiding among the people"

Jame make a cute smile, he seems happy: "better hope they were alright after being locked all that long"

Nathan: "yoo guys, shall we continue? Rose wanna try some cakes"

Rose hops up and down, she looks really excited.

Jame: "alright let's continue to enjoy this" he takes Kirie's hand, making her blush while being emotionless, then we head out of the alleyway.


Mari is on the tallest skyscraper, lying on the rear of the roof, watching everything below.

what a "playing god"



Grim: "Those idiots! argh!" *table breaking sounds* "if I was there... they wouldn't die that easily... and we can win easily... tell me why director..."

[no permission]

Grim: "..."

"then what can I do now?"

[take action when ready / system 63% ready / weapon 75% ready]

Grim: "heh... all because of that... and my units have to die?... fine... my turn I say" [accelerate system online] "I'm coming for you 404"

(x) (\+/)


Me: "hey guys try this drink"

Nathan take a sip before realizing how cold it was: "holy hell"

Me: "hehe"

Nathan's mouth is literally smoking. we all laughed, it's pretty funny.

we continue to go through the city, enjoying what we can, money? no problem. time went by from morning to noon and to afternoon, we stopped to rest a little before going all out for tonight. went to a nightclub, tearing through the dance floor, the messy trio Me, Nathan, and Rose did quite a nice breakdance. Jame and Kirie just dance together with the calm electric rock music, the loving couple or dangerous couple are on the dance floor.

guard: "hey those kids you five are not old enough!!"

Nathan: "ahhh sh*t let's bail boys!"

we escaped through the back of the nightclub, ran into the alley, and outside the main street, well that was pretty good. we all laughed quite running, once we got out to the main street, we stopped to catch some breath.

Me: "woha! that was fun"

Nathan: "hell yeah, you like that Rose?"

Rose: "it is better than working in that facility hehe"

Me: "Jame, you seem enjoyed that dance with Kirie" I'm being mischievous with that face toward him.

Jame: "hmp, yeah we enjoyed that. it's being too long"

Kirie hugged Jame's arm, she leaned her head on his shoulder to let Jame cuddle her.

the rest of us just make an "awww" after seeing that, "welp better-going guys" I said before we continue to hang around.

since our first encounter with the subjects we saw before, we can see there are more of them in this city, they move silently stealthily through the city, and I can see they were watching us. sometimes we encountered one of them, and most of them didn't have any intention of anything that we called a thread, tho we don't know what will happen if they keep going around pretending to be human, one time we saw a security core and a guard captured a subject tagged with the number 302, we have to eliminate the core and that poor person to save him. he thanked us before morphed into a bird and fly away. "well this is pretty screw up" Jame said before disintegrated the corpses into dust, and we get away the scene.

Me: "there's a lot of them around huh?"

Jame: "yeah, tho we should save them, they suffered a lot like us y'know?"

Kirie: "can we go to the movie theater? i want to watch a movie with you"

Jame: "aww, alright, let's go to th-"

an alarm went up around the city, the announcement speaker broadcast an order from the leader of the city: [all citizens attention, attention, curfew time has been activated, all citizens return to their home and safe place, we detected abnormal activities around the sector city, many armed street watchers will be deployed and armored core with be on watch, don't go out, don't try to approach, or they will consider you as a thread, this message will repeat for 10 mins until the lockdown begins]

the people around the city began to go back to their houses, and many shops and stores closed, the light on the street became red, warning us we should follow the procedure. "we should find a hotel" Rose said.

Jame: "yeah let's go guys" We all then find the nearest hotel, and hired a room before the lockdown begins. the doors were sealed with a metal shield, the window turned on the energy shield, and we stay inside a room with four beds, looking outside and watching what happened next.

Nathan: "I'll take the fake hair off, it feels uncomfortable"

Me: "yeah, same, hey, but I hope these armed men don't aim for us"

Nathan: "yep, but I think they meant the subjects in this city. don't you think?"

Jame: "uh oh... uhhh maybe you're right" he sounds worried now.

looking outside, it was quiet, the red light on the street was now turned off, and a sound of moving vehicles coming down, many armed people and cores were on these reinforced cars, armored core and heavy-duty core one by one coming on the street. "woah", for a second there I thought it was just a normal city scan but god, why they bring soo many high tier weapons, piercing machine guns, anti-matter rail canon? nope, this isn't a normal city check-up.

me: "what the hell...."

Kirie: "wow they bring up a lot of toys"

Rose: "uh, should we be worried about this?"

Jame: "I see they don't look at us, are they.."

Nathan: "looking for something... or many things"

we were kinda frightened after Nathan speak that creepy. the row of armed forces was passing by, and we heard many creepy noises coming from afar where they were going. "hey Jame, can you create something to let us observer what is going on?" I told Jame and he understand, he created a small drone that can be invisible from a cube, and Rose and Kirie used their back claw to make a hole in the barrier, the drone then passed through the energy barrier from the window then fly to where the soldiers going. Jame then created a connection wire and plugged it into the TV and on the side of his head, the TV load up, and red codes went around before showing us the point of view from that drone.

Jame: "alright let's see what is going on"

the drone flew through a couple of blocks, watching down from the city, everything was closed, and locked, we can see some hidden subjects hiding in the darkness, they look like creatures from a different world, looking at the row of gunmen. as the drone slowly fly its way to the noises, we were shocked to see that there was a riot.. no, there was a giant black pillar with a strange glowing red-black cube on the top, looking down, we see many people with guns were securing the area, the pillar was high up. moving close to it, the drone became statics, our focus was aimed toward a white-haired man in a suit standing on a building nearby... the blade wings, the claws stained with blood from a dead subject next to him, he standing on another one... these were the two we helped this morning, the girl was dead... the dude then got his head crushed into a puddle of blood... Grim... he's here, looking at the pillar before slowly looking at the invisible drone before the drone lost connection.

TV: [no connection]

Jame: "that bastard, he's here"

Kirie: "We should not go right now, there are still many guards down there"

Me: "poor those two"

Nathan: "but why there was a giant pillar in the middle of the city?"

Rose: "it looks different from those at the facility, me and Violet used to play on them"

Jame: "they are planning something.."

Jame seems frustrated about the presence of Grim, we can't do anything now, except rest until tomorrow. we all then change up and clean up before laying on the bed with an uncomfortable thought in our head.


Grim: "I know you're here, I will keep doing this until I meet you" *sharping wings and claws sounds*

"I'm waiting for you... and finish the debt I have"

[///weapons system.exe / armed///]
