

A young lad, who had a dream of becoming a super hero and a writer, falls into a deep mystery when he open his eyes, lying on his bed. The world was different outside as he stepped out. Considering himself free of problems, he roam around until he comes to know there is a apocalypse. Unknown of the further situation and hurdles, he aims to save the people around him, which lends him making new friends. Will he be able to overcome the situations and save his friends like a super hero, or ends up messing around?

Asuka_56 · Ação
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8 Chs


After the delicious dinner was ready, everyone was called along the other sub-divisions. They all eat Shabu-Shabu and Sukiyaki, then they all went back to their assigned houses. At midnight, when no sound of living being were heard, Kiyoshi hears a woman shouting from a great distance. Firstly, he ignored it but when the painful shouts of her occupy his mind he woke up out of terror and worry. 

Without telling anyone, he picked up a gun and a torch, and heads towards the main door. He successfully opened it without being caught. Once he was out, he went to look for the woman. He look here and there but found no one, while he also peeped inside the windows of other houses but was left without any clue. However, the thought of being caught by the team mates and no clue about the woman, left him with no choice but to return back, but somewhere in his heart, he was worried about the poor woman. He stand there and think wisely, then he pursue his heart's voice and continue his search, not fearing about the blackheads.

On his way, he saw bunch of blackheads roaming on the street. Some of them approach to him, thus he was too stunned to do anything but was left with shock when none of them harm him. There, he understand that they are attracted towards the sound. He again listen the sound of that woman. Hearing the sound, all the blackheads rushed towards there. He also follow the lead. Reaching there, he witnessed a house and was quite sure that the sound were from here. On the other side, a woman was seen, her leg was brutally injured due to a gun shot. Unknown of the scenario outside the house, she shouts in agony. 

Kiyoshi started thinking of different ways to help the poor lady. He followed the blackheads. After reaching there, he saw that the house is covered by many blackheads. He tried to find a way inside the house, but was failed, thus he decided to go back. But when he was about to turn around and go back, he found a small-house like structure. He goes near to it and saw a lock on the roof of it.

Without thinking much, he pick up a heavy stone and started breaking the lock which creates the sound. Now all the blackheads came running towards him but at the right moment, he opened the roof-like door and slide inside the tunnel. The underground tunnel leads him to a secret passage, where he saw two doors, one was red in color and the other one was green in color. 

Kiyoshi was confused about the doors. There was a peephole in the door, but Kiyoshi wasn't able to see through it. On the other hand, all the team members were searching for the missing Kiyoshi. Poor Arata was blamed by everyone for the missing Kiyoshi. 

" Poor boy! I feel such a sympathy on him! " said a man, while smoking a cigar.

" Boss is indeed the kindest person on the earth. " said another man, holding a ashtray in his hands.

" I feel so tired, sitting all the day infront of this system. These stupid bunch of human are no fun!"  said a women, pointing at a big screen.

" Oh, my dear lady! Have some patience! They won't upset us! "  the same man spoke while smoking his cigar.

" Then what are you waiting for? Create problems for them, make them suffer! "  another man spoke while drinking red wine.

On the other side, Kiyoshi is seen struggling with the doors. He stood up as finally made up his mind. He opened the red door and went inside it. There, he entered into the basement of the same house. He saw that basement is properly maintained and there were so many files arranged on different shelves. Along with files, he found some knives, guns, chains, saw and small door. He became curious about the door and was about to open it that he heard the members shouting his name from upstairs. He hurriedly went upstairs and tried to open the basement's door but it was locked, so he started banging the door which was heard by Hatsuko.

" Hiroshi, I heard someone banging some door. It might be Kiyoshi! " 

" Kiyoshi? Who is Kiyoshi? I didn't saw any boy named Kiyoshi entering in my house! "  said the woman

" Shut up, you little piece of crap! " Hatsuko spoke in anger

" What do you mean by crap, huh? Who the hell do you think you are to say me crap? Don't you now who I am? " 

" Yeah, I know, you are Yui Takahata, a famous social media star, who do some stupidity. Argh!...Kids these days! "  Akane spoke while mimicking her

" Hey! Guys! Help me! I'm here, in this stupid basement! "  Kiyoshi shouts while banging the door.

" Did you listen some voice? "  said Hiroshi

" Hey, you Miss. Crap! Tell me if there is some kind of secret room or basement here? "

" How would I know? I just come in this house yesterday. " 

" Argh! This stupid piece of crap is make me lose my mind! She is of no use, and if she ain't of any use then just kill her! What will we do by keeping her alive! " 

" Okay, Officer Hirai, but where is that handsome boy? I mean the leader. " 

" Hiroshi? He was just here right now! "

Following the noise, Hiroshi went downstairs. He searched all around the place, but couldn't find a secret door. He was about to leave, where he saw a tall, narrow door under the staircase. He checked the door and found it in locked state. He picked up a nearby vase, and hit thrice on the lock, which cause it to break. He went inside the door and found Kiyoshi, lying unconscious on the floor. He lifted him upstairs and laid him on a small, wooden bed. He also narrates all the story to Hatsuko and Akane. 

" What? Miss. Crap, what is that? You said there wasn't any boy in your house, then how he was found there? " 

" I don't know where he came from! I didn't even know about that door before he told us. I told you earlier that I came here today only. " 

" She might be saying truth! "   said Akane, after a deep thinking

" I guess the same as you. If Yui had known about it, then there's no way she won't tell us earlier. "   

" Here comes our kind-hearted leader. No wonder that one day, he would be seen helping those fucking Blackheads! " 

" Yui, I want you to join us in our team, because I believe that if we are united, then no harm can be destructive. "   Hiroshi spoke while ignoring Hatsuko.

" Oh, Hiroshi, you are making such a mistake by adding a stupid kid in a team of warriors. She's such a coward who would lead to problems, nothing else. "  Hatsuko claimed, humiliating Yui.

" See, Hatsuko, I respect you a lot, so please stop considering yourself superior to others. No one is superior to anyone, we all are given different abilities to us by God. "  Hiroshi spoke in anger.

" We have found Kiyoshi, so why are still here? We should leave now! "   said Hatsuko

" Officer Hirai, I think it would not be countable in humanity to leave a injured, little kid like this. Yui, you come with us. "

They were busy in conversation that Kiyoshi regain his senses. Hiroshi and others asked him about his condition but he was filled with such a terror that he couldn't poke a single word, but he started shivering with fear. Thus, they decided to go back and inquire him in morning.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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