

A young lad, who had a dream of becoming a super hero and a writer, falls into a deep mystery when he open his eyes, lying on his bed. The world was different outside as he stepped out. Considering himself free of problems, he roam around until he comes to know there is a apocalypse. Unknown of the further situation and hurdles, he aims to save the people around him, which lends him making new friends. Will he be able to overcome the situations and save his friends like a super hero, or ends up messing around?

Asuka_56 · Ação
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8 Chs


It was 9 at morning. The aroma of tamagoyaki and miso soup was making Ichika and Akane hungry. Meanwhile, Haruki and Arata were still at upstairs, sleeping soundly.

" Akira, could you please go and wake them up. The breakfast is almost ready! "

" Okay, I'll go and wake those idiots up. They are sleeping so soundly and whole night, both of them were playing cards. "

" Kids now-a-days are all same, they have nothing to do except using mobile, playing stupid games and staying up till late. My daughter used to do so and I always forbade her but now..... "

Saburō's voice cracked and he started getting emotional as he have no hope of her being alive. 

" Don't be upset, we all have lost our family members. But we were here for everyone. I'll go and wake those brats, otherwise they'll be sleeping till late noon. "

Akira went upstairs to wake them up. 

" Hey, you little bastards, wake up now, it's 12 in the morning. "

" Huh? What do you say? 12 at the morning? Oh god, I'm dead! " 

" It is all because of you, jerk. If it wasn't you and your dumbass plan of playing cards then we might get some breakfast to eat. "

" What did you say, Kiyoshi? It was a dumb plan, huh? You were the one who asked to play cards. It was your plan not mine. "

" Hey, you little jerks, don't fight. Come down and eat breakfast. I just said 12 to make you wake up. " 

" You scared me to death! I thought I'll be hungry for all day! "

They all came down and sit on the floor to eat breakfast as there wasn't enough space on the dining table. As usual, they eat the breakfast and Hiroshi packed some of the food for their journey. They all become ready and started leaving the house. They all took a oath before moving forward that they would never betray each other and would prioritize each other's life. They moved a bit that they were attacked by Blackheads. They all fought with bravery but Ichika was caught by one of the blackheads, but at a right moment Akane came from behind and fired a bullet which hit his eye socket and he died on spot. By saving Ichika's life, she fulfilled the oath and gained trust of members.

" Guys, I know a military base 100 kilometer far from here. It was lately stocked with guns and bombs. Let's go there and picked some equipment for our defense. "  said Hatuko

" But military force might be present there, guarding the base. " said Arata

" No, it was attacked with Blackheads. There won't be officers but there might be Blackheads, thus, we'll enter from the backdoor. " 

" What are we waiting for? Let's go! "  said Kiyoshi

They started their journey and after a lot of hurdles, they finally reached the military base. Hatsuko played a trick and take out a coin from her pocket.

" It is not the time to play some stupid games. " said Sakura

" I know, Sakura but let's decide who will go inside, Akane or Gou. "

" Officer Hirai, you can't be playing tricks now. "

" And you think that I'll stop? Well, if it's head then Akane will take the lead and if tail then our daring Gou will take the lead. " 

" Hatsuko, I don't think it is the time to take your revenges and this will be counted as breaking the oath. " claimed Hiroshi

Ignoring his words, she flipped the coin and it landed on the ground. She moved forward to pick it up but Gou stepped on the coin.

" It was a tail, and I am not afraid to take the lead. What I need is with me. " he claimed while showing her a thick metal rod

" Gou, back off. Let me handle this matter. "  Hiroshi aid while grabbing his hand

" Not this time, captain. I am not fainthearted! "  Gou exclaimed

Next, they entered inside the base and after searching for two hours, they finally found the storage place where all the equipment were present. They started filling up their bags from the weapons. While, Gou and Arata scouted with their guns, to perform some experiments. Going little further, they found a door. Arata bravely moved forward to open the door and was astonished to see that the door opens to the outskirts of Osaka. Happily, they both went running towards Hiroshi and company to tell them an amazing news. 

" Hiroshi! Hiroshi-chan! We got a good news! " 

" What good news you have? Did you both find food somewhere? " 

" No! Hiroshi-Chan, I'm not always hungry! "  said Arata

" Okay, stop blabbering, you both! Gou, you tell, what did you both found? "  inquired Jae Hyun

Bowen and Ichika also looked at them with questionable eyes.

" We found a small door, little far from here. It lead to the outskirts of Osaka! " 

" What!? "  Bowen exclaimed in a shock manner

" Yes, we aren't lying. " 

" So what are we waiting for? Let's go! " Sakura and Hayami claimed together

They all went towards the door and, finally after the struggle of 25 days, they found the way out of Osaka. They finally took a sigh of relief and moved further to explore the place. When, they finally reached to a town, they saw a street which was the only source of being connected to the town. They walked on the street and saw many similar designed houses were build, but were left flabbergasted to know that no one ever lived in that society! 

They turned a blind eye towards the situation and continued their journey. Now, the sun was about to set and they were also tired. They all decided to do a night stay in three different houses, thus they make three sub-divisions, one was lead by Hiroshi, the other one was lead by Saburō, but no was ready to lead the third division as their were only minors in that. 

" I would like to take the responsibility of this sub-division. "   Arata said

Everyone glared him with questionable sights. They all seem to be disgusted with his decision. Hatsuko moved towards him but Sana hold her arm and pulled her backwards. Hiroshi think wisely and give him a walkie-talkie to maintain the contact in case of any emergency. Then, they all went to their houses with their teams. 

" Hiroshi, I'm feeling hungry. Make some food for me! "   Ichika said 

" I see, Hiroshi got some nice lady to beg for food, huh? "  Bowen said while teasing Hiroshi

Hiroshi asked him to shut his mouth while throwing a empty water bottle towards him. 

" Jokes aside, we all are hungry so made us food, dear leader. "   Akira said 

" You all are no lesser than a hungry bird. " 

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