

A young lad, who had a dream of becoming a super hero and a writer, falls into a deep mystery when he open his eyes, lying on his bed. The world was different outside as he stepped out. Considering himself free of problems, he roam around until he comes to know there is a apocalypse. Unknown of the further situation and hurdles, he aims to save the people around him, which lends him making new friends. Will he be able to overcome the situations and save his friends like a super hero, or ends up messing around?

Asuka_56 · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs


After introducing themselves to each other, they all move further in a form of team. They just have walked a few miles that they found another small group of 5, including two girls. They all introduce each other and their names were to be know as Haruki Sato (a young, passionate 17- years old lad), Lee Jae Hyun (a Korean man came here in search of work), Akira Shimizu (a man is his early 30s ),  Nakamura Ichika (a cardiologist) and Hayami Ishioka (a famous journalist). 

" As we all are aware of each other, so, why don't we become one team? "

" I guess Hiroshi is right! We should form a team and fight with every hurdle that came across our way! "  Haruki spoke

" Okay, let's become a team and as Hiroshi is well-known to this place, let him take the lead as leader. "  Akira claimed

" Its better to go by myself than being under in his leadership. "

" Oh, really! No one is asking you to stay here, you may leave. "

" You are no one to order me! "

" You both again started fighting, huh? Stop this right now! "

" Fine! "  both claimed

Once again, they started walking and saving themselves from those creatures. The sun was about to set and they were starving to death, they saw a convenience store. They all entered the store and takes whatever they want to eat. They also take some medication as they thought that it might be useful for future. They also take Sake and all necessary items for Teppanyaki. After that, they break into a nearby house for staying tonight. As they enter the house, they saw the walls of house was covered with blood. 

" Let's stay here for tonight and we all will leave tomorrow to find a safe destination. I'll go and cook Teppanyaki for you all. "

" Okay, leader. " 

" You guys think him a leader but I don't! Neither I'll follow his orders nor I'll accept his leadership. "

" As far as I remember, no one asked for you opinion. It would be better if you keep your mouth shut! "

" You go and cook food, Hiroshi. Let her say whatever she wants, just ignore her. "

Hiroshi gets busy in his chores, that suddenly they heard someone knocking on the door incessantly. The constant knocking fluster them, everyone is the lounge picked up their weapons i.e. someone picked up a baseball bat and someone picked up knives from kitchen. Being the leader, Hiroshi was asked to opened the door. He moved forward with a baseball bat bravely but little terrified. Soon the door was opened and three teenager boys were seen at the moment, frisson of fear. He hastily come inside.

" Fast! Close the doors and windows! Cover them with curtains! " 

One of the boy was severely injured as it was clearly seen that blood was flowing just like water from his arm. His mates asked the crew for the bandage and medicine. After the bandaged his wound, the gave him medicine. Few minutes later, the situation was calm enough, those boys were asked to introduce themselves.

" Sir, my name is Kiyoshi Minato, he is my friend Arata Fukumoto and this injured boy is Hayashi San. "

" Oh, how did your friend got injured? "

" Actually, we were running away from those creatures and while running, my foot twisted and I fall down so, in order to protect me, he came infront and they bite him. "

The room was silent and all of them were looking to each other. The atmosphere was already tensed that the injured boy started moving in a strange way. He twisted his backbone and started coming towards Hiroshi but, at the right time, Hatsuko hit San on his head with a baseball bat multiple times, which lead him to his end. His friends saw his terrible death and poor children were scared from Hatsuko. Saburō, Akira and Jae Hyun tried to calm them.

" Don't worry, he had become dangerous for all of us. You have no need to be afraid, we won't harm you. "

" Yes, Saburō is right. We will not harm you. "

Kiyoshi gained some confidence and asked the crew to introduce themselves to them. They all introduce themselves to the boys and asked them to be a part of their crew. At first, they hesitate a bit but after remembering what happened to their friend, they agreed. Now, there were 11 members in their crew.

" Hey, Hiroshi, why don't keep a name of our team? What do you think? "

" Fantastic idea, Ichika. There should be a name for our team. What do you say Jae Hyun? "

" I thought to say the same. How about we keep a name related to this situation? "

" Oh, I have a suggestion."

" Go on, Hayami. "

" How about ' Anti-blackhead ' ? "

" Sounds nice but who are ' blackhead' ? "

" Those creatures. There veins are dried out of blood and are clearly visible on their faces which turned into blackish brown, thus monitoring the situation, I came up with this name. "

" Okay, so, from now on, our team name is ' Anti-blackhead ' "

Hiroshi served food to the members and then, they all went to sleep. The house was small for 11 people to fit in, due to it, they divided themselves into three groups i.e. first group ( including Hiroshi, Hatsuko and Jae Hyun ) will sleep in the bedroom, second group ( including Kiyoshi, Saburō, Sakura and Ichika ) will sleep in the lounge and third group ( including Akira, Hayami, Arata and Haruki ) will sleep in the children's room. They all went to their rooms to sleep. It was midnight and Hiroshi wasn't able to sleep, so he went to kitchen. When he went there, he found Arata and Akira playing cards.

" You guy are playing cards. Aren't you sleepy? By the way, whose cards are these? "

" No, none of us including you is sleepy. Well, these belongs to San. I stole it from his bag when he was protecting Kiyoshi. "

" You stole it? Don't you feel ashamed by doing this to your friend? "

" Friend? What friend? None of them is my friend. "

" Then, what are they? "

" Come and sit here Hiroshi-san. I'll tell you everything. "

Hiroshi did as same as he was told to do.




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