
Death's return (A LitRPG story)

Suddenly, while riding the bus home, Noah Jade was enveloped by a mysterious mist. When the mist cleared, he found himself in a completely unfamiliar and hostile place. Although everything seemed intent on killing him at first, Noah discovered that even in death, he could prevail over the others. ----- My discord server for conversations and pictures of the protagonists of my works, as well as possible spoilers of my future stories. https://discord.gg/g7YrnpbTYq

Rowen_Kun · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
54 Chs

Chapter 40 - New camp [2]

"We'll rest for a few minutes, then we'll start fortifying this place"

Leo's words ended, and I glanced around at everyone's expression. Nobody seemed to be really against Leo's orders. In fact, I think at this point, everyone was just focused on surviving. Trivial matters about who should lead were left behind.

As these thoughts passed through my mind, I briefly looked at the sun. It was slowly turning red, already a bit past midday. In a few more hours, we would have to fight again.

Speaking of which, my mission list currently looked like this:


[Main Mission] – Survive for a week.

Rewards: 1 Skill Upgrade Card.


[Secondary Mission] -


The main mission remained the same as always, but the secondary mission, since I claimed the reward for reaching level 25, simply didn't pop up anymore. My theory is that I've already achieved all the rewards this "phase" had to offer.

While it might seem relatively simple to obtain this reward, you'd be surprised at the number of people who could barely make it past level 15. I'd say, among everyone here, only about 10% have reached level 20.

Anyway, what I want to highlight is that my evolution is clearly happening at a much faster pace than others'. So far, I'm the only person who has reached level 30. However, honestly, I still don't have a complete understanding of the whole situation.

It's possible that what happened to us has also happened to other people, suggesting that somewhere, there's another person who has reached level 30, or maybe even surpassed that level.

While pondering over this, I soon realized that the minutes Leo mentioned earlier had run out, as everyone began to move. I had no idea exactly how they planned to fortify this place, and honestly, I wasn't too interested in it as it wasn't my expertise.

"Ellen" I called out in a low voice.

Upon hearing my voice, Ellen turned her head towards me, Noelle sleeping on her back. That's why I called her in a quieter tone, to avoid waking Noelle.

"I'm going out for a few minutes, be back soon"

Upon hearing my words, Ellen just nodded and went back to tending to Noelle. With that in mind, I left our new campsite and followed the path back we came from. In short, I was returning to our old campsite to retrieve the body of the Horned Boar we had hunted. Amidst all the chaos and rush to leave, I had forgotten it there.

The return was surprisingly quiet, with few encounters with monsters. Although I felt the presence of some through my [Ecopulsation], they were either distant or in areas that were easy to avoid. After about 40 minutes of walking from the new campsite, I reached the old one.

Despite the considerable distance between the old and new campsites, I still maintain that the new location is superior. Not just because it's less exposed, but also due to the proximity to a stream, which makes getting water easier. However, fate seemed to be playing against me. Just before reaching the spot where I left the Horned Boar's body, my [Ecopulsation] detected movements nearby.

Approaching close enough, I could see what exactly I was detecting, Wolves, in fact several of them, around 7 of them, all voraciously devouring the meat I had hunted, all my sweat and effort being devoured in front of me within minutes.

Honestly, I wouldn't normally care about this, but at this specific moment, I felt my reason shattering into pieces. This whole situation was driving me insane, and I saw those wolves as an outlet for this growing frustration.

While pondering over this, my scythe materialized in my hand. Then, I activated skills like [Etheric Pumping] and [Infusion]. As I approached the wolves, they started to perk up their ears and sniff the air. One by one, they turned in my direction, fixing their gaze on me.

While their previously calm expressions completely transformed, displaying their fangs, I advanced slowly towards them, step by step. I reached a point where I knew that if I crossed it, they would be provoked to attack me. However, I didn't care about that.

As soon as the first wolf leaped towards me, I easily dodged its attack by leaning to the side. The wolf, realizing that its attack had failed, began to circle me slowly, baring its fangs. The other wolves also watched closely, waiting for the right moment to strike.

Without relying on their goodwill, I activated [Kinetic Touch], pointing my hand towards one of the wolves. Instantly, as if an invisible force took control of it, the wolf began to float. Even as it struggled to break free, its efforts seemed futile against my strength.

With my [Ecopulsation] still active and alert, I noticed the wolf approaching from behind. With a swift arm movement, I hurled the controlled wolf towards the other approaching one, causing a violent collision between them. Seizing the moment, I threw my scythe towards the two stunned wolves, still trying to get up.

You have defeated [Wolf - Lv - 25] Experience gained.

You have defeated [Wolf - Lv - 23] Experience gained.

A small smile formed on my lips as translucent screens appeared before me. It seemed these wolves were of decent level, though I couldn't be sure if they were all high-level. Anyway, it didn't hurt to confirm. Besides, they needed to learn the lesson of not feasting on others prey.

Turning to the wolves, I began to spin my scythe, preparing myself once more. Upon realizing this, all the wolves bared their fangs and assumed attack positions. Now, only five of them remained, and they certainly noticed they couldn't defeat me one by one. They would likely try to attack all at once.

As I closely observed the wolves' movements, I realized they were doing the same. It had been about 40 seconds since we began to stare each other down. I remained still, and the reason for that was quite simple: I was absolutely certain they would give some opening for me to strike.