
chapter 5

Lord Adonis stared at the umbrella he had earlier taken from the bridge and he remembered the girl he has saved two consecutive times in just one day. She desperately was seeking to end her own life while he was consistently saving her against his wish. What an irony!

Lord Adonis took the umbrella and hid it in his safe.


The sun was rising and the sounds of birds chirping could be heard from a distance.

Audrey tried to open her eyes but had to shut it immediately as she felt her head banging.

'Where am I? Am I dead? Is it over now?' She asked herself multiple questions at a time.

Audrey tried to open her eyes again but this time very slowly. She was welcomed by the sight and noise of water. The events of the previous day came replaying slowly in her mind.

Who was the man that had come to her rescue?

His eyes were crimson red and his body was so cold.

Again, she saw someone else or was it a mermaid? Or was it just her imagination?

She was jolted out of her blurry memory by an awakening headache that threatened to spilt her head into two.

She slowly sat up realizing her plans to end up her life has failed.

"What could be worst than this? Even the land of the dead does not seems to want to have anything to do with someone like me" She gave out a loud cry and broke down in tears.

Audrey cried to her heart content and after a while stood on her feet with just one question in mind.

What next?

She was torn in between going to the hospital or going back to an empty house. She eventually choose the former.

Audrey started walking away from the bank of the river and suddenly remembered that she had left her umbrella on top of the bridge.

She went to the bridge and searched for the umbrella but all her efforts proved futile. She gave up on her search and headed to the hospital.


At the hospital...

Azrail, the second in command to Adonis sat at the reception to carry out the mission given to him. This was the first mission given to him by Lord Adonis in a million years, he can't afford to mess it up so he intended to do it by himself. He needed one more house maid to complete his assignment and he hoped to finish it before the end of the day.

He knew better than drag the assignment given to him. A hit from Adonis and he will never be reincarnated.

To get mortals to work at the frosty, old and almost creepy mansion even with a high pay was quite difficult. They had to be desperate enough to do anything and where else could he find desperate souls if not in the hospital where mortals have their loved ones hanging in between life and death.


Audrey got to the reception of the hospital looking all tattered and weak. She walked towards the nurses.

One of the nurses on duty was Alma.

"Oh goodness me what happened to you, Audrey?" Asked Alma

" How is my granny faring?" Audrey asked ignoring Alma's question.

"Come with me" Alma said to her after a long pause and another long look at the disheveled sight of Audrey.

Audrey's got to Henrietta ward and was broken by the sight that greeted her.

Henrietta looked pale and weak. Her skin was so dried and dehydrated.

Alma gave Audrey that knowing look of "I'm sorry but you have to get the money before we can proceed with the needed surgery."

Audrey nodded and moved closer to Henrietta. She held her hands stroking her hair grey gently.

"I'll do everything I can to save you granny, even if I have to sell my soul, I will. Please hang in there for me."

Audrey turned to Alma,

"I'll get the money in few days." She said to Alma, with a confidence she absolutely wasn't supposed to have.

How could she get that much money in a few days? But she was determined to get it anyways.

Audrey walked out of the ward thinking of what to do when Azrail spotted her. She seemed so exhausted, tired of life and the type to do anything to get what she wanted. Azrail recognized that look on her face very well. She was desperate.

Audrey sat adjacent to where Azrail was and Azrail was quick to take the opportunity to approach her.

"Here you go sweet" he said giving her a bottle of water.

"Thanks a lot" Audrey replied giving a faint smile to the stranger.

"What's the problem? You look tired. Do you care to share?" Azrail said giving her a fake sweet smile.

Audrey took a sip from the water and her tummy made some funny noises. She was embarrassed.

"I'm sorry about that" Audrey said. It was at this point she realized that she was hungry and that was completely normal after all she had had nothing to eat for some time now. Food had been the least of her thoughts.

"The hospital cafeteria sells good food, hope you don't mind me asking you to join me for breakfast"? Azrail said giving her a small smile and a gentle shrug of his shoulders

Audrey smiled at him and accepted his offer. She could not afford buying meals for herself anyways so it would be stupid to decline.

At the cafeteria, the two were quiet while eating. Azrail cleared his throat and asked Audrey if she wanted more food, Audrey politely declined and said she was okay.

After eating, Azrail led Audrey to the field of the hospital building. Just when he was about to start bargaining, Audrey broke the deafening silence between them.

"Audrey" she said

"What?" Azrail asked

"My name is Audrey" she continued abd stretched out her hand for a shake.

Azrail looked at her small outstretched hands and an amused smile tugged at his lips.

"Thanks for the meal, I feel like I've regained strength for the battle ahead of me."

"I am Azrail" he replied shaking her hands and Audrey could not help but notice how cold his skin was. It seemed more like he had been holding ice for some time but she knew that was not the case.

They both had a hot meal before walking up here.

"Azrail" what a strange name, Audrey finally responded, letting go of his hand and shaking off the strange coldness.

"Who do you have here?" Azrail asked changing the topic.

"My grandmother" replied Audrey almost immediately before she realized she was starting to say too much.

"Do you need my help Audrey?" Asked Azrail with his eyes fixed on her, giving her his signature smile once again while his eyes turned a little bit intense.

Audrey took few steps backwards. She knew there was no free meal anywhere. The only reason why she accepted his water and food was because she was hungry but now that she is filled to the brim. She could start thinking again.

"What could you possibly do for me?, I'm in this situation because of your gender." Audrey almost screamed at the top of her voice but it only ended up coming as a whisper, an audible one.

After what seems like as moment. Azrail decided to change his approach.

"What do you want Audrey?"

"I want to save my granny" she replied.

"You look rich, can you save her?" She snorted and gave Azrail a mocking laugh, a laugh meant to hide her own pains and sorrows.

Azrail found it amusing that Audrey was asking him the second in command to Adonis, the end of all lives to save her grandmother but then to her, he was just another normal human, like her.

"What can you do for me?" Azrail asked.

"I'll do anything you ask me to if you can foot my grandma's medical bills. What have I not done before anyways?." Audrey said, giving a sad chuckle at the end.

Azrail heaved a sigh of relief. He had gotten just what he wanted.

"Consider it done but don't you forget your promise Audrey."

To say Audrey was stunned was an understatement.

"Who are you Azrail?" Audrey finally mouthed when she finally found her voice.

" Starting from this moment, I'm your employer." Azrail said while walking away from her.

"I'll see you soon Audrey" he said as he walked away, leaving Audrey completely confused and mystified by all that had happened.

Who was this stranger, really?