

Story of Dearie-Love Novel will be quite different and interesting, Stay tuned for every chapter A - z, you can't afford to miss out on any Episode

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62 Chs

Episode No.37 A Dance With Her Prince

The car was moving towards its destination, barely able to control its disintegrating beats. The smile from his lips was not willing to be separated even for a moment, the lips were smiling by themselves, while there was a strange and unique glow in the eyes.

She had decided that she is ready to start her new life with Zaroon and today she will tell him her decision.

"Mem, we've arrived!" The driver's voice brought him out of his thoughts

Shaking her head, she got out of the car, placing the dupatta on her head properly. The driver had gone with the car.

Looking at the surrounding lights, she narrowed her eyes and was waiting for Zaroon.

"Missed me!" At the sound coming from behind her, she shuddered and shouted loudly

Rose! what happened? It's Me Zarun!'' Zarun turned her towards him, Gulab let out a calm breath while the traces of fear were still present on her face.

"Oh, what happened?" Zarun held her face in both hands

"He said that, Mmmm. I felt Bahadur Khan!" Gulab bowed his head like a criminal.

Zarun pursed his lips in anger, and looked at his wife standing with her head bowed like a convict

"No problem, anyway, at the end of today, Bahadur Khan is not out of your system, so my name is not Zarun Rustom Sheikh!"

"So my lady?" Zarun extended his hand on which Gulab placed her hand.

Gulab was looking at the house which was built at a short distance from the city.

"Zaroon, whose house is this?" Gulab asked after examining the beautifully decorated house.

"Ours!" Zarun said with a smile, Gulab looked at him in shock.

"But we have it, don't we?" Then why this?" Gulab asked indignantly.

"Didn't you like it?" Zaroon wanted to know his opinion.

"It's not about liking the house or not, it's about wasteful spending!" Gulab said in a low voice

"Some people don't even have a roof to cover their heads and we have two or two houses, while we can live a peaceful life even in half of the house!" Gulab finished his speech.

When she ran away from her family and lived in a cheap neighborhood in London, she considered herself one of the luckiest people to have a roof over her head, otherwise she would see so many homeless people. used to wander in front of

Will he ever talk about it again? Today is our special day!" Zarun gently avoided him

Gulab shook her head in understanding, while she was sitting in her mind that she will definitely talk.

Zarun had taken him from the house to the back where it was dark

"Zaroon!" Gulab's grip tightened on his hands

Shh, nothing happened! Lights!" Zarun explained loudly as the fairy lights turned on from all sides.

"Zaroon!" Rose's eyes widened with a mixture of joy and surprise.

It all seemed like a dream to her, the decoration of everything there, she imagined herself as the princess of fairy tales.

She was carefully looking at that side of the lawn which was decorated like a beautiful forest.

On one side a waterfall was flowing, on the other side roses of every kind, color and breed and on the third side butterflies dancing around it.

All these decorations were done on one side of the lawn, Zaroon smiled and looked at her with both hands on his chest

Who was touching butterflies in an Anarkali frock, laughing, smiling, frolicking.

Every girl used to dream of fairy tales, at some point of age, such a desire wakes up in the heart of every girl, it was also in Gulab's heart, but with time, this desire died.

But today, Gulab was imagining herself as one of the lucky few girls whose dream had come true

Do dreams still come true?

Behind the waterfall

A mesmerizing violin tune started playing from the small deck.

Zarun smiled and took a step towards him


"Yes?" Zaroon's call, she turned

"Dance with me!" Zarun extended his hand

Another dream of a girl decorating dreams of a dream world, a dance with her prince

Gulab smiled and put her hand in Zaroon's hand

To the sweet melody of the violin, both looked at each other and started dancing.

Suddenly, thunderous clouds appeared in the sky and in a few moments, the rain started pouring down

"Rain in such weather?" Zaroon was surprised

To save himself, he ran inside holding Gulab's hand, Gulab immediately freed himself and took a few steps forward and fell under the raining sky.

"Rain!" His smiling lips moved

"Rose" Zaroon called to her who was watering herself with both arms spread out under the open sky.

A calm and sweet smile covered his lips.

He never liked the rain but today it looked very beautiful to him.

Today this rain was not a punishment for him, today this rain was really a mercy for him.

Zarun smiled and fell behind him and took him in his arms.

"Do you like the rain?" Zarun asked

"No!" Rose shook her head in denial

"So the reason for getting wet like this?" Zarun turned him towards him

She looks good today, don't know why? But she looks good!'' Answered Zaroon, she hugged him.

"Where did this man die?" Ghazan had called Burhan several hundred times, but the number was unreachable.

When Bahadur Khan refused to give even a pie to Ghazan, Ghazan was furious.

He was taking refuge in Mexico at that time, his and his entire family's visas had expired and the money had also run out of all the extravagances.

His wife was fed up with this life of poverty and ran away with a rich old man with whom she was living without any relationship.

Burhan once again invites trouble for himself when he kills the son of a rich politician in a petty skirmish.

All the police in Mexico were busy looking for him, so all Burhan's double-duty friends made him fake visas, passports and tickets.

At first Ghazan's intention was to reveal all the wrongdoings of Bahadur Khan, but this would have trapped him himself, so Ghazan had sent Burhan to Bahadur Khan with some concrete evidence so that he could extract the price from him.

But Burhan had no contact with Ghazan for two days now.

Ghazan got a call on Bahadur Khan's PTCL out of impatience and this was going to be the biggest mistake of his life.

He always called Bahadur Khan on a particular number, but now when Bahadur Khan was not picking up his calls, he dialed his home number.

"Bahadur Khan, pick up the call!"

Rubbing her hair with a towel, she left the washroom by the time Fresh Zarun entered the room with two mugs of coffee.

Gulab smiled at him while Zarun let out a sigh and sat down on the carpet next to the fireplace

Gulab looked at Zaroon with a bow on her forehead and then sat near him

Zarun moved the mug towards Gulab.

"What happened?" Seeing Zaroon worried, Gulab finally asked

''all of these? I didn't plan like that!" Zarun shook his head sadly

"What all?" Gulab asked worriedly

Today is the day! Our special day, I did it all so hard, I tried to be in a romantic mood, but first this house discussion and then this rain ruined everything!" Zaroon was really sorry.

What is your mistake? You did your best!" Gulab rested her head on his shoulder

"Exactly, after watching so many Turkish and Korean dramas, these ideas came to my mind, I was so nervous!"

Due to the rain, all the food on the table was also soaked and spoiled.

Zarun's heart was pounding at that moment, he had memorized all the steps.

First the lawn decoration, then a romantic couple dance and a shower of flowers at the end, then a candlelit dinner in which she had to compliment the rose profusely, but it wasn't necessary, but it was a romantic dinner date. Everything was necessary, he had even written all the lines from the net

And he had written some beautiful poems too.

And finally, with a beautiful diamond ring, he had to propose to Gulab, the poor guy had worked so hard that in such a short time, two posters of "Marry Me" and "I Love You!" had been prepared. .

It was different that he didn't need to remarry or say I love you, but it was necessary, by giving a blank you can hurt your partner's feelings, said the Google Baba.

And you and the poor man had prepared all the dialogues for this birth and the next seven births as well, and finally wearing the diamond ring on Rose's delicate finger (although her fingers were not delicate, but it was necessary!) and on her forehead. Karna, everything was totally planned.

But no, the wife saw the waste when she bought a new house, not when she blew so many millions on them all in one day.

Then he became romantic.

Remembering all, Zarun shook his head again.

Gulab's eyes were looking at the distorted expressions on her face, which were changing from moment to moment.

The ringing of the phone brought Zaron out of his thoughts.

"Ahaan!" Seeing his number, Zaroon called immediately

They were both shocked to see Maan instead of Ahan in the video "Mama Papa!" and then smiled and started talking to him.

Gulab was carefully looking at her son who was feeling better and healthier than before.

"Mama!" Maan addressed Gulab

"Yes?" Gulab smiled and turned towards him

And once again Maan's narcissistic talk had started.

"Ok little champ, enough talking now time to sleep!" Ahaan picked up Maan in his lap

"Maan know come!" At Bismal's voice, Maan jumped and jumped down

"Bismallah!" Gulab said immediately

Maan got up calmly and ran at normal speed towards Bismal, who wrapped a blanket over her heavy body and took his hand and led her towards Shayan's room.

"Zarun!" As soon as Maan left, Ahan turned towards him

Tomorrow is the last treatment. You should pray" Ahan stopped speaking and spoke again after a few moments of silence.

Zarun nodded in understanding, while Rose looked at the two in surprise.

"Zaroon whose treatment?" Gulab asked in surprise.

"Maan Ka Gulab!" came the reply from Ahan.

"Huh?" Gulab was badly shocked

Zarun did not take Maan away from you because of any interest, he is being treated here, you should pray, you are a mother! Allah does not reject the supplications of the maws!

Now that he was seeing everything going well in them, he felt it necessary to tell

"Will you pray?" Ahan's voice brought Gulab to consciousness

"Huh. Yes!"

"Allah Hafiz!" Ahan had completed his work and hung up.

"I just came!" Before Gulab could say anything, Zarun walked out of the room towards the kitchen with an empty coffee mug.

For some time, Gulab was lost in the same thought when suddenly she got up from her place and ran out of the room.

His eyes moistened as he leaned on Zaroon's back, he hugged Zaroon from behind tightly.

Zarun snarled


"Thank you, thank you so much!" She hugged him and said with moist eyes

"For what" Zaroon turned and questioned him

"For every thing" she smiled and looked into his eyes.

"Bye, there is something for you," said Zaroon with a smile

"What?" Gulab asked in surprise

"Come!" He took her towards the room

"Take this!" Zarun extended the file towards him

"What is this?" Gulab asked opening the file, but at the same time his eyes widened in surprise

"Zaroon!" He glanced at the file again

''But why?''

"It was necessary Rose!" Zaron smiled

"Look Rose, tomorrow when we start our married life, and if by the grace of Allah we have children, I don't want to do any kind of abuse to Maan, I promise Rose. That I will give Maan love like a father, but I am completely unaware of the coming time, I don't know how much will change then!" Zarun answered in a calm tone.

That's all right, but it doesn't mean that you give half of your business to Maan and this house? This house is also in his name?" Gulab did not like this at all.


"But it's okay, come quickly and eat, thankfully there was some food in the fridge!" Zaroon patted his head and left the room.

Placing the file in her hand on the bed, she also came out behind Zaroon.

Waqar listen to me, Waqar listen to me! Waqar!" Crying Paresh was leaving the mall behind Aamir while Aamir was walking towards the parking lot with a sharp face.

"Waqar, please..." Paresh held his arm in a pleading manner

"Pareshe?" Waqar?" Shams, who had come to buy some goods for himself, was shocked to see them both

"Waqaar!" Paresh said in a low voice

"I Said Love Me, You Edit!" Jerking his arm free from Preshe's grip, he pushed her to the ground and the car was taken out.

While back on the ground, Preshe was crying bitterly

"Pareshe!" Shams rushed towards him

On the call of Shams, Prishe quickly wiped her tears and got up from her seat

"Oh you!"

"Are you alright?" asked Shams


"What happened?" Shams was worried

Seeing Prishe's cry of "my neck", Shams immediately took out his car and helping Parshe, he headed towards the hospital.

Aamir, sitting in his car a little distance away, saw this incident with a smile, yes, he did not have the heart to leave his girlfriend alone with him, but that was the plan.

Running his hands through his hair, Amir started the car and started driving keeping a little distance from Shams's car in sight.