
Dear In-Laws I know you love me

~~THIS NOVEL IS THE SECOND TIER WINNER OF WRITING FORMULA PRACTICE #35 FEMALE LEAD-IN LAWS ~~ ********************************** Betrayed by her Fiance just a month before their marriage Yoona was devastated. However she didn't cry, she gave a cold smile instead. It really felt good hitting him yesterday. 'Hah! Dare to cheat on me, I don't need a scumbag like you. Watch me cancel the marriage' She yelled at the night sky above her atop a small hill overlooking the city while being completely drunk. 'Well then why not marry me?' a voice said behind her. 'Awwww my dear handsome boss wants to marry me how sweet' Yoona giggled A drunk promise made at that fateful night turned into reality. **************************************** 'Ugh, I thought those cliche plot of the In-Laws hating on their Daughter-in-law happened only in Manhuas. I definitely didn't sign up for this while signing the marriage certificate. Well then let's see how long will you dislike me, I'm going to win you over with my excellent cooking skills and filial actions. Besides who dare hate on a beautiful daughter in law such as me. My dear In-Laws I know you'll love me. .................................................................. You can join my discord and connect with me here: https://discord.gg/dHY3s4mw Winter#5454 I'm on instagram too (xo_xo_winter)

Winter_Lee_ · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Must be Fate

The picture of Jinho and the unknown other girl kissing passionately at the party popped out of nowhere in Yoona's mind again when she was trying to find a document at her desk.

'Oh my God this is the third time, please get out of my mind already. I'm trying to do my work here' Yoona said irritated at the fact that she remembered that scene again and again...

'I'm not turning into a pervert right' she thought and shuddered.

'I knew it you still have feelings for that jerk even though you have already had a talk with him, not actually a talk cuz you nearly bit off his head' Jisoo her best friend chuckled

remembering that scene.

'I don't have feelings for him anymore, besides it was just a stupid engagement due to our parents agreement.' Yoona refuted totally annoyed.

'Well it doesn't look like that to me, girl you need to move on. Also when are you planning to call of the wedding' Jisoo asked while making a funny disordered face which was simply out of the world.

That was one of her many annoying talents, making disordered and stupid faces and annoying others as if they hadn't been annoyed or irritated enough.

Yoona was already fuming and annoyed since before and now seeing the facial expressions Jisoo made at her made her more irritated.

'I told you I hate him and I'm going to call of the wedding tomorrow'

Yoona said glaring at her and grabbed the nearest object she could find next to her (It happened to be a tray which she had used to keep her cake in the morning) and threw it over to Jisoo.... and Welp there she was her face covered in cream, Yoona couldn't help but laugh at the sight. Jisoo stood in shock trying to process what had happened. After her braincells finally understood the situation she was in she touched her face, 'Yoona I'm going to get back on you' she said and grabbed her piece of cake but before she could counterattack the laughing Yoona a cough interrupted them.

'Ahem, Secretary Yoona aren't you supposed to be setting up my desk now and Miss Jeon I suppose you have too much of free time' someone said behind them.

'Oh no Mr Park is back' Both Yoona and Jisoo thought inwardly.

'Ah, yes Mr Park I'm sorry I forgot about it, I'll do it now' Yoona bowed and left quickly leaving Jisoo alone.

' I just remembered that I have something to do, I shall take my leave then Mr Park' Jisoo hurriedly placed the cake down and excused herself too.

However Aiden couldn't care less about her words. His eyesight was on Yoona alone.

[ Filler for y'all :D ]

Aiden was the CEO of the company where Yoona worked. It was obvious to everyone in the company that Aiden was interested in her however our dear FL has no idea about that. You know the quote 'When a boy loves a girl everyone knows it except the girl' Yeah... that applies to our ML as well. Aiden thought he had no chance with our FL since she was already engaged (P.S That was an engagement set by her parents) but just a few days back he found out that Yoona's Fiance cheated on her. Well now all he had to do was win over Yoona's heart. But Oh boy this girl wasn't someone who will pick up the hints

(T - T) poor ML.

His parents wanted him to get married too, with someone who will bring more profits to the company. In other words someone within the business circle however Aiden refused. All he wanted was Yoona, she was someone special to him (I know this is a plot hole but it'll be revealed afterwards....) He was sure that his parents won't accept this marriage if Yoona ever was willing to marry him, however he knew that with her temperament it won't be long before his parents accept her. Anyway he still had a long way to go before Yoona accepts him.

[Author-Nim and the readers are wishing you all the best of luck Mr Park]

(Time skip)

Yoona was yawning as she continued to set the documents and arrange it on Aiden's desk. She had been especially busy this past few days due to the increase in the company value in the market. However she was grateful, more work meant less time to think about that scumbag called Jinho. Her schedule became really tight and you could see that she was tired, dark circles could also be seen on her face. Apparently this few days she had been working harder than she used to and obviously she wanted to rest.

'Argh, I'm going to turn into a Zombie really soon. I can fall asleep even on the gutter or the roadside right now' Yoona mumbled to herself.

Aiden heard it however he pretended that he didn't. How could he not notice her tired face but it was because of the workload that he couldn't do anything. Half a day off wouldn't do any harm right, he thought. After sometime he sighed and called out to Yoona,

'Today you can go home early. I have something important to do at the evening so I'll be leaving early. You can leave at that time too. I'll drop you off near your apartment'

Yoona was startled 'No it's fine, those words earlier I didn't mean it. I'm not tired and few days of extra work won't kill me haha don't worry' she spurted the words out waving her hand in front of her crazily.

'Miss Lee I didn't catch up to you, what do you mean.' Aiden tried his best to sound confused 'Damn it I should have said it after an hour or so' Aiden thought to himself. Just then he had a brilliant excuse ready....

'I really have something to do today.

I'll be attending my family dinner so I have to

go home earlier than usual' Aiden smiled and told Yoona.

'Ohhhhh so that was it!' that was all Yoona could say as she turned around in embarrassment. She had said those words before as she thought that Aiden had heard her mumbling.

However she couldn't stop smiling thinking about getting half a day off.

I should be thanking him right, she thought as she turned around to thank Aiden and gave him the brightest smile she had.

Aiden blushed seeing her smiling at him and quickly turned away inwardly screaming after mumbling You're welcome.

'Why is she so beautiful, no it should be cute right. Yes, she looks cute when she smiles.' Aiden talked to himself.

'Eh... Pardon me I didn't hear what you were saying Mr Park' Yoona asked.

'No, it's nothing. You can go pack your bags we will be leaving after some time' Aiden


Yoona though she saw him blushing but brushed it off as an illusion.

'But his ears are red too' she thought as she caught a glimpse of his ears....

'Was it because of me? Ughh... No what am I thinking It must be the heat' she thought

'How can Mr Park blush just by talking to me, Yoona you really get too much ahead of yourself. Shame on you' was what she reasoned. She turned red on the face too, 'Sure enough Mr Parks charming face is getting on my head now' she blushed more at that thought.

If people were to see both of them at this moment they would have thought that something might have happened between Aiden and Yoona, as they both were red in the face.

Yoona finished packing up her things and waited for Aiden since he had offered her a lift, soon after they both got into the car and drove off. The drive was totally awkward both had their own thoughts running wild in their mind.

'You can drop me off here Mr Park. Thank you and see you tomorrow' Yoona managed to squeak out and got off the car.

'You're welcome ' Aiden nodded and said as he got ready to drive off.

'Whew, what a long day it was' Yoona sighed as she turned and walked towards her apartment.

'Maybe should go for a walk after taking a nap to get my mind of Mr Park. But where should I go' she thought.

On the other hand Aiden was also planning to go for a walk to take his mind off Yoona.

'I have to decide upon a place' he thought.

' Yellowood's that's it. That will be the best place to calm down my mind'

They both thought and smiled...

Well the place they wanted to go to take of their mind off each other was the place they both will meet again...

Now that's what I call fate and it's absolutely beautiful

