
Mistaken and Brothers

After purchasing the tub of ice cream with a bit of bitterness from not being able to take home the most desired delicacy I began my walk home

The tub of ice cream in a plastic bag as I can't put it on my huge bag which is now still quite wet, luckily the back and handles aren't wet like the front, the walk home was silent until I was stopped by a tall guy, looking at him curiously and was about to ask the guy in white polo what he wanted when he took my hand and placed a 20$ bill I stared at the money dumbfounded

But what he said next shocked me the most "Kid have the money and buy yourself food... I hope whatever your going through will be over." He said smiling, soon after he walked past me with a gleeful smile in his lips

Right now I don't know If I should be thankful of the free money or annoyed that he mistook me for a beggar.

I looked back at the guy who was already about to turn the corner, what is up with my luck? I looked down at my self assessing whether I do look that bad to even be mistooken, My old black shoes looks like i've been scratching it on a hard wall as where ever you look has a scratch, my red skirt longer than the schools actual surpassed my knee and reached the top of my shoes is now wet and brown dirty from the mud, my white polo shirt colored in mud from earler and my necktie that was previously red looked brown, not to mention my grey jacket above my uniform is open made it looked out of place, like I picked it up from somewhere.

I technically have no choice anyways to close it, The wet poli will stick to my skin If I do close the zipper.

Add the fact I'm carrying a plastic bag, Man I look disgusting right now, And I feel disgusting too.

I shook it off and reached our house, I saw my mom watering her garden and my older brothers helping her "I'm home." I said which caused them to stop and look at me

"Who...?" My eldest brother Jace asked which made me frown and glare at him, I know i look bad but my face didn't receive any misfortune along the way so It is impossible for them to not recognize me

"Sorry but we don't have coins or food to give" the 2nd eldest Jack said

"Ya!" I yelled in annoyance

"Guy's don't bully my twin like that, she's after all the opposite of me, I the mighty and she the stinky haha" my twin Griffin laughed as he pointed at me which for some reason made the my other idiotic brothers to laugh as well

"Tsk, you wanna fight?" I asked

Griffin stiffened and hid behind mom who watched us with a smile "Ya! Your punches hurt! Don't come near me mom is watching" I glared at him, what a brat!

"Welcome home sweety" mom greeted

"What happened to you? You got possessed by a pig and decided to roll on mud?" Jace asked. Idiot.

"Tsk, nothing happened, here take this I'm going to shower." I said shoving the plastic bag of ice cream in his hands he looked at the plastic disgusted

"Ew, the mud on your clothes is on the plastic!"

"The ice creams safe! The plastic is shut jeez" I rolled my eyes and stomped my way inside and in to my room

Moments later after taking a shower and changing into a more of a me clothes I walked downstairs and saw my 3 idiotic brothers on the sofa watching a football game, the tub of ice cream in the middle with 3 spoons, my eyes widen "Ya! Did you guys eat all of it?" They looked at me and nodded before returning to their show

"Ugh! You gluttons." I sat on the opposite chair in annoyance

"You'll just grow fat if you eat ice cream." Jake said not taking his eyes of the televisions screen

"And you guys won't?" I glared at him, daring him to say no

"Yes we won't cause we're a man."

"Ugh, I don't get why I have idiotic brothers" I mumbled and watched the game aswell.

Soon mom entered the living room and sat beside me "so sweety how was school?"

My eyes twinkled "Mom you'd never beleive what just happened." My brothers stopped watching and looked at our direction seemingly interested on what I was about to say "I'm the new student pres!" I said proudly

"Congratulations sweety" my mom smiled "You've waited for 2 years for it you deserve it, you've done so much for the school already." I always participate and win contests for the school is what she meant.

"Lame. I've been the student pres since kinder!" I threw a pillow at Griffin, the pilliw hit him on the face

"Idiot there is no Student council in kinder and we basically went to the same kindergarden."

Well another info is that in my family a continuation of members have became a student council pres once or many times in their teen years, even my brothers became student pres, even mom, now it's my turn, oh and we're all straight A's! Haha! I was told that our great great grandma was a genius, and to make her happy since she brought our family from dirt to our standing now we all followed her lead

My mom has become a successful housewife and Owner of 3 hotels, my dad, bless his soul he passed away 7 years ago when I was 9, left us his 3 restaurants which my eldest brother Jace takes care of while he finishes his last year in college

Oh, Jack and Jace are also helping him, They won't allow me since they think I'd just sell the company off, duchbag, but it's also quite a shame though.

Their all single still, not once have dated.

My brothers are jerks but they are still my brothers and I'm gonna say that they are extremely handsome too, a lot of girls fawn over them, Jack and Jace are quarterback while my twin brother Griffin is a basketball player, even with glasses on my brothers are an eye candy to the teens in school.

We all have black hair but different eye colors, mine and Griffin is green, Jack and Jace blue, they take after mom's eyes while me and griffin takes dads.

Now that I think about it, the guys that I met, or well ruined my day earlier were also quute good looking... although their personalities is horrible...

The motor guy with jet black hair, the cake nabber with bright blonde, the blind guy that mistook me for a beggar with ginger hair, all of them are also super tall.