
Chapter Twenty-one: Aiden

"Ava? Are you ready?" I called from downstairs, waiting impatiently for her to come out of the room. She descended the stairs in a hurry, stopping suddenly when she realised that she had forgotten something.

"I left my purse upstairs, sorry I'll be back in a jiffy!"

My shoulder slumped as I sighed an advanced to the car. I was already inside when she joined me, taking deep breaths as she toppled onto the passenger seat.

She used the visor mirror to adjust her hair and do some small touches on her makeup. Today was important because we're going to be seeing the doctor and the results from our tests would be ready.

I took a deep breath and started the engine. She seemed to notice my nervousness and she reached out and wrapped her fingers around my wrist. "Everything's going to be okay," she said with the confidence smile.