
Dealer's choice

It was a normal in Victor's life, a college student in Los Angeles, until that happened. The moment that changed lives of every person on earth. Everybody went from enjoying modern age to fighting for survival. The world is never going to be the same.....

DnB4ever · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

CH 8 - Fighting for our lives II

Next I felt my blade making contact with neck of the creature and cutting through. Shortly after that the head of the creature was rolling on the ground and I felt the healing from level up fixing my arm. I didn't waste a second and ran towards the others. They were struggling a lot Sheela already ate quite a lot of my mana and as I was running, I saw that one of Karla's arms was just hanging down with blood pouring out of it. 

As the monster was about to strike on Sheela that was trying her best to protect Karla I arrived from behind and ran my rapier through the monster's chest and again twisted the blade.

I quickly backed a little and monster as I hoped turned its attention to me. As it tried to hack and slash at me, I just kept stabbing like the one before. But this time I was not worried. I could see that outside of one of Karla's arms everything was ok, and that arm would be fixed once this piece of shit goes down.

Sheela kept on pouncing and biting when she saw a chance and I kept stabbing any time I had an opportunity. After a moment of this I saw Karla getting closer with axe in hand and pained expression on her face from behind of the monster. Sheela got what she was trying to do and so she also moved to the front of the creature. Once Karla reached close enough distance, she swung with everything she had.


Was heard as the head of the monster dropped to the ground. At first moment we looked around checking for more but no more monsters arrived. I heard a lot notifications during the fight and I saw multiple chests on the bodies of monsters. Firstly, I decided to gather chest.

"Please check on those students, I will gather chests we will have look on what is there after that."

Karla nodded without hesitation.

The first and the last monster dropped two blue ribbon chests each and the last one had one chest with yellow ribbon.

Once I collected them, I joined Karla next to the students.

They were just thanking Karla for saving them.

"It's fine guys, just answer me few questions."

Both of the remaining guys stood straight and nodded. One of them spoke. "Ask anything!"

"What happened in the hotel?"

"These three monsters got in through the roof and killed everybody. We were the only ones that managed to ran because we were on the watch next to the entrance."

  I nodded. "Was there Jessica Hamilton in the hotel?"

"No, she was not, she decided to stay in the bar she frequents with some of her friends."

One of the two guys spoke.

I was quite surprised that she decided to stay since her friends were just a bunch of girls, but looking at Karla if you want to fight you can fight no problem. I was happy that I knew where to look for her.

"OK thanks, go to cafeteria, there is teacher lead camp in there."

"Thank you." Both of them bowed and started running.

I sighed heavily and not even second after that I was hit by red haired rocket named Karla. I fell on the ground as I felt her hugging me tightly and screaming.

"We are alive!"

I hugged her back tightly when it dawned on it what we just did.

"Yes, we are Karla."

As I spoke, she looked into my eyes. I saw that even her eyes were smiling. She was happy so happy to live.

From nowhere she leaned into me and kissed me. I was shocked from what was going on that I didn't manage to close my mouth properly and she used the opportunity to attack my mouth with her tongue. I realized what she must have gone through mentally and physically this fight so that I didn't try to stop her and just enjoyed the moment and kissed her back.

After about thirty seconds she came back to her senses and separated from me, blushing all over her face.

She quickly stood up and spoke.

"Sorry, I am so sorry. I am stupid, I fell in love with a man that is already in love with someone else. And then I stupid went ahead and kissed him."

I was shocked a bit from what she just told me but then I realized what we have been doing most of the time we were together. Fighting for our lives. In situation like this, when your life is on the line every step of the way feelings doesn't really need a lot of time.

"You must think that I am stupid bitch?" She spoke while still blushing.

"Not in a slightest. If I was not already in love with somebody else, I would gladly accepted your feelings. But as things are now the only think that I can tell you is that knowing that you love me makes me feel happy. It may sound weird given the circumstances but I hope you know what I mean."

"I get it! I know what you mean. Thank you!" She shook her head and after a moment continued speaking. "Let's go find your Jess."

"I have a lot notifications and some level ups, I am sure you have to. Plus, I have a bunch of treasure let's check everything out and let's continue after that. We can sit on that bench." I pointed to a small bench nearby.

Karla smiled and nodded. "Sure."

Firstly, I checked the notifications. I could see the names of the creatures. They were called Gnolls. I also noticed that I reached level 10 and there was special notification.



You reached level 10 as a class-less survivor.

You will be able to choose your class now.

Do you want to choose your class?


"Did you reach level 10?" I asked

"Yup." She nodded with a smile.

"Can you also choose your class?"

"Yup. Yup." She nodded again. "Would you mind helping me chose?"

"Gladly." I answered while I clicked yes so, the system can populate my options.