
Dealer's choice

It was a normal in Victor's life, a college student in Los Angeles, until that happened. The moment that changed lives of every person on earth. Everybody went from enjoying modern age to fighting for survival. The world is never going to be the same.....

DnB4ever · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

CH 31 - Camp situation

"Could you please take me with you? I have family near Phoenix too I would like to see them."

Once I heard this I turned to Karla and Brook.

"Girls please take care of this; I will respect whatever decision you three decide on. I just want you two to be happy with it. OK?"

Karla spoke. "But Vic…."

"No worries, Karla. I have some business to take care off so please just chat it out with Jessica. As long as you two of you are happy, I will be happy as well." I spoke as I gently stroked cheeks of Karla and Brook. I quickly kissed both of them, turned and went to handle some other things.

I didn't have anything too important I just wanted to let them to have space so they can talk about it without me.

Brook spoke after few seconds of awkward silence. "We should sit. There is a free table let's take it there. OK?"

Both women nodded and they went to the table. Once all three were seated down Brook spoke again.

"So, let's not beat around the bush. Jess, I know you have very poor relationships with your family. So, what is your end game?"

Jessica spoke. "My relationship with my family may be crappy but they are still my family. I would love to know how they are doing and I would love to be with them. Is it so hard to understand?'

Brook looked and Jessica apprehensively. "Is that all you want? Look me in the eyes and tell me that you no longer hope that Vic will take you in!"

Jessica looked into Brook's eyes with hers that had tears threatening to fall in them. "You know what they say? You never realize what you had until you lose it. That exactly happened to me. I took Vic for granted I just fucked behind his back while knowing he has fallen in love with me. Just telling myself, he didn't even confess, most likely he didn't even realize that he has fallen in love with me. I will stop with it once he confesses and similar bullshit. And then when I saw him watching me getting fucked with cold sad broken eyes. The person that ever since we met always looked at me warmly with a smile stood there and watched with a cold, disappointed stare. I realized that Vic was not the only one who didn't notice that he fell in love, I was exactly the same. But it was too late. I know that I lost his trust. So, I truly just want to be with my family, after what he saw I have no chance to find a way to be with him. The worst thing about all this is that I know him good enough to know that there is no way for me mend this, once you lose his trust, its done. There is no way back."

Brook shook her head. "Are you a masochist? You know how much time we spent fucking? Are you sure you want to be there in the tent or room next to us while we go at it?"

Jessica sighed. "And what should I do? Stay here and endure the stares of people who look at me like I am the last whore, or ask if I want to fuck? I just want to be with my family, they are not perfect but at least they are my family, I love them and they love me they will be happy to see me."

"Wasn't it always like that?" Brook asked.

"Harsh. But it was, but before I didn't cared because I had 3 good friends and man I was planning to go out with once he confesses. Now, two of my friends are who knows where, man I was planning to be with won't touch me with 5-meter-long pole, and my last friend is getting rammed by him every night. Plus, when I think of things, I have done it makes me wanna vomit."

Brook sighed. "Sorry Jess! Karla what do you think?"

Karla thought for a moment and then spoke. "I think we should take her with us to her family."

"I agree." Brook spoke again. "Let's take you home. Jess."

Jessica smiled still with tears in her eyes. "Thank you!"

Atmosphere lightened after this by a lot and girls started chatting. While this was happening, I visited the teachers that were leading this camp and asked them if they are going to be OK. They ensured me that since they now have just one entrance to guard and are much better equipped it is going to be possible for them to organize supply runs.

He also noted that bunch of guys hearing him fucking every night and seeing him fight decided that they are going to fight to impress girls. Teacher questioned their motive, but still welcomed the initiative. So, they will also start organizing training runs so they can protect themselves better.

I also let him know about the animal evolution so he decided to organize also some hunting runs in the nearby park that was originally dividing school from the rest of the city. It had plenty of small animals running around and even had something like a zoo where one could find animals in cages all over the park. So, there is nice possibility the they will be able to hunt there some monster meat from evolved animals what will allow them to sustain themselves without issues.

On the other he also informed me that after the big battle they had influx in citizens since people from small camps nearby that remained holed up came to join the camp, once they saw the giant ghoul fall.

 I was happy that the camp seems that is going to be able to sustain itself just fine. I asked if they want to move to some other camp outside of the campus, that I am sure there are going to be some and that I would help them with that since there was school bus that can be used for transport. But teachers refused since they didn't want to risk running into some unsavory types leading the camp and they felt a lot of responsibility for the students. There plan was to wait once the government starts uniting the camps, they were sure that the world as it was before will never come back but they were also sure that some high standing army officials will sooner or later start unifying the camps since they had best access to firepower in form of guns and they trusted that in military lead camps they are going to be fine.