
When life takes a turn

"Hello Miss Visha its good to see you again" Princess Contessa smirked under her hand fan clearly signalling that I should of had died on my death bed.

Showing weakness wasn't going to help so playing along was better.

"Princess Contessa your alive and well thankfully".

"Of course why wouldn't I be?" She slapped her hand fan on her palm.

"No reason princess Contessa" I put on a fake smile.

Everyone sat their looking uncomfortable but I shouldn't blame them since they are not in this at all.

"Miss Visha I missed you so much! It has been so boring without you by my side!" Eleena took my hands in hers and small pecks of tears flew down.

I took a handkerchief and slowly wiped the salty and painful tears that dropped from her eyes.

"Silly Eleena why are you crying?" I chuckled.

"I..I m..missed you so much! I thought you where going to die!" She blew her nose and sat up straight again.

"Eleena you know these rumours aren't true. Princess Visha is one of the strongest people we know and surely she wont die just because of a small dose of poison" Duchess Tiana sat at the end of the table picking up a sandwich filled with jam and lemon tarts for desert.

Everyone agreed to duchess Tiana's saying but someone didn't think so.

"Really one of the strongest? From what I have heard princess Visha became weaker" Adria said greedily.

"Princess Adria please don't say such things at the table lady Visha already went through so much so lets keep the peace at the table for now" Princess Valerie covered her face with a type of silk and looked like she wasn't in the mood.

I already felt sorry for her. As a lady of the Sanira she may never have the freedom of choosing who she wants to be with no matter what evidence or status she may use.

But something was odd about her. She kept quite most of the time and was hiding her face away.

"Lady Valeria I heard about your departing from the country may I ask if its true?" I say softly trying not to alarm her.

I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable but seeing her like this makes me curious.

"Well yes my fiancé is all the way in another country so I must attend him with whatever he needs as his future wife" Her voice lowered a bit and her hands where tight together not letting go.

As I examined her she didn't look at anyone and her skin was paler than before.

I then knew exactly that she must of had never wanted this marriage but moving away was already to heart broken for her.

"But as lady Valerie said her fiancé was all the way in another country does that mean she never met him before?" One of the duchesses had a curious face on as it looked like she was making fun of Valerie.

"It doesn't matter if she met him or not. The parents will choose someone suitable for her I know it so mind your own business duchess" The person I finally wanted to meet shown up which was unexpected.

After the whole pranking father by attaching his shoe laces to the tables leg happened father didn't want her back in the castle for many days.

"Lady Kailani how did you arrive to Kortana?" I was happy to see Kailani as she was my first cousin and my favourite runaway girl.

In the book we where close as kids and still are now but she always stole stuff or beaten up the guards as "fun".

But I felt like she changed over the coming years and became more responsible.

"Lady Visha I didn't see you their! Lets say I bribed a simple someone" She winked at me and everyone's face went dull.

"Kailani! How many times do you think bribing people will get you out of tough situations" Eleena kicked her foot under the table.

"Ow! And stop worrying over nothing people are selfish these days and they will take whatever's useful to them".

I accidently cracked a little smile and Adria knew right away what to do with her devilish personality.

"Lady Visha is it applicable to laugh at someone else's comment?" Her eyes darkened and a grin plastered on her face loving the destruction she causes.

"Well isn't that what your doing right now princess? I don't want to seem revolting but I can tell your enjoying this little fight we are having" I narrowed my eyes tilting my head a little.

Eleena tried to hold me back but I stared right at her showing a snap of rage in my eyes.

She was shaken but couldn't argue with me at all like she just seen another person behind the mirror.

"Now now now lady Visha. I think your mistaken aren't you the one who is laughing behind the scenes as usual?" Adria stands up and walks around the table like she was inspecting us for a crime we didn't do but herself to blame.

"Adria it was just a mistake so you don't need to over react as usual!" Kailani roared and she hated Adria more than anyone in this world.

The fact that Adria was still not punished by her father irritated me.

She had done so many terrible things in life and in the end the villain will always be the one accused for it.

"Please your being delusional! You really think I'm the one overreacting? Your cousin here is pretending to be nice now but we all know what she did to the other princesses!".

Everyone fell silent and didn't look at each other.

They all knew the bad deeds I had once done but at that very moment I wanted to tell them that it wasn't me but that would just make me look like an idiotic person.

"Princess Adria what have I ever done to you? You always find a way to ruin people at the slightest thing they have done isn't that correct?" I said.

"I..well.....um.." She started stuttering not knowing what to say at my words and everyone laughed under their breath loving what they where seeing.

"So I'm correct?".

"No of course not! How dare you! You...you barbarian!" Adria said and everyone looked startled and they whispered to each other in shock knowing something was going to happen.

Their words where muffled but I knew it had something to do about what Adria has said.

To be honest I was a little disappointed.

Right now she just made a fool out of herself in front of many noble people. Which would lead to word getting out and having me in it would be more embarrassing.

"Lady Adria how embarrassing can you be? First your showing of a couple of carriages and now your barking terrible words at me you should feel ashamed of yourself".

Her face turned red as a rose while the expression she had was filled with anger and frustration.

"Not so brave are you now little Adria" Lady Contessa leaned her hand against her soft pale cheeks.

Everyone was already laughing at her and she became the laughing stock of the tea party.

Adria sat back at her seat not saying a single word.

"Lady Kailani I heard you where visiting a friend yesterday how was it?" Someone said quietly in the crowd of ladies.

"It was good I guess. Wasn't really that exciting since they where busy with work" She sighed picking up her cup of tea and taking tiny sips of it.

Every lady here was well-mannered and polite but Kailani was a little bit different than the rest.

She would mess about sometimes and even pull pranks on people which made me feel better.

As a person who reincarnated its hard to fit in with everyone when you use to dress up as a un lady like person who wears tight jeans a white top and a brown cardigan.

I took a slice of a rose cake and slowly ate it while everyone was talking about their family's business and rumours about the other kingdoms.

I never understood why they had to live their lives as being perfect.

But it is interesting watching them from afar.

As they where all talking something caught my eyes.

Their was a boy small and frail about the age of ten hiding behind a bush staring at one of us which confused me.

If we wanted to say something couldn't he just come over to us I mean he is a child so no one would mind.

For a minute he quickly looked at me in shock so I gave him a little wave but sadly he got frightened and ran away back to the castles kitchen.

"Hey Visha is everything alright your mind was somewhere else?" Valerie smiled handing me over a letter.

"It is for your father give it to him as a birthday present from me".

She seemed to enjoy talking to me than with anyone else but I was glad to see she was still in shape after a long time.

"Thank you lady Valerie my father will love it" I say in a calm and peaceful tone.

"Miss Valerie if I'm not disturbing you may I ask when your departing from the country?".

She looked at me in an upset way like she didn't want to hear that question.

"If you want to know it will be in two weeks" Her voice was screeching.

Two weeks wasn't even a lot of time to say goodbye to everyone and I finally knew why she came to the tea party.

It would be her last day having a meet up with all her friends until her freedom would be locked away.

"Well lady Valerie if you ever have the time we can go to this new café that opened up I heard there full on stock with blueberry pie which is your favourite I presume?" I took her hands like she was my little sister making sure everything was alright.

"Thank you princess Visha you really are a wonderful woman".

For the whole tea party everyone was enjoying themselves and having the time of their lives.

But Adria left early as she had "business to attend to".

When the tea party ended I said my goodbyes and was escorted back into my room.

"How was the tea party my lady?" Aanya said gleefully walking in a steady pace.

"It was quite interesting than I expected".

"How so my lady?".

"Well it seems that someone is keeping their heart locked away" I chuckled to myself.

Aanya didn't quite get what I meant but she liked the thought of me enjoying myself for once.

I arrived back into my room and sat down on a comfortable chair waiting to have a bath for tonight's ball.

Thinking about it made me feel like my whole life is about to change.

I try to forget everything by reading a book but my head already started to ache with words swirling in my head. They kept wringing over and over again the words repeating like a never ending beat.

So I opened my windows to get some fresh air from everything.

The wind was calm and breezing across my room. I wondered when this dream will end and if I can finally go back home.

Aanya opened the door and walked in looking un easy.

Did I do something or was something going on I wondered?

"My lady someone is here to have a meeting with you" She slowly closed the door waiting for my response.

"Hmm let them in but make sure it isn't the council I don't have time for them" I lay my book down onto the table.

Aanya bowed down and opened the door letting the mysterious person in.

To my surprise I see lady Valerie there with puffy eyes and red cheeks trying not to look out of place.

"Aanya you may leave for now".

She leaves the room and closes the door while I invite Valerie to sit with me.

"What brings you hear lady Valerie hasn't the tea party ended?" I asked.

She looked straight at me in worried way like someone was watching us the whole time.

"Princess Visha please help me your the only one that can..." Tears started to form in her eyes.

I was in shock wondering what made her loose her head.

"Valerie what's wrong!?" I quickly picked up a glass of water and handed it over to her wiping away the tears.

"I don't want to get married! I love someone else!" She shouted raising her voice that even the maids and servants could hear from far away.

I didn't know what was going on but I had to calm her down before anyone else could hear what she was saying.

"Valerie please calm down someone could hear you!" I begged to her holding her still.

After a couple of minutes she calmed down but she was already broken from the first time I seen her.

"Valerie you need to tell me what's going on or I cant help you".

She hesitated for a moment but she finally gave in knowing that without telling me anything nothing could be done.

"It all started with my birthday. A young man came to the castle bringing gifts and clothes to my father which I thought was confusing so I didn't give much thought to it. So I wrote a letter to my lover to see if he was doing alright as he lives in your kingdom. But when I was about to go to the dining hall to have dinner I overheard my father talking to the young prince about marriage and having our kingdoms collide together. When they left I had to have a talk with my father about not wanting this marriage but he shouted at me and said if I declined the marriage he will throw me into the dungeon never to see the light of day again. So I wrote another letter to my lover about the marriage and that I didn't have a lot of time left but I was so scared I didn't know what to do. So for months I had to pretend I wanted the marriage when all of a sudden a few weeks ago the prince wrote a letter to my father asking him to have me live with him in the country. But when I heard about the ball my father sent me and other girls to stay at your kingdom until the ball would be over so when we had the tea party I thought I could ask you for help as your very wise and fierce!".

I could see in her eyes that she was pleading for me to help her so bad.

I didn't know what to do at the very moment.

A lady having to marry someone she doesn't want to because of another lover had me twisted into some kind of comic I had read.

But the way she looked at me was so agonizing I had to help her at once.

"I'm so sorry you have to go through this Valerie but I swear on the crown that I will help you no matter what" I rapped my hands around her neck giving her a warm and pleasant hug.

She felt safe and relaxed knowing someone was their for her.

"Miss Visha how are you going to help me? I have tried doing everything but nothing has worked".

I take a moment to try to collect my thoughts on the story she just told me.

"Hmm then if nothing worked we should meet your lover first if we can try to talk to him maybe he could give us a hint".

"Are you sure? Its hard to locate him since he normally hides around tight spaces in town".

I chuckle to myself putting a grin on my face.

"Luckily we have a map room so we might have a map about every hidden space and houses in the kingdom" I wink at her so she might have a little bit of hope left.

She smiled so happily and all of a sudden jumped right at me like a cannon.

"Oh thank you Visha you will forever be my best friend!" We both fell to the ground while she kept hugging me not letting go.

It had been a long time since I felt comfortable around someone.

But getting to the map room would be quite dangerous since we don't have a key and only father or fathers close colleagues and friends would have one.

I stood back up sitting on my snowy bed trying to think of ways to obtain the key.

Stealing it could work but fathers guards are on me twenty four hours a day and Valerie wouldn't be able to do something like that.

Minutes went by and we both didn't come up with anything.

"What if we rent a spy! They can steal the key for us so we can unlock the door" She sat up straight eyes filled with joy.

"I don't think so. Father already has a lot of spies and we don't have a lot of time left".

All of a sudden we get a knock at the door.

I thought it was Aanya but something was different.

She could of had just opened the door but the knock was much more louder and harsher.

I signalled Valerie to stay hidden so she hid under the bed not saying a single thing while I walk up to the door gently pulled the door handle.

But when I opened no one was their so I peeped my head out to check for anything but their where only a couple of maids and servants dusting and cleaning.

I was about to close the door when I looked down to see a key and a note put down their untouched by anyone else.

I picked it up and walked back into my room closing the door behind me.

"You can get out now Valerie!" I say.

She slowly gets up touching her shoulders.

"Wow it really was cramped in their my back hurts!" She laid down on my bed relaxing herself.

I haven't seen her ever before like this.

In the book she is a well mannered, kind and posh lady who marries a prince who was very wealthy but she was supposed to be happy about her wedding since the writer wrote "She was happy to marry the man of her dreams" but things turned way more complicated.

"Valerie I don't want to seem out of order but is your lover a wealthy prince..?".

She looked at me for a second and had burst out in laughter.

"Visha if that really was true why else would my father not agree with my partner?" I felt stupid that very moment.

I guess I should of had used my brain more.

"Ahh right sorry so who is your lover exactly?" I looked curious and wondered how amazing he is to capture lady Valerie's heart.

"Actually he is fortune teller and a person who is learning divine magic!" My face turned numb and my excitement washed away.

Was my head just playing with me or did I just hear that wrong.

"Miss Valerie..." I put my hands on her shoulders not looking at her face at all.

"I um yes..?" She said in a weary voice.

"HOW COULD YOU MARRY A PERSON LIKE THAT YOU MUST BE OUT OF YOUR MIND!" I shouted right in her face like a mad woman shaking her forwards and backwards.

"Miss Visha please calm down! He is a good guy I swear so you don't need to worry!".

To be honest I didn't even care what she had to say.

As a person who reads manga and comics her taste in men is already drowning me.

"Miss Valerie as you are the person I'm most comfortable with I will show you something amazing that will blow your mind!" I jumped of the bed going to my secret compartment and taking out a magazine.

"Uhm Visha what is that..?" She asked me politely.

"Its a magazine of hot boys of course! These men would totally suit you I mean I already know half of them since their part of the family business" I gave her a little nudge trying to persuade her.

She looked at me like I was only making things worse.

"Miss Visha you know he isn't all that bad he actually is kind of handsome" She blushed to herself mumbling random words.

"Uhm if you say so..." I wondered if she was doing ok.

"If you want to know Visha his name is Kenji Salor!".

The name sounded familiar to me like I heard it before somewhere.

"Well back to the main thing at hand. Someone left a key and a letter outside the door".

I opened up the letter to see messy handwriting which had been written quickly. Seemed like they where in a rush trying to get out from somewhere.

I carefully looked at the words to see ink splatted everywhere.

"Do you think their trying to plot something!?" Valerie was stunned.

"No it doesn't seem like it..".

The letter wrote.

Dear Visha and lady Valerie, I overheard you ladies talking about needing the key to the map room for some kind of map reading. Luckily I had the key on me so I'm lending it to you guys for whatever you will need with it. Also make sure your on high alert many guards are on duty so you better go on the south wing instead of north. Your father is in his office two doors away from the map room so please be quite or you will get caught!

Many wishes Secret helper!

Both of us looked at each other confused.

"Who is secret helper?" We both said at once.

None of us knew the answer but thankfully we now know where to go and what to do thanks to that person.

"Well whoever this person is we should be grateful and quickly go to the map room before the maids come in!" Valerie grabbed my hand and slowly opened the door avoiding the guards and servants.

"Hey shouldn't we plan this out..?" I respond.

"No its alright! If we plan things out we wont have any time!" She was already in a rush but I did promise her that I would help her out.

We sneakily hide behind armoured titans and figures that loomed over us.

Guards where at their every watch and was inspecting the rooms.

We didn't have much space to hide but the south wing was more quite than usual so it was easy for us to pass through without getting noticed.

"Make sure no one is following us or we will be doomed!" I whisper in her ear.

She nods at me and scurry's through the darted maids.

Everyone in the castle was acting more strange than usual.

We soon arrived at the maps room door and Valerie handed me over the golden key.

I steadily unlocked the door and we rushed in closing the door behind us.

"Stay near the door until I find the map" I commanded her.

While she was checking for any guards I walked towards the scrolls examining from chronological order.

"Kingdoms map...Kingdoms map.....their it is the kingdoms map!" I take it out and laid it across the wooden table putting my finger on some of the alley ways.

"Valerie come over here!".

We both looked around for any places where a fortune teller would stay.

We both looked fixated on the map but the kingdom was very big and hard to find people at.

Valerie then put her finger on one of the houses.

"This is the one I remember it now!" Her eyes lit up in joy.

I quickly drew half of the map on a piece of paper and put the map back into the scroll in its place.

All of a sudden their where footsteps coming towards us.

I then remembered from the letter that father was in his office which was one door away from us and that he must of had needed to use the map room.

"What do we do!?" Valerie shrieked in horror.

"Don't worry we have a balcony on the next room so we can climb out the window to get to the balcony!" I said.

But she was shaking all over and didn't want this to be her end.

I sighed and held her hand.

"Lets do this together and I promise I wont let anything happen to you" I stare into her eyes smiling.

She took deep breaths and gave me a warm smile hoping for the best.

I rushed towards the window opening it and crawling outside. I held on for dear life with my feet on the edge of the houses walls.

I took deep breaths praying for my life.

I didn't want my life to end their not without changing my fate.

"Its all an illusion. Just do it and pretend its all a dream..." I say to myself.

In a second I jumped out with my dress flowing in the wind. I couldn't believe that I was doing it but I landed on the balcony safe and sound.

"Ok its your turn!" I shout.

"What if I fall!" She quivered all over taking second thoughts.

"You wont! that's because ill catch you!".

She took in all her bravery and held her breath waiting for the right timing.

She started mumbling words to herself holding her hands together like she was praying.

She then climbed out of the window on the edge closing her eyes tight shut.

I believed in her and always did. Because right now I know the love of her life needed her at this time of crisis and she also needs him.

"Common you can do this...!" I mummer.

Suddenly she leaped out like a bird taking its first flight.

My eyes where wide open mesmerised on what I was looking at right now. She reminded me of a baby bird scared to open out its wings.

At that moment I knew exactly why she came to me for help.

She never opened up her wings or even tried to. She was scared of change and scared to take the first steps.

Did she always rely on her father to choose everything for her or was she forced to.

Her dress flew in the wind like a wave of ripples never ending. Her cheeks flushed red like strawberry's and her hair delicate like a flower.

Unexpectedly I caught her right in my arms falling down to the ground.

"Is it over..?" She asks.

"Thankfully it is" I sigh.

Our hair was messy and frizzy so we had to secretly go back into the room before anyone could notice we where gone.

We crept inside the room slowly exiting it when we get to the door. the halls where quite and it seemed like everyone was already busy.

I heard the next door opening with many voices crowding around each other.

Something about taking lands and freeing slaves.

But it was better for me if I didn't hear their conversation just in case it was something confidential.

We went back to my room sighing in relief.

Luckily we made it out alive before we would get our punishment from my father for intruding his work space.

Aanya then came back in with a tray of biscuits and milk seeing our messy hair like we just came back from an arena fight.

"My lady are you alright!? You look terrible did something happen?" She put down the tray and pulled out a hairbrush from my desk.

"Everything would of had been alright if a rat didn't sneak in" I say sarcastically.

"A rat!?! Should I call your father or the house maids!" She looked at me in shock but I guess people in fantasy books wouldn't quite get the joke even if I tried to.

"Aanya there isn't a rat I was just joking!" I put a hand on her shoulder.

She sighed in relief thanking it wasn't real but I guess she didn't like the joke.

I sit on my bed while Aanya comes to brush my hair while Valerie is neatly tidying her hair into plates as it was the only hairstyle she could do.

We both had concerned faces looking at each other hoping we didn't leave any evidence behind.

Aanya didn't seem suspicious of us at all and only had a warm smile on her face like nothing even happened.

I tried to act normal but the map room kept coming to my mind every second. Was something important really happening or was it a normal meeting.

Father never left his study and going to the map room was useless to him since he had billions of maps in his study and having a meeting could happen in the lounging room.

So why would he go their with other people?

When Aanya finished brushing my hair I turned towards her with a serious face.

"Aanya me and lady Valerie will be shopping today so may be please inform father about it so he wont be worried about me" I say.

She wasn't happy about the idea but her eyes where fixated on Valerie like she didn't trust her at all.

"My lady are you sure the ball is happening tonight so why don't you go take a rest you can go tomorrow if you like with the guards?" Her voice was narrow but soothing.

"Please Aanya you know that I have been locked up in this castle for ages so why don't you let me just for once!" I plead to her.

She sighed again and had to think about it.

She wasn't the person to say yes easily as she was worried for my safety since I just recovered but having guards would just concern them.

Valerie looked at Aanya with beggingly eyes wanting her to agree.

"Hmm fine! But I want you to come quickly before the ball is starting!".

Valerie and I both smile at each other thanking Aanya my loyal maid.

We both went downstairs to the stables to find the horses and carriages to take us to the main square. And the paper was folded in my hand waiting to be unleashed.

We walked up the the stables owner greeting him.

"Oh Miss Visha its you! What are you doing here at this time of day?" The old man chuckled.

"We would like to use one of the carriages to take us to the market please" I say in a polite voice while Valerie stood their smiling as always.

"Are you sure? The ball is tonight and you might want to get ready".

"No its alright. It will just be a short trip with lady Valerie here" She shook hands with the owner of the stables delighted to see him.

"Well if that's what you want then ill gladly do it!" His voice was frail and his skin was wrinkly for a man of his age. But he was still as strong as ever and always had a smile on his face.

He was a kind man so it was easy to persuade him to let me go out to the market on some days. So he was kind of like a grandpa to me even though I have never met mine before.

We waited for a couple of minutes for our carriage to arrive but Valerie looked like she was in a rush but I smiled at her holding her hand for support.

It must have been hard for her not seeing her lover for a long time.

When the carriage arrived we got on sitting on the fabric seats that where hard but neat.

As the carriage was being pushed on by the horses me and Valerie opened the note and looked around for nearby places to eat at.

"Ooh lets go to the Ravior café! I have always wanted to go their since their opening happened. What do you think lady Visha?".

"It seems like a nice place to go to. But what about your lover I don't know a thing about him so its hard to tell how polite I should be to him and what kind of personality he has" I put a finger to my lips.

"Don't worry about him my lady he is a nice person but he can be silly sometimes!" Her legs where close together and her posture was stiff.

I yawned a little closing the paper and putting it back into my shoe.

"If you say so just remember we need to be quick about this people will get suspicious of us if we stay in the village for to long".

"Of course I understand" She lowers her head smiling to herself.

As the carriage where pulled on by the horses I could see forests trapping us in an enchanted spell and animals whispering away leaving a coat of their footprints.

As the horses trotted along the cobbled pathway something caught my eye.

A figure in the distance.