
The Duchess and a boy

It looked like a young man tall and broad with hair smooth and silky.

But I could only get a glimpse of him as we where nearly their at the village.

Most of the time the young man was appearing in my mind but I shouldn't be to suspicious of him as butting into someone's business felt unsafe and dangerous.

As the minutes flew by our time became shorter and shorter.

I felt worried about why it was taking to long to get their but as I was about to question the driver we arrived at the village in aw.

Valerie loved to be outside the castle a lot so spending time with her could sooth my temper.

As the carriage stopped the driver leaped of and opened the door for us bowing.

I thanked the driver and got of seeing the happy and joyful faces of my people.

"This village looks beautiful lady Visha" Valerie said excitedly as we hurried along.

"It is isn't it? We specialised it on flowers and spring theme and as for the shops I wanted it to look more friendly so I asked father to put more effort in building and try finding new ways to build quicker but making it more fancier".

Valerie looked in astonishment clapping her hands.

"You really are amazing lady Visha! I didn't think the rumours were true but half of them are what I thought of it to be" Her heels clicked on the floor trying to keep her pace near mine.

But for some reason something didn't feel right about what she said.

"I'm sorry lady Valerie but what do you mean as half of the rumours where true?" My voice changed slightly making Valerie seem shivered.

"Well most of the duchesses think of you as an obedient dog and the princesses are scared because of your attitude" She didn't meet my eyes as normal but it would be common for her to do so.

While I was back in my normal body the other Visha must of really been a hardcore woman if she made that kind of impression on everyone especially the duchesses.

All I did was sigh and laughed to myself in a low voice.

"Well maybe their wrong. You will never know what that person is really like before you meet them".

"Do you really think so?" Valerie questioned.

I nodded still hearing the sound of laughing children.

As our conversation finished something caught my eye. Everyone in the crowd was moving away from me like I was some kind of disease.

I looked back at Valerie yet she had cling onto me not letting go as we continued walking to our destination.

Maybe I should ask her after we go to café as everyone's eyes where budged into my head as the centre of attention.

I stared as the mothers took their joyful children away from me and the elderly people giving me dirty looks as they passed by.

It reminded me of my old life of the hatred everyone had for me and the discrimination they gave to me.

But I could see a person in the distance smiling and waving gleefully at me. For some reason they looked so familiar.

I took my eyes away and looked straight holding my posture stiff.

Is this the life Visha really wanted to live as? Was her heart this cold rather than what she said in the letter?

Mothers words where true as everyone has a secret identity behind their smiles yet I feel like I'm the victim here.

Still I was confused on why they where doing this and what made them this terrified.

We passed by the alleyway finding a old yet mysterious shop I never seen before in my time here.

"Is this the place princess Valerie?" I said.

"Yes yes! This is the place he told me in his letters about working in an old shop so it has to be here it looks very majestic!" She already fell in love with the shop and was excited about entering a 'commoners' place.

We both gave each other looks and I knocked the door waiting for a answer back.

Minutes already passed and we didn't hear a single noise from the inside of the place.

"He must be out somewhere" Valerie looked through the dusted window trying to make out on what's in the inside.

It was already a run down place so I wouldn't be surprised if no one was living in a place like this. My home was much more cleaner than this place.

As we were about to leave we heard rattling noises from the inside so we immediately stopped at our tracks.

Kitchen tools and books were crashing inside the place like their was a pack of wild animals. It felt like someone might have not cleaned for months.

We stood puzzled until the door opened slowly revealing a young boy covered in ash and smoke coughing from all the smoke that entered his lungs.

"If your here about my payment I already sent it so please don't make any more excu-" Before he could say another word he looked at us with a stunned face eyes wide open.

"Valerie is that you..." He whispered in a calm and gentle voice.

"Of course it is Aaron!" She leaped onto him hugging him tightly squeezing him a little to harshly.

"That's his name?" I say confused.

"Yep I wanted to keep it a secret as a surprise!" She chuckled her cheeks red and smile showing brightly.

I shook his hand as he bowed before me as the usual people would do.

"Its good to see you princess Visha I heard a lot of things about you so I'm honoured to stand before you" He kissed my hand standing back up again.

Valerie looked a little jealous which made me smile to see her happy in her relationship not like how others do.

Aaron took us inside and shut the door carefully behind leaving us to sit in the shop chairs with tea and macaroons in front of us.

"How did you get these macaroons I heard these type are very expensive!" Valerie was amazed at the sight of them kept well in the box and reserved in a pink ribbon box.

"Oh I just got them yesterday. Also I had a big pay check last week so I wanted to buy them for special occasions like today" He put some beakers into a cupboard winking at Valerie and closing its door.

Her face flushed red and I felt like the third wheel here feeling the uneasiness in my body.

"Sorry to interrupt you love birds but we came here for a very important event that is taking place and I can guess that you know about it?" His body stops moving once I say these nasty words.

I can expect that he came prepared and knew of our arrival well Valerie's but not mine.

He gives a light smile from the corner of his lips yet his back was still turned away from us towards the wall.

His ears were pale and hair messy from doing experiments.

His dark blonde hair was covered in ashes and his clothes dirty and noticeable.

"I didn't expect a princess like you to get straight to the point" He turns around sitting on a chair opposite us leaning back with his long legs crossed over each other.

His face was indeed beautiful and memorising but his personality was more clumsy and obedient than how he looks like.

"Well sir I have been reading the lines well" I direct my voice towards him.

"Silly isn't it. Its like your from a whole new world than the old person you were before" He chuckles drinking his tea carefully not letting a single drop touch his lips.

Valerie looked at both of us feeling disturbed about how he was talking like.

But I had a different emotion planted on my face.


Does he know something I don't know about this world or is he the reason I'm here.

I clench onto my dress gritting my teeth with anger raging inside of me. He was making fun of me and I could tell from the smirk on his face.

"Valerie how long did you know this old buffoon for?" I plaster the same grin on my mouth waiting for an answer back.

But he never cracked a single bit.

His smile only turned into a sad face sighing in sadness. "I was just joking with you princess! Sorry for alarming you I didn't know that you take things seriously!" He chuckles in a worried tone.

"What is he talking about Valerie?".

"Lady Visha its a common joke haven't you heard it before everyone uses it these days about two faced people" She tries to calm me down by coming a little closer to me and taking my hand softly.

I looked at him apologising for my rudeness.

All I wanted to do was go back home but I never knew I was that desperate so my emotions must be swirling around the place.

"Don't worry even I would think of that to be kind of offensive I was just surprised you didn't cut my head of or anything like that" He put his tea back onto the table giving a light cough.

"Well after my illness I ended up losing a lot of my memories so I still haven't really fixed myself that much yet" They both looked at me stunned from what I said.

Saying a lie is better than telling the truth.

"I'm sorry to hear that your majesty I hope you get well soon".

"Thank you Aaron but lets get back on track" I say.

"Of course. Darling do you know when your departing for your leave?" He looked to Valerie smiling cheerfully.

But to me none of this felt cheerful. I knew he was trying to make sure she wasn't going to freak out but there must be something behind that smile.

Something about him wasn't right but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Its in two weeks".

As he was about to take a macaroon something made him stop at that very moment.

His legs were still crossed and his posture was the same as before. But his face was different and more calm than before.

"Hmm two weeks isn't going to be a lot of time you know?" He looked at me and even gave a pleading smile.

I could tell he was unsure about what to do and even I myself couldn't believe what was happening.

"Yes I understand that Mr Aaron but our only problem is Valerie's father".

"Lady Visha is right father is on my every tracks and even if we try to escape he has guards on patrol every hour" Her skin turned pale frightened from the father that had neglected her and forced her to go with the arranged marriage.

"Then we may have no hope" Aaron said in a weary voice.

"Their is hope. Its the answer that is hard to find" I interrupt him raising my voice for even the small mice to hear.

Valerie wondered what I was meaning by it but Aaron had a clear view of what I wanted and expected.

"Well Miss Visha what do you suggest we do?" He said in an irregular tone.

Valerie was the only person on my mind right now.

I wanted to save her and protect her but what if the story really changes.

The arranged marriage was the safest option in the story but if I really did change everyone's fate what would happen?

My face turned from a steady emotion to a anxious one instead.

I never made decisions for anyone else before but this is a dangerous situation and I cant sit back and watch everything crumble for her as the villain of the story who didn't even think about helping the poor princess.

But what if I can really be THAT kind of villain!

If I can use it to my advantage I can change my death and maybe have more time to plan things out by using them to save myself from the ball.

"What if we try getting blessings from the Maiden Aelia if we can talk her into it we could use the royal book and any scrolls about old marriages and couples to make your relationship stronger by the eyes of gods and laws" I put a fist to my hand feeling confident about what I'm saying while they both stare at me in amazement.

Aaron started clapping loudly and he also started laughing not stopping until he ran out of breath.

Valerie seemed happy as well and gave me a thumbs up to know that I now have a good impression on her lover.

Did I say something amazing or am I being made fun of for something impossible.

I hold my breath waiting to hear something come out of his mouth. Maybe some good news or even bad news.

"I'm surprised you were able to think all of it in just one go you must have been planning for a long time didn't you my lady?" He still had that smile attached on his face which made me positive that I was doing the right thing.

He may seem suspicious but I can tell he is just a young boy in love scared to loose something he kept close for years.

We soon talked and talked about our plan by attending the ball and trying to find the Maiden Aelia and ask her for their blessings in secret.

Then after the ball we would gather books and scrolls about types of marriages that will sustain their relationship so it can't be broken by law.

And the final plan is to try and sneak into the royal room and write their names in the love book.

We all knew how dangerous it could be but that was our only solution and we didn't want to get our hands dirty.

"Well now that our plan has been sorted out how will we find the Maiden Aelia?" Aaron stood up refiling our China cups with flower patterns painted on.

"Maybe we could try and use royal birds. They can be our ears and eyes while we search for anything suspicious in the crowd" Valerie said pointing outside the window to see two birds flapping their gentle wings.

It was a good idea and maybe could even work but Aaron coughed a little covering his mouth.

"Oh I'm sorry darling I forgot you didn't have one don't worry I'll let you use one of mine!".

But I quickly stopped her knowing it was to risky.

like she said her father was on her every tracks so finding out another bird had been missing could result in us being found out.

"Lady Valerie I think I should give him one instead your father will get suspicious if you used two birds" I say.

"Princess Visha is right we should think ahead of things and try not to act rashly".

Valerie agreed but all of a sudden when Aaron was about to say something important their was a knock at the door.

"Ah must be one of the tax agents please stay inside ladies" He commanded.

We sat their not saying a single word.

"Is this really alright..." Valerie said in a low mumble.

"What do mean?" I asked.

Speck of tears fell down her cheeks as she tried to stop them from escaping but nothing could stop them now.

Floods of tears came falling down as she wiped them away trying to compose herself in the princess manor.

I stood up bending down in front of her handing over a handkerchief that had the writing of 'Love Forever' on it.

She stared at it confused wondering why I showed it to her.

"This was from my first lover. He died years ago in a crash trying to protect me and his last words were 'We will meet again'. Even if the plan goes wrong you will one day be set free from this and I promise you I will protect you even if I have to kill myself for it" I was serious about it wanting her to realise she wasn't alone in this fight.

I finally realised that even side characters have a life as well no matter what they do or say.

She looked up meeting my gaze with sadness and bravery.

She wasn't weak at all but brave as the lion of the north.

Even in the story she married the prince knowing she will be set free that was her last words until she was never seen again in the book.

"Will I really be set free...?" She pleaded in pain.

"Of course you will be. There is a way out of this marriage all we need is luck and your faith in this Valerie this is your story after all" I smile as she hugs me tighter than anyone before.

She sat straight looking deep into my eyes in thought. She had a straight face something she never did only at the tea party.

"Then tell me princess Visha who are you..?" I stepped back a little and my eyes wide open in shock.

What kind of question even was that..?

I don't even know who I am myself...

Am I a villain or a hero. I cant even find the answer out myself or what if their is no answer at all to my existence.

All I did was smile and chuckle at her as she waits for the answer she has been waiting for.

"I'm just a girl who is on a thin rope of life and death".

Valerie chuckled as well happy with the answer I gave her. The family she is in definitely is interesting than I thought.

Even though that answer made me still in thought all I did was walk and walk on ropes my whole life.

We waited for Aaron to come back but something made me anxious.

Why wasn't he coming back yet?

Valerie was also worried to and we both stood back up walking to the front door.

His shop was still messy of scrolls and books about potions everywhere and dust covering from room to room like a Halloween house.

He already had dark circles under his eyes which meant he didn't even have time for a slight clean up. I wonder what makes him even stay up at night to make him this way.

We then found him yelling to someone outside which made Valerie jump a little.

I held her hand as we got closer and closer to them.

To our surprise we see Kailani at the door shouting from the top of her lungs at Aaron. It already felt like she was about to burst into tears as well just like what Valerie did moments ago.

"HOW COULD YOU DO THIS!?! AFTER EVERYTHING WE DID TOGETHER AND NOW YOUR THINKING ABOUT LEAVING TO BE WITH HER!!!" Her voice was different and her hair messy with sweat covering her body.

I could tell she ran all the way here not caring about what the public could think of her.

"Kailani please listen to me! For once understand what I'm trying to tell you!".

"NO I WONT LISTEN TO YOU ANY MORE! YOU ALWAYS LIE TO ME AND ALWAYS BREAK OUR PROMISES! AM I THAT BORING TO BE AROUND WITH!?!" People from the outside started chatting to each other whispering in their devious voices.

Some with smirks on their faces and others with horror at the scene.

Kailani turned around to see the villagers staring at her.

Aaron tried to grab her arm but she already ran away with the leftover tears she had left.

"Aaron we should talk about this inside.." Valerie said.

He nodded following inside with her. Valerie looked back waiting for me to come as well but I was still standing near the door staring outside.

"I should go check on my cousin".

"If that's what you want then you can" I would've expected her to be angry with Aaron but she was calm about it helping him for support.

She really was a nice and caring girl as I expected.

As the door closed behind me I went up to many villagers asking if they had seen a crying girl running but no one had seen her.

I went up to everyone I could see but no one had a clue on what I was talking about and some even tried to walk away from me.

Being a hated villain was harder than I had expected.

When I was about to give up a little girl with red hair came up to me with her small teddy held tight in her hand pointing at an ally way.

I thanked her handing a coin over to her so she could buy something nice with it.

I walked carefully trying not to alarm Kailani.

She sat down on the floor curled up into a small ball digging her face into her dress.

"So you have some kind of chemistry with Aaron?" I stood beside her leaning against the wall crossing my arms.

She looked right at me with an irritated face cursing me in her mind.

She wasn't even sad at all.

"Who the hell are you.." She whispered in a low tone.

"What are you even talking about?" I murmur.

"Your not Visha are you. You have been acting weird lately everyone has been talking about it. First of you have been acting nice to everyone and secondly were has the mean and ruthless snake went of to? What are you trying to achieve..?" Its like she could read through me.

She didn't stutter one bit and the voice inside of me went quite.

But I was already ahead of everyone. I knew I was acting different I knew I was being kind but what's wrong with it?

A character improvement is supposed to help everyone yet they stare at me and wonder if I really went bonkers.

I wanted to scream at her and tell her the things I kept deep inside of me but what will happen if everyone finds out.

Wouldn't that ruin the story and what if we all go extinct because of it.

I could laugh right now like a mad man and curse everyone who is doing this to me but nothing will come of it.

I put one hand on her shoulder looking up at the clear blue sky shining upon me like a angel coming down from heaven to save me.

"What so your excusing me for being an imposter little cousin? You really are a silly princess aren't you?".

"What I'm asking you a question and your acting like this! I'm sick and tired of everyone lying to me and saying everything will be alright because nothing is! My world is falling apart everyone I love is leaving me and what if one day your going to go to just like how you were about to die!" She was looking pathetic on the floor.

Her legs were numb and her lips were dry like a desert.

Eyes puffy like a balloon about to explode in a million pieces like her broken heart.

"What do you expect me to say a magical unicorn who poops rainbows out of its butt? You need to be real for once Kailani everyone will die in the end their is no escape from it. And people will leave you it happened to me many times before and you should expect it. I don't understand you and Aarons relationship but you better let him go" I directed my voice to her as she puts a hand to her heart squeezing it tightly.

"How can I let him go? He saved me and cared for me he is my best friend and I cant let him go. As my friend he should keep promises and if he cant then he shouldn't even say it at all then".

My legs started to ache so I sat on the floor with her taking out a tangerine from my secret pocket inside my dress handing it over to her.

"What is this...?" She questioned.

"Its a tangerine dumbass take it or leave it!" I blush a little staring away from her embarrassed.

It was the first time giving someone a present. I was never invited to birthday parties so giving her something made me a little happier than I thought of it to be even though it was a priceless thing.

She gently took it from my hand peeling its skin of.

"You know you should be happy for him even though he did do something bad to you. You seemed to care about him a lot but maybe its time to let him spread his own wings. Letting someone go is better than keeping them a little girl told me that" I winked at her while she slowly eats the tangerine feeling the sweetness in her mouth.

People do say that eating sweets always makes you happier.

"But wont I be lonely. He was always by my side so what will happen after?".

"Well I don't know. Maybe you might find yourself a suitable husband for once" I nudge her on the shoulder smirking.

"Shut up! I don't need a husband I can be a independent woman if I want to!".

Hearing her say this put a smile on my face.

I guess she must of had been born in the wrong era after all if she doesn't want a husband.

"So what am I supposed to do now? He must be annoyed at me and lady Valerie may think of our relationship in the wrong way I mean we only have a sister and brother relationship after all".

"Do what you think is right. Don't ever let someone else choose something for you it will only tear you down" I stood back up reaching my hand for Kailani to hold onto.

She took my hand and as she pulled herself up she handed me over a picture.

"You may need this" She said.

I looked at it and seen a picture of me with an emotionless face staring at the camera. I really did look evil and scary in this but Kailani was already trying not to burst into laughter.

I wore a purple dress and my face was covered by a black vail. I put my hand over the picture and examine the other me.

I hated it but she looked more dominant and powerful. Her posture was excellent and her face was clear as the moon itself.

I guess Kailani was trying to tell me how I should take down notes this time on how to be me.

"I'm ready to go see them now" She takes deep breaths moving on ahead before changing her mind.

We walked back into the shop meeting them in the same place as when we first met Aaron.

But this time Kailani was scared to see Valerie as the relationship they had was still a problem. She stood up straight trying not to think about it.

Valerie walked up to Kailani pulling her into a hug. "Thank you for looking after Aaron for me" She said in a sweet voice thinking of Kailani as a sister. Kailani was surprised to see Valerie not mad at her.

Valerie looked back at Aaron giving him a thumbs up. He smiled gleefully standing next to me.

"So did anything happen to change her mood" I put a grin on my face while he put his arm over my shoulder.

"Lets say I did some story telling".

We all sat back down chatting to each other about the plan we had in mind. Our relationship grew stronger at that very moment and Valerie treated Kailani kindly while she tried to make Valerie feel better.

There were errors in our plan but Aaron was very skilled in sneaking in places so he knew the palace from in to out as he use to work there.

"So we all know what to do?" Kailani said.

We all agreed taking a note from the table that each had our position.

Kailani was going to try and steal some scrolls and books from the royal library while Valerie's job was to get intel about the guards and being the ears and eyes of the group.

Aarons job was so pretend to be a servant from the palace and distract everyone in the ball and to even create some mischief.

While I had an important job. I needed to go check on the royal book for any intel or names and to even speak with the Maiden Aelia which was very dangerous for anyone to do.

As me, Valerie and Kailani were about to leave the shop as it was nearly time for the ball Aaron stopped me wanting to have a word with me.

They both left leaving me and Aaron standing awkwardly in the shop alone.

"Is their something you need?" I ask.

He didn't even meet my gaze. He felt guarded up and tried to smile but nothing came out of it only a troubled face of misery.

"Follow me their is something I need to find out about you" He whispered in my ear while I followed him a fortune telling room.