
Deadly - Desire

Meet Rachel Cole, the last carrier able to bear children for vampires. In an unfortunate event. Rachel finds herself having to make a deal with the Devil Dante Voss Prince of the vampires. Enemies of the werewolves who want all carriers dead. Will she be able to get through this deal without falling in love or losing her life.

Annelize_Venter619 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter Thirteen- Escape


I head to the bar to order new drinks and look around for Rachel, I notice she and that guy are no longer at the corner table. If she left with him, I am going to kick her ass for going off without telling me. I check my phone and see no new messages I send her a text: Where the hell are you? If I don't hear back within an hour, she better expect I am going to be pissed what if something happens to her and I am not there. I head back to the table and the hot brunette guy I have been flirting with, I have no interest in a serious relationship, I much prefer picking up hot studs for a night of fun.


I sit on the opposite end of the couch, It is a red three-seater velvet couch it is very comfortable. On the one side of his study is a bookshelf, on the other wall is a painting, the curtains are dark grey his desk looks antique, and on top of it is his laptop. His stare at me is making me nervous. "Considering what happened this evening, I hope you will be more open to listening to the deal I am proposing to you."

The last time he offered me a deal I called him a whack job, and if it was not for his guards coming to my rescue I don't know what those men would have done to me. I shiver runs down my spine, I could have died tonight and my family would have had no idea who killed me. "You said last time you know I am a carrier, what makes me one?" I ask him. "Firstly your bloodline the Blackwell's come from a long line of carrier descendants. Secondly, all carriers have a unique scent to them and you have that scent."

The folk tale passed down in our family is true and not a myth my ancestor was the first carrier. "Why do you want me specifically?" I want to know. "The werewolves have been killing off your kind for hundreds of years now. Making you the first carrier I have seen in years, the wolves have been getting to your kind before we could. That means you are currently the only alive carrier making you valuable."

Since I am valuable I can make sure to get a good deal out of this too. "What is your proposal?" Not that I am just going to take the deal I need to escape and get back to my family. "Like I said the first time, I want you to carry and bear me an heir the child will stay with me. In exchange I will heal your brother from his injuries he will be back to normal, I will also provide protection and give you a huge lump sum of money."

That is the deal I am offering. He talks about carrying a child and handing it over like a business deal. It feels very cold and un personal I imagined having children when I am married or at least engaged. "Will the child be half human half vampire?" I am curious about that." No, children born from carriers are fully vampires." That means I will be pregnant with a little monster, but it will still be my child and I don't know if I can just leave my baby behind and never see them again."

Well if that is enough with the questions it is late now, go get a good night's rest think about my proposal I want an answer tomorrow." He ends the conversation and, stands up and walks across the room opening the door, and in walks Alec. Alec will escort you back to your room. I walked with Alec back to the room I was at the door when he handed me my purse. "We found this at the bar, your phone has been ringing nonstop." Shit must be Ash he must be worried sick I never just leave without telling him where I am going.


I text Alec to come to fetch the girl, I also tell him to keep a close eye on her as I have a suspicion she will try to escape. After they have left I call Lee he picks up after a few rings. "Well to what do I have the honors of you calling me so late at night." I roll my eyes Lee may be seen as a playboy, but there is where many people make the mistake thinking that is all he is.

If you aren't careful around him he will catch you in his trap and kill you. "I need you to do something for me." I already have my guards at the carrier's house and I called in extra guards for the mansion while she is here I won't let any werewolf near her. The report showed she had a best friend I assume she be more willing to cooperate if I protected him too. "Must be serious if are calling me." Lee's tone is playful he is the only one that gets away with teasing me.

"I need you to keep an eye on the carrier's best friend I will send you all information regarding him." Besides my knights is Lee the only other person I would trust with this? "Ok, I will be on it, but when the time comes I also want a favor." Hanging up, I pour myself a glass of whiskey and wait for the little rabbit to make her move.


I called Ash and he scream first before calming down I also got told he is going to kick my ass. I lied and told him I was at a coffee shop, getting to know my date, and forgot to send him a text, I mean it's not like I can tell him I was kidnapped by werewolves and then vampires rescued me, he will book me in a mental institution thinking I have gone crazy. I look around the room and find linens in the chest of drawers I go to the balcony and look down looks like I am only one floor up should not need too many sheets to make a rope.

I start tying them together when I have enough I switch off all the lights and creep towards the balcony nice and slow. I tie the sheets around one of the pillars and slowly drop them to the ground to not make a mistake. I look around I don't see any guards, and I take that as my cue I throw my leg over the railing and then bring my other leg around I reach for the sheets and begin lowering myself down. I go down slowly, and as soon as my feet reach the ground I look around again and still see no one.

I move quickly and quietly over the lawn to the nearest trees and look around for a way to get over the wall. Further down I see a tree that goes over the wall and head towards it. I hear a noise and hide behind a bush keeping my breathing under control. I see two guards passing by and wait for them to turn the corner before I head towards the three again.

I am so nervous my heart is pounding in my chest. My palms are sweaty, I reach the tree and have a look around again. I get a nice foothold and place my foot using my arms to pull me up. Suddenly arms around my waist pull me back and I land against a rock-hard chest. Looking up I came face to face with Dante. "Going somewhere little rabbit?" He doesn't give me a chance to answer before throwing me over his shoulder and walking back towards the castle.