
Dead & Lost

On a trip to the land of Dracula, William and his sister lost Alexa, William's daughter. They have to make deal with some unknowns in order to get the girl back. Will they be able to fulfil the commitment they made with the unknowns?

AyeshaMajeed · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

On The Way To Romania

''Pack up your bags Rosie. I'll not allow you to waste the time tomorrow morning. We have to leave for Romania''. William warned his sister as he sat on the bed with a book in his hand.

He might be of 33. Blue-eyed, handsome, hard-faced and tall.

''I've already done it''. A pretty looking girl entered the room. She would of 22 years of age. Quite innocent looking, blue-eyed and golden haired. She was Rosie. William's younger sister.

William lived in a small house along with his sister and daughter. Their parent died years ago. William's wife died too! She had gone to Miami to visit her elder brother when she met an accident and died at the spot. Rosie was very closely attached to her sister-in-law. She took Ava's and William's daughter's charge.

''Aren't you TOO much excited to go to Romania?''. Rosie put emphasis on 'too'. ''I mean we have visited Italy, France and even a country like Switzerland! You weren't so much eager before ever!''. She continued hanging a towel in the bathroom.

''Yeah you're right! I really am excited.. I love Romania so much. It was my dream to visit Romania''. William replied.

''hmm''. Rosie smiled. ''Hope we have a good time there!''. She said.

''Aunt Rosie!''. A little girl came running in. She was William's daughter, Alexa. A cute little princess, 10 years old. ''Can you help me win this level?''. She was playing Candy Crush on the iPad. She handed the iPad to her Aunt.

''Of course! let's see if I can do that''. Rosie grabbed the iPad and sat on the couch along with her niece.

It was 11:00 in the night when someone knocked at the door.

''I'll take a look''. William went to open the door.

''Hello Bro''. Someone said in a loud voice as William opened the door.

''Hey Michael! I'm glad you're here''. William greeted the guy.

It was Michael Lazard. Rosie's best friend. He was going to the trip as well.

Rosie came running out of her room. ''Michael!''. Rosie exclaimed and hugged her friend. He was a middle-heightened guy, with black eyes and black hairs, wearing a button down shirt with a leather jacket and a woolen cap on his head ''I thought you wouldn't come with us''. Rosie continued.

''Why? I love going on trips''. Michael smiled.

''Come in Michael''. William left the way.

''When would we be leaving?''. Michael asked while having a cup of coffee.

''Early in the morning''. William replied shortly.

''Good.. we'll enjoy so much!''. Michael said excitingly.

"I have some friends over there. They told me that we can live at their place". William said.

"Who are they? Do I know them?". Rosie asked.

"No you don't". William shook his head.

Next Morning, they headed towards the airport. William pulled the luggage, Michael took Alexa around while waiting for the flight. Rosie read a book as she sat along with her brother.

The 04 of them sat next to each other in the plane.

''So, where are we gonna land?''. Michael asked rubbing his hands together.

''Cluj-Napoca?''. William replied. Michael stared at William for a while. William looked at him. ''What?''. He said.

''Cluj-Napoca? Are you kidding me? Have you heard about the myths of that city?''. Michael said.

"Oh come on Michael! Are you scared of that Bau-Bau?". William laughed. "Don't worry! It's only a story to scare the children who are disobedient". He continued.

"And what about the fairies? And the strigoi?". Michael said.

"That's all fiction. There's no such thing as a Vampire". William replied, sitting back.

"What do you think about Hoia-Baciu?". Michael was looking at William in anger.

"We are going to Cluj-Napoca. Not Hoia-Baciu Michael". William was annoyed.

"What are you to talking about?". Rosie was scared.

"Nothing Rosie. Michael's just tryna' scare us". William replied shortly.

"You'll be responsible yourself if something bad happened". Michael said and kept quite for the rest of the flight.

At the Cluj-Napoca airport, Michael pulled the luggage and walked on the front along with Alexa. He still was in a bad mood.

"Finally!". William shouted. "Finally I came to Romania! It was my dream to come here. OMG I'm so excited".

Everyone around starred awkwardly at him.

"Your Bro's gonna be mad Rosie". Michael smirked ironically and moved on.

Rosie stopped and looked back at William. He WAS acting madly. She went to her brother and grabbed his hand. "Bro! Stop it. Everyone's staring at you". She whispered.

"Alright". William calmed down and walked on.

"William". Someone yelled.

William and Rosie searched for the voice. A handsome guy walked towards them. He was middle heightened, golden haired and had tattooed arms and neck.

"Asher". William said and ran at the guy. He hugged him excitingly.

Rosie was still examining the good looking guy. Michael came back and stood beside Rosie.

"I was just about to call you". William said to the guy.

"I thought I should be at the airport before you arrive". The guy replied.

"It's very nice to meet you again". William smiled.

The guy grinned.

Asher looked at Michael and Rosie. "Who are these beautiful people?". He asked William.

William turned at them and introduced. "This is my sister Rosie and her best friend Michael. Rosie, Michael, this is Asher".

"Ooh I see!". Asher exclaimed and moved at Michael. He advanced his hand for handshake. "Nice to meet you Michael". He said.

Michael shaked hands childishly. "Nice to meet you too Asher!". He smiled.

Asher looked at Rosie who was smiling at him. She swiftly turned her gaze away. Asher moved towards her. "Hello Rosie". He said in a low voice.

Rosie looked up and nodded. "hi". She replied.

Asher kept on looking at her for a while. Michael who was standing beside Rosie, smiled at Asher as he noticed him.

Asher looked down. Alexa was stick to Rosie's legs and looking innocently at him. Asher sat down on his knees. "Who is this cute little girl?". He pulled her cheeks.

"She's my daughter". William replied.

"She's very beautiful". Asher grinned and looked up at Rosie. "Like her Aunt".

"Goodness!". Michael sighed. "he's trynna say that you're beautiful". He whispered in Rosie's ear.

Rosie looked at Michael in a fit of fury. "Shut up". She said to him and turned to William. "Are we gonna stand here all day?". She asked.

"Not at all". Asher stood up. "Let's go home". He smiled at Rosie and picked up some luggage."My car's in the parking, let's go".

Asher drove the car,William sat on the passenger seat and Rosie, Michael and Alexa sat at the back. Michael looked out. "Whoa! Cluj-Napoca's beautiful". He said.

"Yes it is_ quite fascinating". Rosie agreed.

"Cluj-Napoca's my love. I've spent 06 years here in Romania. I cannot imagine leaving it. You'll not be able to leave it as well". Asher winked at Rosie.

Rosie looked away. "Cluj-Napoca IS beautiful, but nothing's better than New Jersey". She raised her right eyebrow.

Asher looked at her in the mirror and smirked. "You'll not be able to leave this city". He repeated his words. Rosie shook her head with an ironic smile."We'll see". She whispered.