
De Luca Italian Mafia

When running away from her past, twenty two year old Alina runs straight into the arms of Romeo De Luca, twenty six and an Italian Mafia Don, not just the Don, King of the Mafia, without even realising it. Working as a dancer and a waitress she catches his eye, and he becomes infatuated with the dark haired beauty. Can his stone cold heart actually love? Will Alina fall for his charms? Violence, danger, love and heartbreak await in this Italian Mafia saga. (This is a mature story with adult themes, violence and things people might find sensitive.)

angelbaby_30 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
58 Chs


Alina POV:

Jake has made sure my make-up is perfect, bronze's and a touch of black and a red lip and a red cocktail dress, short, tight under the bust and flares out into a dramatic skirt with lots of tulle. Mari chose to have my long black hair pin straight and chose some pretty high black stiletto heels. Thank God for this dress, it's becoming harder to hide this bump, I feel like I grew a few inches already, the zip was slightly hard to get closed. I'm slipping on some diamond chandelier earrings and a simple tennis bracelet with my engagement ring. Simple and classy.

Mari is fitting the theme and wearing a champagne colored bandage dress and big curls, she looks beautiful. Jake has a simple black suit on with a gold and red shirt, he looks hot. We are all ready for lunch, well amore like a fucking tea party, so much for keeping it small. I miss Romeo so much, but this is just for the ladies, apparently guys are on Romeo's yacht having an afternoon of swimming and drinking and I'm not even sure what. As I'm heading down stairs I hear my phone start to ring, "hello?" I answer without looking.

"Si, is that how you greet your fiancé?" Romeo asks, and my heart flutters and I get butterflies, I haven't seen him all day.

"I'm sorry amore, I never looked at my caller ID, how are you? I miss you," I reply feeling a bit disheartened that he's not around.

"Well bella, I would feel much better if you were with me, I just wanted to know how you and the babies are today since we haven't spoken much today," Romeo asks and I can melt on the spot.

"We are fine, except I feel like I grew another inch, your babies are going to give the whole surprise away if the don't stop growing until the wedding," I say huffing.

Romeo chuckles, "I'm sure they will behave for their mamma. Lina, I have extra men guarding the place today, and Vince will be there. If you need anything or feel uncomfortable in any way call him, si? Then he will call me," Romeo says a lot more seriously. "I don't want anything to happen to you or the babies, Vince is the only one that knows and that I trust to protect you next to myself," Romeo says in a low tone, so nobody can hear him.

"Si, don't worry I know the protocol amore. I will be ok, we will be ok," I answer slightly tense. "I love you Romeo, I have to go," I say with a sigh.

"I love all three of you, I will speak to you soon," Romeo says and with that we hang up. Time to face the masses, I make my way down and Jake and Mari have already got the mini tea party going, only people are having champagne, but I can't drink, fuck, not good.

Jake comes over to me and hands me a glass of champagne and it immediately makes me slightly nauseated. I smile and put on a brave face, my mother comes over to me and I give her the most fake smile I can muster, "mother," I greet her.

"Alina darling, you look beautiful, and congratulations again, I'm so happy you have found Romeo," she says with a smile.

Yeah happy, I have even more money now, you cow. "Thanks mother," is all I can muster and turn away and find Sofia. I can't take my mother's fake social climbing. "Sofia?" I call and she turns around beaming at me.

"Alina, amore, you look beautiful! Romeo is such a lucky little shit!" Sofia says making me laugh.

"Thank you, you look beautiful too," I answer smiling as she hugs me. I do feel slightly sad that I'm not like this with my own mother, but the woman is insufferable. I go around saying hi to all the people that have meant something to me, and then I spot one person I have truly missed, "Valencia!" I squeal.

"Alina, dear as stunning as ever, I cannot believe its almost your big day," Valencia says and smiles.

"Yes I'm a bit nervous, but mostly so excited, I can't wait to marry Romeo," I answer truthfully.

"So does he know?" Valencia asks, and I stare at her puzzled. "About your little bun in the oven?" Valencia asks and my mind goes blank, not knowing what to say.

"How did you..." I begin.

"Oh my dear I saw you dance for months, I can tell," Valencia shrugs and smiles.

"Well, yes, he does know, everyone else doesn't," I say whispering.

"Secret is safe with me, congratulations darling," Valencia says with a wink.

"Thank you,"I say giving her a small hug and just then Jake announces lunch to be served and we all take a seat. Lunch goes down so well, every one including Isabella is having a ball. The ladies all play some games set up by Mari and Jake and it's truly a fun filled afternoon. I managed to hide my not drinking and enjoy the festivities.

"Right ladies, it's been a very eventful afternoon tea, but it's time to say goodbye to the bride, and your donations will be given to the charities close to Alina and Romeo's hearts," Jake announces and we end off the afternoon. I'm already tired, two babies are a lot on the body. "Alina, you look a bit tired. Go take a nap, and I will wake you with enough time to get ready for tonight," Mari says and I agree, no need to tell me twice, I also ate like I was literally eating for three.

Romeo POV:

The afternoon on the yacht is rowdy and honestly a lot of fun, Luc, Dario, Leo, Dimitri, my dad and all the other men are all partying up a storm and quite drunk. It's nice to see the men relaxed, needless to say we have security because Lord knows we can't shoot straight right now. Some of my uncles and cousins are all jumping off and having a swim, it's really good to have my family around. Alina's cousins whom I met yesterday are some nice guys, I didn't know she had so much family, they do seem a bit afraid of me though, guess my reputation precedes me.

I'm standing at the rail on the side of the yacht with my scotch when I hear someone, "Romeo, how do you feel knowing you will be bound forever in just another day?" It's Luc.

"Brother, it feels amazing, although I wish we can skip ahead so I can just be married already," I say chuckling.

"Si, I think I know what you mean," Luc says and I turn to him a bit in shock.

"You and Jake?" I ask slightly surprised, I never knew my brother would be thinking of settling, Jake is one of a kind, he brings my brother out of his shell and its a nice sight.

"Yeah, I'm ready to settle down too, I plan on doing it as soon as the wedding is over. Jake gets me, and even though he's a bit crazy, he makes my life fun and worthwhile, kind of like you and Alina, we just fit," Luc says shrugging. It's the first time I hear him speak about anyone he's been seeing, I'm happy for him, my brother deserves it.

After one hell of an afternoon, I think it's time to head back, just in time for some poker and cigars and more drinking. Truth be told, I'm planning on crashing Alina's bachelorette party, just to say hi, because I miss her.

"Rome?" I hear Leo.

"Si..." I answer.

"How would you like to make Alina's party a bit more special tonight?" Leo says with that naughty glint in his eye, I know it's something crazy I'm going to regret later. I sigh knowing I don't have a choice right now and nod. "Brilliant... So the plan is, we seduce our women and man tonight, we are dancing guys, as in lap dancing," Leo says and I already regret it. This crazy little shit hasn't changed one bit.

Night has fallen and we all have a good couple of drinks in, and I have to admit I'm a bit drunk. "Rome? You ready to surprise our girls?" Leo asks with a naughty glint.

"Fuck Leo, this is going to be a disaster," I say laughing.

"No, no, I have it all planned. Boys! Get your outfits on, it's time to crash the party!" Leo shouts out.

Alina POV:

Mari woke me up a few hours ago, put me in a little black dress that's left nothing to the imagination, and some sky high gladiator heels. My hair is down on curls and I have some heavy smoky make-up on and a red lip. I look slutty, like I should be dancing back at The Underground. I have a gaudy pink "Bride To Be" sash and fake tiara on.

We are now in a night club that Mari and Jake have assured me is not a strip club. I think Romeo would flip his lid. He has men posted all round the club, and Tino and Vince guarding me, we have been dancing, the girls including Kelsey have been drinking, I however have managed to fool Jake and Mari by having water or diet coke. I'm so tired I just want to go home and curl up to Romeo.

Jake gathers all us girls and puts us in a spacious booth in front of a small stage and my heart is beginning to sink. I don't want strippers, it's enough I used to be one. The lights go low and the club goes somewhat quiet and the stage lights low flashing blue and red. "Jake what's happening?" I shout over some sexy music playing.

"I don't know, the owner just told us to gather here, I didn't plan this I swear!" Jake shouts over the music, but I notice it's just our little party in the secluded area, my bridal party. Oh God, this is going to be bad.

The curtain lifts and we see four men on the stage, men in black t-shirts and some kind of shiny black pants? I can't really see much its too dark, they have masks on. They start moving on the stage in what looks like a rehearsed piece, fucking strippers. I try to get up but a muscular guy pushes me gently back down on the padded seat of the booth, my heart is hammering and the crowd is going wild. I didn't know this was strip club, fuck, Romeo is going to be pissed.

The man climbs over me and starts gyrating, but never facing me directly or long enough for me to see him, I have to give him props he moves well, and he has muscles for days. He has tattoo's though but it's too dark to see them. He takes my hands and places them under his shirt, and I'm feeling abs for days, and I turn to see, Mari, Jake and Kelsey getting the same treatment. Then out of nowhere we all get blindfolded, next thing I feel my hands being placed all over his body and he has no shirt on anymore, then he straddles me and places my hands on his ass and I realise he only has very tiny boxers on. He can definitely move it's quite hot, but I feel like I'm cheating and Romeo is going to burst in with two guns blazing.

I'm so deep in thought and the man kisses me, and I hear the entire bridal party shouting, including Jake, Mari and Kelsey. I try to pull away, but I would know this kiss anywhere, he breaks it, and whispers on my ear, "bella."

I pull off my blindfold and everyone starts laughing as I shout at him, "Romeo, merda!" (Romeo, you shit!)

"Surprise Lina!" Romeo says loudly and I can't help but hit him and he laughs harder. "Ti amo troppo bambino," Romeo says as he kisses my cheek while hovering over me, I'm so embarrassed I close my face with my hands. I finally open my eyes to see a winking Dario, a smirking Luc and a full on laughing Leo, all of them in just these tiny boxers. It's hilarious, but they are all in good shape, I will give them that.

(Love you baby)

Romeo picks me up and I wrap my hands around his neck and my legs around his waist. "Now this, is something I could get used too," I say laughing. This could only be something Leo would do, because I know a sober Romeo would never, but I have to admit, it so nice having fun for once without something to ruin it, it's been a perfect night, and I can't help but notice just how hot my soon to be husband looks in just his boxers. As if Romeo knows what I'm thinking he winks at me and starts laughing as he gently swings me around.

This is going to be quite a night...