
DC: With Time Dilation Button

being reborn in the body of a young wana be boxer, follow the journey of kai fox on his journey in becoming world strongest fighter, follow as he learns every martial arts, every weapon, follow as he learns every subjects, follow as he reaches the limit of martial art, follow as he reaches the limits of human body and mind, follow as he searches a way to break the limit, hopefully reaching all forms of combat. -------------------- *WARNING* this isn't a hero story, nor is it a villain story, this isn't a story about a anti hero, this isn't a story about a guy wanting to save Gotham or even the dc, this isn't a saviour story, this is strictly a story about kai and his journey to the peak of martial, not him saving the universe or the world, so don't ask me why he isn't saving the world when he invents immortally,

Lythan_Page · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Being watched (chapter 17)

Chapter 17

Sitting on his bed, Kai pondered, "Krav Maga is a highly practical and efficient martial art that blends techniques from Muay Thai, boxing, judo, grappling, and self-defense training. The core philosophy of Krav Maga is to quickly incapacitate the opponent to end the confrontation as swiftly as possible." He chewed another freshly made noodle, intrigued when the next video caught his attention. "What the hell is an eight trigram fist?" he wondered while continuing to savor his noodles. "A martial art technique that focuses more on footwork," he pondered as he clicked on the video.

Immersed in the video, he suddenly spilled his noodles when fireworks went off. "For fuck's sake, allow me to eat one noodle pack in peace!" he yelled, irritated. After cleaning up, he resumed watching the video. When finished, Kai wore a pondering expression. "The foundation of Krav Maga is a balanced and agile stance for quick movement and effective counterattacks," he said, rising. "I should be taking a break, but I can't help myself," he mused, assuming the stance.

Knees slightly bent, weight evenly distributed, hands protecting his face, and elbows close to his body, he focused on maintaining the stance. Unaware of Batwing using binoculars to observe him, batwing continued, deep in concentration. Suddenly feeling someone behind him, he turned in a hurry, only to find Orphan standing there.

"Oh, hey cassandra" he said, surprised. "He is mine," was all she said before leaping off, leaving Batwing stunned, watching Orphan traverse from one building to the next.

[scene change]

In an Asian restaurant, Kai sat, devouring his third bowl of soup without taking a break. A motherly Asian woman remarked, "Fuyo, Kai, you're going to devour your own tongue at this rate." He chuckled with a mouth full of noodles, continuing to savor the bowl before finally taking a breath. The aroma of the Asian dishes and the bustling atmosphere of the restaurant added to the immersive experience as Kai enjoyed his meal.

"Maybe if you make them less delicious next time, I won't be at the risk of swallowing my own tongue, Miss Long," Kai said, offering a smile to the woman as she attended to other customers. "Looks like you are going to be eating your tongue," she quipped back with a smile. "Plus, your bowls are very nutritious. I mean, look at me," he added, flexing his biceps as Ms. Lang laughed. "Yeah, yeah." After paying, Kai got up and stretched his muscles, feeling a bit sore from practicing the stance.

Suddenly, he noticed something amiss—three men dressed in a peculiar manner. Looking back, Kai thought, "They seem like trouble," cracking his neck with a grin. "Good thing I need to stretch my neck," he mused before swiftly running after the men.

As they entered the shop, the three immediately picked up a patron's bowl. The patron exclaimed, "Yo, what the fuck—" but was cut off as the cold touch of a pistol pressed against his forehead. "Sit your ass back down," one of the men commanded as the patron complied. Ms. Lang, undeterred, went to get another bowl for the unlucky customer.

"Ms. Lang, how have you been?" inquired the man in the middle of the trio. "For the last time, I am not paying you kids anything," Ms. Lang retorted. "Ms. Lang, the Lang, we the Brown Vipers, try our best to keep this area safe. It would be really unfortunate if certain things were to happen to this lovely establishment," said the middleman. Suddenly, two large and muscular arms wrapped around the nearest two men—the mysterious newcomers to the scene were Kai's associates.

"Ladies, ladies, you can't be disturbing the peace of this nice restaurant. How about this? Why don't you guys, the Brown Vipers, let me pay your leader personally?" Kai suggested with a smile. The three men exchanged glances before laughing. The spokesperson for the trio grabbed Kai by the shoulder. "Hey big man, you got a heart. My boss would really appreciate what you're doing. He's a nice man. So why don't you follow us, and we take you to our boss?" he proposed.

After exiting the shop, they walked along the road, trying to act normal. "Here," the spokesperson said, pointing to an alleyway. Kai didn't complain as he followed them, two at the front and one behind him. As soon as they were in, the man wielding the pistol aimed it at Kai and began to speak.

"You, just because you have muscles doesn't mean that—" However, Kai seemed to be in no mood for chatter. The smile disappeared from his face as he delivered a quick jab, knocking the man out cold. He followed with an elbow strike to the second one, rendering him unconscious. This all happened before the third guy, the talkative one, could say a word.

"So, you said you were taking me to your leader?" Kai said, approaching the man who pulled out a knife, causing Kai to sigh. "Your friend with the gun couldn't do anything. What are you going to do with a knife?" Kai asked as the man attempted to stab him. Kai smoothly moved his shoulder aside, then grabbed the guy by the neck, holding his other hand to disarm him.


A/N Yeah, i am going to make Cassandra cain as much of a yandere as one can be, i am talking about OBSESSED, hair and toe nail clipping, i am talking torturing other woman who even come close to him, i am talking about watching him sleep, so hopefully you guys are into that.