
DC: The Joker (DROPPED)

A man reincarnates in the infamous verse, where gods, monsters, and cosmic entities that could end the world on a whim, with nothing but a simple league system Find out how he inevitably reach the top after just trying to have a peaceful life ===== I DO NOT own anything here. All right goes to their respective owners. ===== Patreon: BaphometFiction, where this story already got chapters in advanced.

Baph0met · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

Chapter 12: Decision

The green gas rapidly spread, reaching every corner of the derelict warehouse.

Black Mask and his henchmen had already donned air filtration masks, seemingly unaffected by the gas. However, Harley Quinn and Dinah were visibly less fortunate, covering their mouths and noses while looking visibly distressed and unsteady.

Jekyll's position was close to the exit, an inevitable path for the poison gas. As the pungent odor hit him and his lungs burned, he felt a sense of impending doom.

This is it. If even Harley and Diana can't withstand this toxin, how could he survive?

The discomfort caused by the gas on Jekyll's body quickly lessened, replaced by an overwhelming sensation of comfort. Simultaneously, he felt as if boundless strength surged from within, and his brain buzzed as if he'd consumed thirty cans of energy drink.

Jekyll immediately realized the reason—his special title acquired from killing Bane allowed him to lessen the effects of poison upon ingestion, transforming it into a beneficial effect!

Fantastic! The injuries from the truck's collision earlier seemed completely unfelt. Moreover, concealed by the green gas, no one noticed any movement on Jekyll's side.

Yet, strangely enough, despite previously struggling to flee the battlefield to lead a peaceful life away from superheroes and supervillains, the rare opportunity now before him made his steps heavy.

Is it really right to abandon Harley Quinn and Dinah to their fate?

Amidst Jekyll's inner conflict, and upon confirming that Harley and Diana had lost their fighting capabilities, Black Mask began to act.

"Make way, these ladies seem a bit uncomfortable. It looks like, as a gentleman, I need to offer some help."

The former Joker's Gang members cleared a path as Black Mask, emitting a husky, wicked chuckle, limped toward the two coughing women.

Woof woof!

Harley's pet hyena, Bud, attempted to leap to her defense. However, it seemed even he was affected by the gas. Annoyed, Black Mask waved his hand and sent the sluggish hyena flying through the air.

"Stay down, you beast. I'll deal with you later. Right now, your owner will pay for your earlier bite."

With malice, Black Mask spoke while his eyes, obscured by the mask, scanned Harley and Diana with malevolence.

"The only beast I see here is you!"

Dinah, though wobbly, stood in front of Harley Quinn and attempted a forceful flying kick towards Black Mask's face.

However, her kick lacked its former intensity and was easily intercepted by Black Mask, who effortlessly grabbed her ankle mid-air.

"What a prime set of legs! Though a bit young for my taste, there are plenty of guests who appreciate this. You'll be coming with me, little bitch."

Despite Black Mask's lewd gaze and vulgar words, Dinah gritted her teeth, unable to break free despite exerting all her strength.

"Cough... If that's the case, I'll have to use–... Ah, cough!"

Suddenly, Diana opened her mouth, seemingly trying to employ some secret technique. However, she inadvertently inhaled a large amount of the toxic gas and started coughing violently, visibly in pain.

"Enough playing with you for now. Let's focus on more important matters."

Black Mask landed a forceful punch to Diana's abdomen and casually pushed her aside. Curled up in agony on the ground, she seemed unable to get up.

Harley's condition wasn't much better. As the poison took its toll, she couldn't even stand, collapsing weakly to the ground.


Roughly, Black Mask grabbed Harley's hair, forcefully lifting her face, almost admiring her distorted expression caused by discomfort.

"I love seeing you like this, Harley Quinn. But there are plenty more opportunities for your torment. Now, honestly answer me one question—where did you hide the clone of that little Joker?"

"Cough... I don't know."


Without mercy, Black Mask delivered a harsh slap to Harley's face, instantly swelling her cheek, crimson blood flowing from the corner of her mouth.

"Don't waste my time, Harley Quinn. I have plenty of time and ways to make you spill the beans, but saving time and avoiding some suffering would be beneficial for both of us—besides, he's just a clone. You wouldn't go this far for him, would you?"

Harley, panting heavily, her face smeared with blood and tears, still managed to crack a smile uglier than a cry.

"Yes, he was just a clone, so I killed him and tossed him into the river when I realized it. Did you think I'd let my loved one be replaced by a fake—Ah!"

Black Mask delivered another slap, his voice carrying a sense of impatience and anger.

"Don't play dumb with me! Otherwise, both you and this girl will experience something worse than death."

Their conversation was crystal clear to Jekyll from a distance. It seemed the poison enhancement effect from the title brought a significant boost to his hearing.

However, that wasn't the focus. The conflict in Jekyll's mind had vanished completely the moment he heard Harley's words. Based on their conversation, Black Mask had given Harley information to find Jekyll, but instead of handing him over, she concealed him, planning to defeat Black Mask to ensure his safety.

Moreover, she knew she was a clone and not the original Joker, and though her true intentions were unknown, without a doubt, everything Harley did was to protect herself.

Jekyll yearned for a peaceful life, and he knew that cowardice was a flaw of his, but that didn't mean he was heartless, indifferent to others' plight, especially when that person had saved his life.

True peace stemmed from inner peace. Abandoning Harley to save himself in this situation might lead to a lifetime of regret for Jekyll.

In such a case, there was only one thing to do.

"This is your final warning, Harley Quinn. If you don't reveal his whereabouts, your bitchy face might suffer irreversible consequences."

As Black Mask raised his hand threateningly, Harley's response was simple—she spat a mouthful of blood on Black Mask's suit.

"You're asking for it!"

Just as Black Mask was about to continue assaulting Harley Quinn, this experienced, cunning supervillain detected the faint whistle of metal slicing through the air, swiftly turning his body reflexively to dodge.


A sharp dagger plunged deep into Black Mask's right shoulder. In pain, he was forced to release Harley Quinn's hair, glaring furiously in the direction the dagger came from.

Amidst the lingering green mist, a figure emerged with a demonic smile, dressed like a jester.

"Whether abandoning a savior or being chased by evil organizations, I won't sleep at night—"

"So, for the sake of my future sleep quality, could you kindly die here, Mr. Roman Sionis?"


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I post 10 advanced chapters of this fanfic there.