
DC: The Enchanter

Previously hailed as the mastermind, The Godfather, behind the world's most significant organization, now reduced to blend into the nameless multitude. Jasper Hughes is about to unleash a seismic shift, rocking the world of heroes and villains, as he ushers in a fresh era of power struggles, organized crime, faction formation, and corruption. "Greedy and corrupt, yet not harming the kind and helpful." "Unforgiving towards those who betray, lie and steal..." These mottos once propelled him to establish the world's most prominent organization and will undoubtedly guide him to triumph once more. This time, he possesses not only unparalleled knowledge and skills but also wields an incomprehensible power – The power of Enchantment. A power that will not make him the Godfather; but THE GOD. TAGS: Selfish Protagonist, Corrupt Protagonist, Superiority Complex, Smut, DC, Empire Building, Corruption, Hypocritical MC https://www.patreon.com/Greedyfrog Discord: https://discord.com/invite/F3WSt9BwXZ

The_Greedy_Frog · Anime e quadrinhos
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64 Chs

Bat-Shit Crazy

Taking care of the small-time thugs, I mused while looking around the place.

This place is a mess, and I am partially to blame.

During my confrontation with Scarecrow, I wrecked this place, and since then, it hasn't been repaired.

Scarecrow conducted most of his deals under the bridge, and to be fair, he owned most of the rundown buildings in this area.

Technically, it is possible for me to repair this place. After all, I do have the money.

Just not enough to make it look like the buildings in the city center. For that, I would need to obtain a much larger fortune.

It's not impossible, just a little difficult and inconvenient.

At the moment, I need to clean this place up, get a paint job done, and fix the electricity and water supply.

If I am smart enough with my work, I can significantly reduce those costs. I can use my power for the construction work and even the paint job, so the only expenses left would be for water and electricity supply.

That should be a decent start.

But I'm not doing any of that today. I just came here to assess what needs to be done.

Besides, I have to go to Zatanna's show, and I can't do that while being all sweaty and dirty.

Maybe I can ask Penguin to help me out a little.

"But that should be it for now."

Checking the time, I knew it was best to leave, or I might be late for the show.

I'm quite curious, to be fair. Zatanna is a real magician, so should I expect to see some real magic tricks there? Or does she have a moral compass that prevents her from using her powers to make money?

I guess she does; otherwise, she would have been filthy rich with her powers.

But oh well, it's not my place to tell her what she should be doing.

If only everyone shared this belief.

"Jasper Hughes."

It was a voice, oh so familiar, that made me turn around with a pleasant smile.

"We meet again, Batwoman," I greeted the fellow redhead, "I don't think I've invited anyone for a housewarming party yet."

I looked around, "Not that it's much of a house at the moment. It surely needs some work."

But she didn't take kindly to my joke.

"Prison suits you better than a house," she said, "After your recent endeavors, a house is too good for you."

For a second, I was confused, but then I saw Nightwing beside her. I almost forgot that they were part of the Bat family, and I humiliated Arrow and Young Justice not long ago.

Which also included Nightwing.

"We don't want trouble," to my surprise, it was Nightwing who said that.


"We're here only to talk," he said, putting emphasis on the word 'talk' as he looked at Kate.

An internal dilemma.

Very interesting.

"I don't think I've done anything to hurt your feelings, Batwoman," I smiled, "Nightwing over there might be a different case, though."

To be honest, the cockiness I had at the moment was much tamer than what I used to walk around with in the past.

I'm surprised I managed to stay alive for so long with such a personality in my past life.

I saw Nightwing's eyebrow twitch for a moment, but it quickly reverted back to normal.

"As we said, we're not here to fight," he repeated, making me sigh.

There were only a few possibilities for them to be here, and none of them sounded good to me.

"Then why are you here?" I asked, looking at Batwoman, "For one, she doesn't seem too pleased to be here."

"And why do you think that is?" she asked, "Don't you believe it has something to do with you?"

This instinctively made me raise an eyebrow, "Pardon?"

"When I first met you, you almost killed Scarecrow. But after our interaction, you spared him," she said, "You seemed like a good guy, someone who only went after Scarecrow because the man stole something from you that had sentimental value."

She sounded tired, "But guess what? I was wrong. You weren't a vigilante going after the bad guys; you were the bad guy."

For a solid second, I was confused about why she was so aggressive. And I'm beyond surprised that Nightwing came with her.

For one, I know that he knows my abilities very well.

"I know what you're thinking," Nightwing said, almost reading my mind, "But I know that you're not Scarecrow or Joker, who have no sense of rationality or reasoning."

"That doesn't change the fact that he is a villain who caused mayhem," Batwoman said, "You made me feel like a fool for trusting you."


That's what it's about.

I let out a sigh, "This is Gotham; you should know that you can trust nobody. And despite me not proving to be the ideal person, I did not actively go after any of you. Instead, you came to me."

I said, "I was offered money to deliver something and ensure certain variables did not occur, and I kept my word. That's what I did."

"So, it was all about money?" Nightwing asked, interrupting Batwoman, "Would you work for us if we offered you money?"

"That depends on how much you offer," I said, semi-truthfully.

To my surprise, Nightwing contemplated it, despite Batwoman's fury.

"That's... an interesting piece of information that you just shared," he said, confusing Batwoman.

But I knew very well what he was thinking.

Although I wasn't one to follow a hero's moral code, I needed money, and for the time being, I was willing to help whoever offered a higher pay.

For the time being the key.

"However, it cannot be something that might harm Penguin," I made sure to add, which confused Nightwing.

"Why is that?" he asked.

"I pay back for what I receive, be it kindness or betrayal. And Penguin helped me when I had nothing, so I will not do anything that might harm him."

Unless he does something to harm me or destroys his image in front of me.

"I see," Nightwing nodded, surprisingly calm despite our former clash, "I will keep that in mind."

"Keep in mind?" Batwoman didn't like that, "Do you hear what you're saying? He's someone who cannot be trusted!"

"I beg your pardon, but I don't believe I ever made any promises to you," I said, finally having enough of her drama, "Even on our first meeting, I only spared Scarecrow because there was no reason for me to kill him. I already taught him a lesson."

Before he could say anything, I continued, "I wasn't playing the hero, the villain, or even a vigilante, as you've been referring to me. I was merely repaying him for what he owed."

It wasn't my fault that she had the wrong image of me.

"One more thing," I said, "I don't know how long you've been in this hero business, but you should know better than to casually walk into someone's territory."

I was getting annoyed, and that made me turn the air around her hotter.

Nightwing immediately got defensive, but I wasn't planning on dragging this matter.

"Nightwing," I called, drawing his attention, "I won't repeat myself. Make sure not to repeat this event, or I might have to go on the offensive, even without anyone paying me for it."

Nightwing placed a hand on Batwoman, "That's enough, Batwoman."

Saying that, he looked at me, "As for me, I came here merely to figure out your motives. And since you said you have no direct interest in any of us, I won't pursue this matter further," he put on a casual expression, "As for what you told me about money... I'll remember that."


With one frown from Nightwing, Batwoman fell silent.

"Neither of us is strong enough to face him, and we're not here to fight; we're here to have a conversation," he said, "Which we had."

"And if you're done with that conversation, I'll be taking my leave," I said, "I have somewhere I need to be."

Nightwing nodded, "Very well, we should take our leave as well."

"If you don't have any plans to enrage me or accuse me, you may visit anytime, but..." I frowned, "I won't take kindly to such disrespect next time."

Nightwing was sensible, "I'll keep that in mind."

Saying this, he turned around and grabbed Batwoman by her arm, "We'll be taking our leave."

I didn't reply and simply watched him drag Batwoman away.

I'm certain she hasn't been Batwoman for long; her lack of composure and emotionally driven personality are proof of that.

But that doesn't give her permission to break into my place and act all sassy.

If anything, I might end up having to teach them a lesson.

A situation I hope doesn't arise.


[[A/N: Read ahead on Patreon:


First arc of this story will be completed in Patreon in 4 more chapters.

If you want to join Patreon, do it tomorrow not today as you will be charged consecutively otherwise. Today (For July) and tomorrow (For August).
